43 research outputs found

    Slime mould computes planar shapes

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    Computing a polygon defining a set of planar points is a classical problem of modern computational geometry. In laboratory experiments we demonstrate that a concave hull, a connected alpha-shape without holes, of a finite planar set is approximated by slime mould Physarum polycephalum. We represent planar points with sources of long-distance attractants and short-distance repellents and inoculate a piece of plasmodium outside the data set. The plasmodium moves towards the data and envelops it by pronounced protoplasmic tubes

    Physarum machines for space missions

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    A Physarum machine is a programmable amorphous biological computer experimentally implemented in plasmodium Physarum polycephalum. We overview a range of tasks solvable by Physarum machines and speculate on how the Physarum machines could be used in future space missions

    Slime mould imitation of Belgian transport networks: redundancy, bio-essential motorways, and dissolution

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    Belgium is amongst few artificial countries, established on purpose, when Dutch and French speaking parts were joined in a single unit. This makes Belgium a particularly interesting testbed for studying bio-inspired techniques for simulation and analysis of vehicular transport networks. We imitate growth and formation of a transport network between major urban areas in Belgium using the acellular slime mould Physarum polycephalum. We represent the urban areas with the sources of nutrients. The slime mould spans the sources of nutrients with a network of protoplasmic tubes. The protoplasmic tubes represent the motorways. In an experimental laboratory analysis we compare the motorway network approximated by P. polycephalum and the man-made motorway network of Belgium. We evaluate the efficiency of the slime mould network and the motorway network using proximity graphs