41 research outputs found

    Impute the Missing Data through Fuzzy Expert System for the Medical Data Diagnosis

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    Data Processing with missing attribute values based on fuzzy sets theory. By matching attribute-value pairs among the same core or reduce of the original data set, the assigned value preserves the characteristics of the original data set. Malaria represents major public health problems in the tropics. The harmful effects of malaria parasites to the human body cannot be underestimated. In this paper, a fuzzy expert system for the management of malaria (FESMM) was presented for providing decision support platform to malaria researchers, The fuzzy expert system was designed based on clinical observations, medical diagnosis and the expertïżœs knowledge. We selected 15 cases with Malaria and computed the missing results that were in the range of common attribute element by the domain experts

    On Parallelization of the NIS-apriori Algorithm for Data Mining

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    We have been developing the getRNIA software tool for data mining under uncertain information. The getRNIA software tool is powered by the NIS-Apriori algorithm, which is a variation of the well-known Apriori algorithm. This paper considers the parallelization of the NIS-Apriori algorithm, and implements a part of this algorithm based on the Apache-Spark environment. We especially apply the implemented software to two data sets, the Mammographic data set and the Mushroom data set in order to show the property of the parallelization. Even though this parallelization was not so effective for the Mammographic data set, it was much more effective for the Mushroom data set.19th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, September 7-9, 2015, Singapor

    Granules for Association Rules and Decision Support in the getRNIA System

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    This paper proposes granules for association rules in Deterministic Information Systems (DISs) and Non-deterministic Information Systems (NISs). Granules for an association rule are defined for every implication, and give us a new methodology for knowledge discovery and decision support. We see that decision support based on a table under the condition P is to fix the decision Q by using the most proper association rule P〔Rightarrow Q. We recently implemented a system getRNIA powered by granules for association rules. This paper describes how the getRNIA system deals with decision support under uncertainty, and shows some results of the experiment

    Toward a Formalism of Modeling and Simulation Using Model Theory

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    This article proposes a Modeling and Simulation (M&S) formalism using Model Theory. The article departs from the premise that M&S is the science that studies the nature of truth using models and simulations. Truth in models and simulations is relative as they seek to answer specific modeling questions. Consequently, truth in M&S is relative because every model is a purposeful abstraction of reality. We use Model Theory to express the proposed formalism because it is built from the premise that truth is relative. The proposed formalism allows us to: (1) deduce formal definitions and explanations of areas of study in M&S, including conceptual modeling, validity, and interoperability, and (2) gain insight into which tools can be used to semi-automate validation and interoperation processes

    A Proposal of a Privacy-preserving Questionnaire by Non-deterministic Information and Its Analysis

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    We focus on a questionnaire consisting of three-choice question or multiple-choice question, and propose a privacy-preserving questionnaire by non-deterministic information. Each respondent usually answers one choice from the multiple choices, and each choice is stored as a tuple in a table data. The organizer of this questionnaire analyzes the table data set, and obtains rules and the tendency. If this table data set contains personal information, the organizer needs to employ the analytical procedures with the privacy-preserving functionality. In this paper, we propose a new framework that each respondent intentionally answers non-deterministic information instead of deterministic information. For example, he answers ‘either A, B, or C’ instead of the actual choice A, and he intentionally dilutes his choice. This may be the similar concept on the k-anonymity. Non-deterministic information will be desirable for preserving each respondent\u27s information. We follow the framework of Rough Non-deterministic Information Analysis (RNIA), and apply RNIA to the privacy-preserving questionnaire by non-deterministic information. In the current data mining algorithms, the tuples with non-deterministic information may be removed based on the data cleaning process. However, RNIA can handle such tuples as well as the tuples with deterministic information. By using RNIA, we can consider new types of privacy-preserving questionnaire.2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, December 5-8, 2016, Washington DC, US

    Division Charts as Granules and Their Merging Algorithm for Rule Generation in Nondeterministic Data

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    We have been proposing a framework rough Nondeterministic information analysis, which considers granular computing concepts in tables with incomplete and nondeterministic information, as well as rule generation. We have recently defined an expression named division chart with respect to an implication and a subset of objects. Each division chart takes the role of the minimum granule for rule generation, and it takes the role of contingency table in statistics. In this paper, we at first define a division chart in deterministic information systems (DISs) and clarify the relation between a division chart and a corresponding implication. We also consider a merging algorithm for two division charts and extend the relation in DISs to nondeterministic information systems. The relation gives us the foundations of rule generation in tables with nondeterministic information

    Imperfect Data In Database Context. How Are They Stored In Extended Relational Databases

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    Building a more accurate reality model requires taking into account imperfect information present in our knowledge and language. This paper presents several aspects of data imperfection in the database context and the appropriate frameworks for their treatment. It’s concluding that null value, possibility distribution and probability theory are the best solutions to represent incomplete, imprecise and uncertain data. For each of these problems there are some relational model extension proposals, including data representation and relational algebra