1,081 research outputs found

    Development of an integrated BEM approach for hot fluid structure interaction

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    The progress made toward the development of a boundary element formulation for the study of hot fluid-structure interaction in Earth-to-Orbit engine hot section components is reported. The convective viscous integral formulation was derived and implemented in the general purpose computer program GP-BEST. The new convective kernel functions, in turn, necessitated the development of refined integration techniques. As a result, however, since the physics of the problem is embedded in these kernels, boundary element solutions can now be obtained at very high Reynolds number. Flow around obstacles can be solved approximately with an efficient linearized boundary-only analysis or, more exactly, by including all of the nonlinearities present in the neighborhood of the obstacle. The other major accomplishment was the development of a comprehensive fluid-structure interaction capability within GP-BEST. This new facility is implemented in a completely general manner, so that quite arbitrary geometry, material properties and boundary conditions may be specified. Thus, a single analysis code (GP-BEST) can be used to run structures-only problems, fluids-only problems, or the combined fluid-structure problem. In all three cases, steady or transient conditions can be selected, with or without thermal effects. Nonlinear analyses can be solved via direct iteration or by employing a modified Newton-Raphson approach

    Development of an integrated BEM approach for hot fluid structure interaction

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    A comprehensive boundary element method is presented for transient thermoelastic analysis of hot section Earth-to-Orbit engine components. This time-domain formulation requires discretization of only the surface of the component, and thus provides an attractive alternative to finite element analysis for this class of problems. In addition, steep thermal gradients, which often occur near the surface, can be captured more readily since with a boundary element approach there are no shape functions to constrain the solution in the direction normal to the surface. For example, the circular disc analysis indicates the high level of accuracy that can be obtained. In fact, on the basis of reduced modeling effort and improved accuracy, it appears that the present boundary element method should be the preferred approach for general problems of transient thermoelasticity

    Development of an integrated BEM approach for hot fluid structure interaction: BEST-FSI: Boundary Element Solution Technique for Fluid Structure Interaction

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    As part of the continuing effort at NASA LeRC to improve both the durability and reliability of hot section Earth-to-orbit engine components, significant enhancements must be made in existing finite element and finite difference methods, and advanced techniques, such as the boundary element method (BEM), must be explored. The BEM was chosen as the basic analysis tool because the critical variables (temperature, flux, displacement, and traction) can be very precisely determined with a boundary-based discretization scheme. Additionally, model preparation is considerably simplified compared to the more familiar domain-based methods. Furthermore, the hyperbolic character of high speed flow is captured through the use of an analytical fundamental solution, eliminating the dependence of the solution on the discretization pattern. The price that must be paid in order to realize these advantages is that any BEM formulation requires a considerable amount of analytical work, which is typically absent in the other numerical methods. All of the research accomplishments of a multi-year program aimed toward the development of a boundary element formulation for the study of hot fluid-structure interaction in Earth-to-orbit engine hot section components are detailed. Most of the effort was directed toward the examination of fluid flow, since BEM's for fluids are at a much less developed state. However, significant strides were made, not only in the analysis of thermoviscous fluids, but also in the solution of the fluid-structure interaction problem

    Some experiences with the viscous-inviscid interaction approach

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    Methods for simulating compressible viscous flow using the viscid-inviscid interaction approach are described. The formulations presented range from the more familiar full-potential/boundary-layer interaction schemes to a method for coupling Euler/Navier-Stokes and boundary-layer algorithms. An effort is made to describe the advantages and disadvantages of each formulation. Sample results are presented which illustrate the applicability of the methods

    Boundary element solution of Poisson\u27s equations in axisymmetric laminar flows

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    The primitive variable Navier-Stokes equations may be replaced by two equations using the derived variable of vorticity. These equations model separately the kinematic and kinetic parts of the problem. Two boundary element solutions for the kinematic equations were developed for axisymmetric flow geometries. The first was based on the fluid mechanics analogy of the Biot and Savart formula for the magnetic effects of a current. The second was the solution of the vector Poisson\u27s velocity equation using the direct boundary element equation. Numerical integration algorithms were developed which were used for all integrals;Integral solutions for Poisson\u27s pressure equation and Poisson\u27s vector potential equation were derived using the direct boundary element equation. The equations were integrated using the algorithms developed for the velocity solutions;The axisymmetric laminar Navier-Stokes solution was completed by solving the kinetic vorticity transport equation with finite difference methods. Two finite difference methods developed for the complete 2 dimensional non-linear Burger\u27s equation were modified for use on the axisymmetric form of the vorticity transport equation;This complete Navier-Stokes solution was then used to verify the form of the six boundary element equations and the accuracy of the integration algorithm developed. This was done by solving three steady state flow problems and one time dependent flow problem which were designed to simulate flow in power hydraulic components;Flow problems were encountered which produced ill-conditioned kinematic systems with attendant unstable solutions and large errors. Solution algorithms were developed which stabilized the associated matrix operator and improved solution performance. The method is based on the theory and numerical methods of Tikhonov regularization as it applies to linear algebraic systems of equations

