610 research outputs found

    Dichotomy Results for Fixed-Point Existence Problems for Boolean Dynamical Systems

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    A complete classification of the computational complexity of the fixed-point existence problem for boolean dynamical systems, i.e., finite discrete dynamical systems over the domain {0, 1}, is presented. For function classes F and graph classes G, an (F, G)-system is a boolean dynamical system such that all local transition functions lie in F and the underlying graph lies in G. Let F be a class of boolean functions which is closed under composition and let G be a class of graphs which is closed under taking minors. The following dichotomy theorems are shown: (1) If F contains the self-dual functions and G contains the planar graphs then the fixed-point existence problem for (F, G)-systems with local transition function given by truth-tables is NP-complete; otherwise, it is decidable in polynomial time. (2) If F contains the self-dual functions and G contains the graphs having vertex covers of size one then the fixed-point existence problem for (F, G)-systems with local transition function given by formulas or circuits is NP-complete; otherwise, it is decidable in polynomial time.Comment: 17 pages; this version corrects an error/typo in the 2008/01/24 versio

    The Connectivity of Boolean Satisfiability: Computational and Structural Dichotomies

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    Boolean satisfiability problems are an important benchmark for questions about complexity, algorithms, heuristics and threshold phenomena. Recent work on heuristics, and the satisfiability threshold has centered around the structure and connectivity of the solution space. Motivated by this work, we study structural and connectivity-related properties of the space of solutions of Boolean satisfiability problems and establish various dichotomies in Schaefer's framework. On the structural side, we obtain dichotomies for the kinds of subgraphs of the hypercube that can be induced by the solutions of Boolean formulas, as well as for the diameter of the connected components of the solution space. On the computational side, we establish dichotomy theorems for the complexity of the connectivity and st-connectivity questions for the graph of solutions of Boolean formulas. Our results assert that the intractable side of the computational dichotomies is PSPACE-complete, while the tractable side - which includes but is not limited to all problems with polynomial time algorithms for satisfiability - is in P for the st-connectivity question, and in coNP for the connectivity question. The diameter of components can be exponential for the PSPACE-complete cases, whereas in all other cases it is linear; thus, small diameter and tractability of the connectivity problems are remarkably aligned. The crux of our results is an expressibility theorem showing that in the tractable cases, the subgraphs induced by the solution space possess certain good structural properties, whereas in the intractable cases, the subgraphs can be arbitrary

    The Complexity of Quantified Constraint Satisfaction: Collapsibility, Sink Algebras, and the Three-Element Case

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    The constraint satisfaction probem (CSP) is a well-acknowledged framework in which many combinatorial search problems can be naturally formulated. The CSP may be viewed as the problem of deciding the truth of a logical sentence consisting of a conjunction of constraints, in front of which all variables are existentially quantified. The quantified constraint satisfaction problem (QCSP) is the generalization of the CSP where universal quantification is permitted in addition to existential quantification. The general intractability of these problems has motivated research studying the complexity of these problems under a restricted constraint language, which is a set of relations that can be used to express constraints. This paper introduces collapsibility, a technique for deriving positive complexity results on the QCSP. In particular, this technique allows one to show that, for a particular constraint language, the QCSP reduces to the CSP. We show that collapsibility applies to three known tractable cases of the QCSP that were originally studied using disparate proof techniques in different decades: Quantified 2-SAT (Aspvall, Plass, and Tarjan 1979), Quantified Horn-SAT (Karpinski, Kleine B\"{u}ning, and Schmitt 1987), and Quantified Affine-SAT (Creignou, Khanna, and Sudan 2001). This reconciles and reveals common structure among these cases, which are describable by constraint languages over a two-element domain. In addition to unifying these known tractable cases, we study constraint languages over domains of larger size

    Dichotomy for Symmetric Boolean PCSPs

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    In one of the most actively studied version of Constraint Satisfaction Problem, a CSP is defined by a relational structure called a template. In the decision version of the problem the goal is to determine whether a structure given on input admits a homomorphism into this template. Two recent independent results of Bulatov [FOCS\u2717] and Zhuk [FOCS\u2717] state that each finite template defines CSP which is tractable or NP-complete. In a recent paper Brakensiek and Guruswami [SODA\u2718] proposed an extension of the CSP framework. This extension, called Promise Constraint Satisfaction Problem, includes many naturally occurring computational questions, e.g. approximate coloring, that cannot be cast as CSPs. A PCSP is a combination of two CSPs defined by two similar templates; the computational question is to distinguish a YES instance of the first one from a NO instance of the second. The computational complexity of many PCSPs remains unknown. Even the case of Boolean templates (solved for CSP by Schaefer [STOC\u2778]) remains wide open. The main result of Brakensiek and Guruswami [SODA\u2718] shows that Boolean PCSPs exhibit a dichotomy (PTIME vs. NPC) when "all the clauses are symmetric and allow for negation of variables". In this paper we remove the "allow for negation of variables" assumption from the theorem. The "symmetric" assumption means that changing the order of variables in a constraint does not change its satisfiability. The "negation of variables" means that both of the templates share a relation which can be used to effectively negate Boolean variables. The main result of this paper establishes dichotomy for all the symmetric boolean templates. The tractability case of our theorem and the theorem of Brakensiek and Guruswami are almost identical. The main difference, and the main contribution of this work, is the new reason for hardness and the reasoning proving the split
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