103 research outputs found

    Maximal Bootstrap Percolation Time on the Hypercube via Generalised Snake-in-the-Box

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    In rr-neighbour bootstrap percolation, vertices (sites) of a graph GG are infected, round-by-round, if they have rr neighbours already infected. Once infected, they remain infected. An initial set of infected sites is said to percolate if every site is eventually infected. We determine the maximal percolation time for rr-neighbour bootstrap percolation on the hypercube for all r3r \geq 3 as the dimension dd goes to infinity up to a logarithmic factor. Surprisingly, it turns out to be 2dd\frac{2^d}{d}, which is in great contrast with the value for r=2r=2, which is quadratic in dd, as established by Przykucki. Furthermore, we discover a link between this problem and a generalisation of the well-known Snake-in-the-Box problem.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, submitte

    The time of graph bootstrap percolation

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    Graph bootstrap percolation, introduced by Bollob\'as in 1968, is a cellular automaton defined as follows. Given a "small" graph HH and a "large" graph G=G0KnG = G_0 \subseteq K_n, in consecutive steps we obtain Gt+1G_{t+1} from GtG_t by adding to it all new edges ee such that GteG_t \cup e contains a new copy of HH. We say that GG percolates if for some t0t \geq 0, we have Gt=KnG_t = K_n. For H=KrH = K_r, the question about the size of the smallest percolating graphs was independently answered by Alon, Frankl and Kalai in the 1980's. Recently, Balogh, Bollob\'as and Morris considered graph bootstrap percolation for G=G(n,p)G = G(n,p) and studied the critical probability pc(n,Kr)p_c(n,K_r), for the event that the graph percolates with high probability. In this paper, using the same setup, we determine, up to a logarithmic factor, the critical probability for percolation by time tt for all 1tCloglogn1 \leq t \leq C \log\log n.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Cooperative Behavior of Kinetically Constrained Lattice Gas Models of Glassy Dynamics

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    Kinetically constrained lattice models of glasses introduced by Kob and Andersen (KA) are analyzed. It is proved that only two behaviors are possible on hypercubic lattices: either ergodicity at all densities or trivial non-ergodicity, depending on the constraint parameter and the dimensionality. But in the ergodic cases, the dynamics is shown to be intrinsically cooperative at high densities giving rise to glassy dynamics as observed in simulations. The cooperativity is characterized by two length scales whose behavior controls finite-size effects: these are essential for interpreting simulations. In contrast to hypercubic lattices, on Bethe lattices KA models undergo a dynamical (jamming) phase transition at a critical density: this is characterized by diverging time and length scales and a discontinuous jump in the long-time limit of the density autocorrelation function. By analyzing generalized Bethe lattices (with loops) that interpolate between hypercubic lattices and standard Bethe lattices, the crossover between the dynamical transition that exists on these lattices and its absence in the hypercubic lattice limit is explored. Contact with earlier results are made via analysis of the related Fredrickson-Andersen models, followed by brief discussions of universality, of other approaches to glass transitions, and of some issues relevant for experiments.Comment: 59 page