    Use of the conventional and tangent derivative boundary integral equations for the solution of problems in linear elasticity

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    Regularized forms of the traction and tangent derivative boundary integral equations of elasticity are derived for the case of closed regions. The hypersingular and strongly singular integrals of the displacement gradient representation are regularized independently, through identities of the fundamental solution and its various derivatives, before the boundary integral equations are formed. Besides the displacements and the tractions, only the tangential derivatives of the displacements evaluated at the singular point appear in the regularized equations making them well suited for numerical treatment. The regularization of the hypersingular integrals demands that the displacement components have Holder continuous first derivatives at the singular point. Consistent with this requirement, the regularization of the strongly singular integrals is effective if the tractions and the unit vectors normal and tangent to the surface are continuous at that location.;Higher order elements for two and three dimensional elastostatic problems are implemented through the coincident collocation of regularised forms of the displacement and the tangent derivative equations. The nodal values of the displacements, the fractions and their tangential derivatives are used as the degrees of freedom associated with the functional representation of the boundary variables. The tangential derivatives of the displacements and the tractions at the functional nodes are directly recovered from the boundary solution with comparable accuracy as the primative variables. Hence, the nodal values of the stress components are directly obtained through Hooke\u27s law and need not be determined in a post processing manner. Several numerical examples demonstrate the advantages of the higher order elements versus the conventional ones. In two dimensions, four degrees of freedom per node Hermitian elements are used for functional interpolation only on those portions of the boundary where the gradients are high and quadratic Lagrangian elements are employed for the remaining parts of the modelled region. In three dimensions, nine degrees of freedom per node, incomplete quartic elements are employed for the approximation of the displacements and the tractions. Finally, the methodology presented here is general and can be extended to other problems amenable to a boundary integral formulation

    Panel methods: An introduction

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    Panel methods are numerical schemes for solving (the Prandtl-Glauert equation) for linear, inviscid, irrotational flow about aircraft flying at subsonic or supersonic speeds. The tools at the panel-method user's disposal are (1) surface panels of source-doublet-vorticity distributions that can represent nearly arbitrary geometry, and (2) extremely versatile boundary condition capabilities that can frequently be used for creative modeling. Panel-method capabilities and limitations, basic concepts common to all panel-method codes, different choices that were made in the implementation of these concepts into working computer programs, and various modeling techniques involving boundary conditions, jump properties, and trailing wakes are discussed. An approach for extending the method to nonlinear transonic flow is also presented. Three appendices supplement the main test. In appendix 1, additional detail is provided on how the basic concepts are implemented into a specific computer program (PANAIR). In appendix 2, it is shown how to evaluate analytically the fundamental surface integral that arises in the expressions for influence-coefficients, and evaluate its jump property. In appendix 3, a simple example is used to illustrate the so-called finite part of the improper integrals

    Modeling of Sedimentation of Particles near Corrugated Surface by Boundary Singularity Method

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    The velocity and trajectory of particle moving along the corrugated surface under action of gravity is obtained by meshless Boundary Singularity Method (BSM). This physical situation is found often in biological systems and microfluidic devices. The Stokes equations with no-slip boundary conditions are solved using the Green function for Stokeslets. In the present study, the velocity of a moving particle is not known and becomes a part of the BSM solution. This requires an adjustment of the matrix of BSM linear system to include the unknown particle velocity and incorporate in the BSM the balance of hydrodynamic and gravity forces acting on the particle. Comparison has been made to prior published analytical and experimental results to verify the effectiveness of this methodology to predict the trajectory of particle including its deviation from vertical trajectory and select the optimal set of computational parameters. The developed BSM methodology is applied to sedimentation of two spherical particles in proximity for which the analytical solution is not feasible.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure