10 research outputs found

    Complete Axiomatizations of Fragments of Monadic Second-Order Logic on Finite Trees

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    We consider a specific class of tree structures that can represent basic structures in linguistics and computer science such as XML documents, parse trees, and treebanks, namely, finite node-labeled sibling-ordered trees. We present axiomatizations of the monadic second-order logic (MSO), monadic transitive closure logic (FO(TC1)) and monadic least fixed-point logic (FO(LFP1)) theories of this class of structures. These logics can express important properties such as reachability. Using model-theoretic techniques, we show by a uniform argument that these axiomatizations are complete, i.e., each formula that is valid on all finite trees is provable using our axioms. As a backdrop to our positive results, on arbitrary structures, the logics that we study are known to be non-recursively axiomatizable

    Cyclic Hypersequent System for Transitive Closure Logic

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    We propose a cut-free cyclic system for transitive closure logic (TCL) based on a form of hypersequents, suitable for automated reasoning via proof search. We show that previously proposed sequent systems are cut-free incomplete for basic validities from Kleene Algebra (KA) and propositional dynamic logic (PDL), over standard translations. On the other hand, our system faithfully simulates known cyclic systems for KA and PDL , thereby inheriting their completeness results. A peculiarity of our system is its richer correctness criterion, exhibiting ‘alternating traces’ and necessitating a more intricate soundness argument than for traditional cyclic proofs.</p

    Expressiveness and complexity of xml publishing transducers

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    A number of languages have been developed for specifying XML publishing, i.e., transformations of relational data into XML trees. These languages generally describe the behaviors of a middleware controller that builds an output tree iteratively, issuing queries to a relational source and expanding the tree with the query results at each step. To study the complexity and expressive power of XML publishing languages, this paper proposes a notion of pub-lishing transducers. Unlike automata for querying XML data, a publishing transducer generates a new XML tree rather than per-forming a query on an existing tree. We study a variety of pub-lishing transducers based on what relational queries a transducer can issue, what temporary stores a transducer can use during tree generation, and whether or not some tree nodes are allowed to be virtual, i.e., excluded from the output tree. We first show how exist-ing XML publishing languages can be characterized by such trans-ducers. We then study the membership, emptiness and equivalence problems for various classes of transducers and existing publish-ing languages. We establish lower and upper bounds, all matching except one, ranging from PTIME to undecidable. Finally, we inves-tigate the expressive power of these transducers and existing lan-guages. We show that when treated as relational query languages, different classes of transducers capture either complexity classes (e.g., PSPACE) or fragments of datalog (e.g., linear datalog). For tree generation, we establish connections between publishing trans-ducers and logical transductions

    Transitive closure logic, nested tree walking automata, and XPath

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    International audienceWe study FO(MTC), first-order logic with monadic transitive closure, a logical formalism in between FO and MSO on trees. We characterize the expressive power of FO(MTC) in terms of nested tree-walking automata. Using the latter, we show that FO(MTC) is strictly less expressive than MSO, solving an open problem. We also present a temporal logic on trees that is expressively complete for FO(MTC), in the form of an extension of the XML document navigation language XPath with two operators: the Kleene star for taking the transitive closure of path expressions, and a subtree relativisation operator, allowing one to restrict attention to a specific subtree while evaluating a subexpression. We show that the expressive power of this XPath dialect equals that of FO(MTC) for Boolean, unary and binary queries. We also investigate the complexity of the automata model as well as the XPath dialect. We show that query evaluation be done in polynomial time (combined complexity), but that emptiness (or, satisfiability) is 2ExpTime-complete

    Descriptive Complexity

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    Automated Reasoning

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    This volume, LNAI 13385, constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, IJCAR 2022, held in Haifa, Israel, in August 2022. The 32 full research papers and 9 short papers presented together with two invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 85 submissions. The papers focus on the following topics: Satisfiability, SMT Solving,Arithmetic; Calculi and Orderings; Knowledge Representation and Jutsification; Choices, Invariance, Substitutions and Formalization; Modal Logics; Proofs System and Proofs Search; Evolution, Termination and Decision Prolems. This is an open access book

    Querying graphs with data

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    Graph data is becoming more and more pervasive. Indeed, services such as Social Networks or the Semantic Web can no longer rely on the traditional relational model, as its structure is somewhat too rigid for the applications they have in mind. For this reason we have seen a continuous shift towards more non-standard models. First it was the semi-structured data in the 1990s and XML in 2000s, but even such models seem to be too restrictive for new applications that require navigational properties naturally modelled by graphs. Social networks fit into the graph model by their very design: users are nodes and their connections are specified by graph edges. The W3C committee, on the other hand, describes RDF, the model underlying the Semantic Web, by using graphs. The situation is quite similar with crime detection networks and tracking workflow provenance, namely they all have graphs inbuilt into their definition. With pervasiveness of graph data the important question of querying and maintaining it has emerged as one of the main priorities, both in theoretical and applied sense. Currently there seem to be two approaches to handling such data. On the one hand, to extract the actual data, practitioners use traditional relational languages that completely disregard various navigational patterns connecting the data. What makes this data interesting in modern applications, however, is precisely its ability to compactly represent intricate topological properties that envelop the data. To overcome this issue several languages that allow querying graph topology have been proposed and extensively studied. The problem with these languages is that they concentrate on navigation only, thus disregarding the data that is actually stored in the database. What we propose in this thesis is the ability to do both. Namely, we will study how query languages can be designed to allow specifying not only how the data is connected, but also how data changes along paths and patterns connecting it. To this end we will develop several query languages and show how adding different data manipulation capabilities and different navigational features affects the complexity of main reasoning tasks. The story here is somewhat similar to the early success of the relational data model, where theoretical considerations led to a better understanding of what makes certain tasks more challenging than others. Here we aim for languages that are both efficient and capable of expressing a wide variety of queries of interest to several groups of practitioners. To do so we will analyse how different requirements affect the language at hand and at the end provide a good base of primitives whose inclusion into a language should be considered, based on the applications one has in mind. Namely, we consider how adding a specific operation, mechanism, or capability to the language affects practical tasks that such an addition plans to tackle. In the end we arrive at several languages, all of them with their pros and cons, giving us a good overview of how specific capabilities of the language affect the design goals, thus providing a sound basis for practitioners to choose from, based on their requirements