4 research outputs found

    The complexity of searching implicit graphs

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    AbstractThe standard complexity classes of complexity theory do not allow for direct classification of most of the problems solved by heuristic search algorithms. The reason is that, almost always, these are defined in terms of implicit graphs of state or problem reduction spaces, while the standard definitions of all complexity classes are specifically tailored to explicit inputs.To allow for more precise comparisons with standard complexity classes, we introduce here a model for the analysis of algorithms on graphs given by vertex expansion procedures. It is based on previously studied concepts of “succinct representation” techniques, and allows us to prove PSPACE-completeness or EXPTIME-completeness of specific, natural problems on implicit graphs, such as those solved by A∗, AO∗, and other best-first search strategies

    Chinese Research on Mathematical Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics

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    This paper outlines the Chinese research on mathematical logic and the foundations of mathematics. Firstly, it presents the introduction and spread of mathematical logic in China, especially the teaching and translation of mathematical logic initiated by Bertrand Russell’s lectures in the country. Secondly, it outlines the Chinese research on mathematical logic after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The research in this period experienced a short revival under the criticism of the Soviet Union, explorations under the heavy influence of the Cultural Revolution, and the vigorous development of mathematical logic teaching and research after the period of “Reform and Opening Up” that started in the late 1970s, and the full integration of Chinese mathematical logic research into the international academic circle in the new century after 2000. In the third part, it focuses on the unique and original results of the Chinese mathematical logic research teams from the following three aspects: medium logic, lattice implication algebras and their lattice-valued systems of logic, and Chinese notation of logical constants, which can be used as a substantive supplement to the relevant literature on the history of mathematical logic in China. The last part is a reflection on the shortcomings of contemporary Chinese research on mathematical logic and the foundations of mathematics

    Descriptive Complexity

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    History of Logic in Contemporary China

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