121 research outputs found

    John-type theorems for generalized arithmetic progressions and iterated sumsets

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    A classical theorem of Fritz John allows one to describe a convex body, up to constants, as an ellipsoid. In this article we establish similar descriptions for generalized (i.e. multidimensional) arithmetic progressions in terms of proper (i.e. collision-free) generalized arithmetic progressions, in both torsion-free and torsion settings. We also obtain a similar characterization of iterated sumsets in arbitrary abelian groups in terms of progressions, thus strengthening and extending recent results of Szemer\'edi and Vu.Comment: 20 pages, no figures, to appear, Adv. in Math. Some minor changes thanks to referee repor

    Locality in sumsets

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    Motivated by the Polynomial Freiman-Ruzsa (PFR) Conjecture, we develop a theory of locality in sumsets, with several applications to John-type approximation and stability of sets with small doubling. One highlight shows that if AZA \subset \mathbb{Z} with A+A(1ε)2dA|A+A| \le (1-ε) 2^d |A| is non-degenerate then AA is covered by O(2d)O(2^d) translates of a dd-dimensional generalised arithmetic progression (dd-GAP) PP with POd,ε(A)|P| \le O_{d,ε}(|A|); thus we obtain one of the polynomial bounds required by PFR, under the non-degeneracy assumption that AA is not efficiently covered by Od,ε(1)O_{d,ε}(1) translates of a (d1)(d-1)-GAP. We also prove a stability result showing for any ε,α>0ε,α>0 that if AZA \subset \mathbb{Z} with A+A(2ε)2dA|A+A| \le (2-ε)2^d|A| is non-degenerate then some AAA‘ \subset A with A>(1α)A|A‘|>(1-α)|A| is efficiently covered by either a (d+1)(d+1)-GAP or Oα(1)O_{α}(1) translates of a dd-GAP. This `dimension-free‘ bound for approximate covering makes for a surprising contrast with exact covering, where the required number of translates not only grows with dd, but does so exponentially. Another highlight shows that if AZA \subset \mathbb{Z} is non-degenerate with A+A(2d+)A|A+A| \le (2^d + \ell)|A| and 0.12d\ell \le 0.1 \cdot 2^d then AA is covered by +1\ell+1 translates of a dd-GAP PP with POd(A)|P| \le O_d(|A|); this is tight, in that +1\ell+1 cannot be replaced by any smaller number. The above results also hold for ARdA \subset \mathbb{R}^d, replacing GAPs by a suitable common generalisation of GAPs and convex bodies, which we call generalised convex progressions. In this setting the non-degeneracy condition holds automatically, so we obtain essentially optimal bounds with no additional assumption on AA. Here we show that if ARkA\subset\mathbb{R}^k satisfies A+A2(1+δ)A|\frac{A+A}{2}|\leq (1+\delta)|A| with δ(0,1)\delta\in(0,1), then AA\exists A‘\subset A with A(1δ)A|A‘|\geq (1-\delta)|A| so that co(A)Ok,1δ(A)|\operatorname{co}(A‘)|\leq O_{k,1-\delta}(|A|). This is a dimensionally independent sharp stability result for the Brunn-Minkowski inequality for equal sets, which hints towards a possible analogue for the Prékopa-Leindler inequality. These results are all deduced from a unifying theory, in which we introduce a new intrinsic structural approximation of any set, which we call the `additive hull‘, and develop its theory via a refinement of Freiman‘s theorem with additional separation properties. A further application that will be published separately is a proof of Ruzsa‘s Discrete Brunn-Minkowski Conjecture \cite{Ruzsaconjecture}

    Compressions, convex geometry and the Freiman-Bilu theorem

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    We note a link between combinatorial results of Bollob\'as and Leader concerning sumsets in the grid, the Brunn-Minkowski theorem and a result of Freiman and Bilu concerning the structure of sets of integers with small doubling. Our main result is the following. If eps > 0 and if A is a finite nonempty subset of a torsion-free abelian group with |A + A| <= K|A|, then A may be covered by exp(K^C) progressions of dimension [log_2 K + eps] and size at most |A|.Comment: 9 pages, slight revisions in the light of comments from the referee. To appear in Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Oxfor

    A result on the size of iterated sumsets in Zd\mathbb{Z}^d

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    In this paper we give a different approach to determining the cardinality of hh-fold sumsets hAhA when AZdA\subset \mathbb{Z}^d has d+2d+2 elements. This enables us to provide more general result with a shorter and simpler proof. We also obtain an upper bound for the value of hA|hA| when AZdA\subset \mathbb{Z}^d is a set of d+3d+3 elements with simplicial hull.Comment: It was noticed that the proof of the main Theorem could be improved to give a more general result. Also some motivating examples are provide

    The convexification effect of Minkowski summation

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    Let us define for a compact set ARnA \subset \mathbb{R}^n the sequence A(k)={a1++akk:a1,,akA}=1k(A++Ak times). A(k) = \left\{\frac{a_1+\cdots +a_k}{k}: a_1, \ldots, a_k\in A\right\}=\frac{1}{k}\Big(\underset{k\ {\rm times}}{\underbrace{A + \cdots + A}}\Big). It was independently proved by Shapley, Folkman and Starr (1969) and by Emerson and Greenleaf (1969) that A(k)A(k) approaches the convex hull of AA in the Hausdorff distance induced by the Euclidean norm as kk goes to \infty. We explore in this survey how exactly A(k)A(k) approaches the convex hull of AA, and more generally, how a Minkowski sum of possibly different compact sets approaches convexity, as measured by various indices of non-convexity. The non-convexity indices considered include the Hausdorff distance induced by any norm on Rn\mathbb{R}^n, the volume deficit (the difference of volumes), a non-convexity index introduced by Schneider (1975), and the effective standard deviation or inner radius. After first clarifying the interrelationships between these various indices of non-convexity, which were previously either unknown or scattered in the literature, we show that the volume deficit of A(k)A(k) does not monotonically decrease to 0 in dimension 12 or above, thus falsifying a conjecture of Bobkov et al. (2011), even though their conjecture is proved to be true in dimension 1 and for certain sets AA with special structure. On the other hand, Schneider's index possesses a strong monotonicity property along the sequence A(k)A(k), and both the Hausdorff distance and effective standard deviation are eventually monotone (once kk exceeds nn). Along the way, we obtain new inequalities for the volume of the Minkowski sum of compact sets, falsify a conjecture of Dyn and Farkhi (2004), demonstrate applications of our results to combinatorial discrepancy theory, and suggest some questions worthy of further investigation.Comment: 60 pages, 7 figures. v2: Title changed. v3: Added Section 7.2 resolving Dyn-Farkhi conjectur

    Sets Characterized by Missing Sums and Differences in Dilating Polytopes

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    A sum-dominant set is a finite set AA of integers such that A+A>AA|A+A| > |A-A|. As a typical pair of elements contributes one sum and two differences, we expect sum-dominant sets to be rare in some sense. In 2006, however, Martin and O'Bryant showed that the proportion of sum-dominant subsets of {0,,n}\{0,\dots,n\} is bounded below by a positive constant as nn\to\infty. Hegarty then extended their work and showed that for any prescribed s,dN0s,d\in\mathbb{N}_0, the proportion ρns,d\rho^{s,d}_n of subsets of {0,,n}\{0,\dots,n\} that are missing exactly ss sums in {0,,2n}\{0,\dots,2n\} and exactly 2d2d differences in {n,,n}\{-n,\dots,n\} also remains positive in the limit. We consider the following question: are such sets, characterized by their sums and differences, similarly ubiquitous in higher dimensional spaces? We generalize the integers in a growing interval to the lattice points in a dilating polytope. Specifically, let PP be a polytope in RD\mathbb{R}^D with vertices in ZD\mathbb{Z}^D, and let ρns,d\rho_n^{s,d} now denote the proportion of subsets of L(nP)L(nP) that are missing exactly ss sums in L(nP)+L(nP)L(nP)+L(nP) and exactly 2d2d differences in L(nP)L(nP)L(nP)-L(nP). As it turns out, the geometry of PP has a significant effect on the limiting behavior of ρns,d\rho_n^{s,d}. We define a geometric characteristic of polytopes called local point symmetry, and show that ρns,d\rho_n^{s,d} is bounded below by a positive constant as nn\to\infty if and only if PP is locally point symmetric. We further show that the proportion of subsets in L(nP)L(nP) that are missing exactly ss sums and at least 2d2d differences remains positive in the limit, independent of the geometry of PP. A direct corollary of these results is that if PP is additionally point symmetric, the proportion of sum-dominant subsets of L(nP)L(nP) also remains positive in the limit.Comment: Version 1.1, 23 pages, 7 pages, fixed some typo

    Sumsets and Veronese varieties

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    In this paper, to any subset AZn\mathcal{A} \subset \mathbb{Z}^n we explicitly associate a unique monomial projection Yn,dAY_{n, d_{\mathcal{A}}} of a Veronese variety, whose Hilbert function coincides with the cardinality of the tt-fold sumsets tAt \mathcal{A}. This link allows us to tackle the classical problem of determining the polynomial pAQ[t]p_{\mathcal{A}} \in \mathbb{Q}[t] such that tA=pA(t)|t \mathcal{A}|=p_{\mathcal{A}}(t) for all tt0t \geq t_0 and the minimum integer n0(A)t0n_0(\mathcal{A}) \leq t_0 for which this condition is satisfied, i.e. the so-called phase transition of tA|t \mathcal{A}|. We use the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity and the geometry of Yn,dAY_{n, d_{\mathcal{A}}} to describe the polynomial pA(t)p_{\mathcal{A}}(t) and to derive new bounds for n0(A)n_0(\mathcal{A}) under some technical assumptions on the convex hull of A\mathcal{A}; and vice versa we apply the theory of sumsets to obtain geometric information of the varieties Yn,dAY_{n, d_{\mathcal{A}}}