15,362 research outputs found

    Parameterized bounded-depth Frege is not optimal

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    A general framework for parameterized proof complexity was introduced by Dantchev, Martin, and Szeider [9]. There the authors concentrate on tree-like Parameterized Resolution-a parameterized version of classical Resolution-and their gap complexity theorem implies lower bounds for that system. The main result of the present paper significantly improves upon this by showing optimal lower bounds for a parameterized version of bounded-depth Frege. More precisely, we prove that the pigeonhole principle requires proofs of size n in parameterized bounded-depth Frege, and, as a special case, in dag-like Parameterized Resolution. This answers an open question posed in [9]. In the opposite direction, we interpret a well-known technique for FPT algorithms as a DPLL procedure for Parameterized Resolution. Its generalization leads to a proof search algorithm for Parameterized Resolution that in particular shows that tree-like Parameterized Resolution allows short refutations of all parameterized contradictions given as bounded-width CNF's

    SLT-Resolution for the Well-Founded Semantics

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    Global SLS-resolution and SLG-resolution are two representative mechanisms for top-down evaluation of the well-founded semantics of general logic programs. Global SLS-resolution is linear for query evaluation but suffers from infinite loops and redundant computations. In contrast, SLG-resolution resolves infinite loops and redundant computations by means of tabling, but it is not linear. The principal disadvantage of a non-linear approach is that it cannot be implemented using a simple, efficient stack-based memory structure nor can it be easily extended to handle some strictly sequential operators such as cuts in Prolog. In this paper, we present a linear tabling method, called SLT-resolution, for top-down evaluation of the well-founded semantics. SLT-resolution is a substantial extension of SLDNF-resolution with tabling. Its main features include: (1) It resolves infinite loops and redundant computations while preserving the linearity. (2) It is terminating, and sound and complete w.r.t. the well-founded semantics for programs with the bounded-term-size property with non-floundering queries. Its time complexity is comparable with SLG-resolution and polynomial for function-free logic programs. (3) Because of its linearity for query evaluation, SLT-resolution bridges the gap between the well-founded semantics and standard Prolog implementation techniques. It can be implemented by an extension to any existing Prolog abstract machines such as WAM or ATOAM.Comment: Slight modificatio

    Narrow Proofs May Be Maximally Long

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    We prove that there are 3-CNF formulas over n variables that can be refuted in resolution in width w but require resolution proofs of size n^Omega(w). This shows that the simple counting argument that any formula refutable in width w must have a proof in size n^O(w) is essentially tight. Moreover, our lower bound generalizes to polynomial calculus resolution (PCR) and Sherali-Adams, implying that the corresponding size upper bounds in terms of degree and rank are tight as well. Our results do not extend all the way to Lasserre, however, where the formulas we study have proofs of constant rank and size polynomial in both n and w

    On the proof complexity of Paris-harrington and off-diagonal ramsey tautologies

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    We study the proof complexity of Paris-Harrington’s Large Ramsey Theorem for bi-colorings of graphs and of off-diagonal Ramsey’s Theorem. For Paris-Harrington, we prove a non-trivial conditional lower bound in Resolution and a non-trivial upper bound in bounded-depth Frege. The lower bound is conditional on a (very reasonable) hardness assumption for a weak (quasi-polynomial) Pigeonhole principle in RES(2). We show that under such an assumption, there is no refutation of the Paris-Harrington formulas of size quasipolynomial in the number of propositional variables. The proof technique for the lower bound extends the idea of using a combinatorial principle to blow up a counterexample for another combinatorial principle beyond the threshold of inconsistency. A strong link with the proof complexity of an unbalanced off-diagonal Ramsey principle is established. This is obtained by adapting some constructions due to Erdos and Mills. ˝ We prove a non-trivial Resolution lower bound for a family of such off-diagonal Ramsey principles

    Automating Resolution is NP-Hard

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    We show that the problem of finding a Resolution refutation that is at most polynomially longer than a shortest one is NP-hard. In the parlance of proof complexity, Resolution is not automatizable unless P = NP. Indeed, we show it is NP-hard to distinguish between formulas that have Resolution refutations of polynomial length and those that do not have subexponential length refutations. This also implies that Resolution is not automatizable in subexponential time or quasi-polynomial time unless NP is included in SUBEXP or QP, respectively

    Understanding Space in Proof Complexity: Separations and Trade-offs via Substitutions

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    For current state-of-the-art DPLL SAT-solvers the two main bottlenecks are the amounts of time and memory used. In proof complexity, these resources correspond to the length and space of resolution proofs. There has been a long line of research investigating these proof complexity measures, but while strong results have been established for length, our understanding of space and how it relates to length has remained quite poor. In particular, the question whether resolution proofs can be optimized for length and space simultaneously, or whether there are trade-offs between these two measures, has remained essentially open. In this paper, we remedy this situation by proving a host of length-space trade-off results for resolution. Our collection of trade-offs cover almost the whole range of values for the space complexity of formulas, and most of the trade-offs are superpolynomial or even exponential and essentially tight. Using similar techniques, we show that these trade-offs in fact extend to the exponentially stronger k-DNF resolution proof systems, which operate with formulas in disjunctive normal form with terms of bounded arity k. We also answer the open question whether the k-DNF resolution systems form a strict hierarchy with respect to space in the affirmative. Our key technical contribution is the following, somewhat surprising, theorem: Any CNF formula F can be transformed by simple variable substitution into a new formula F' such that if F has the right properties, F' can be proven in essentially the same length as F, whereas on the other hand the minimal number of lines one needs to keep in memory simultaneously in any proof of F' is lower-bounded by the minimal number of variables needed simultaneously in any proof of F. Applying this theorem to so-called pebbling formulas defined in terms of pebble games on directed acyclic graphs, we obtain our results.Comment: This paper is a merged and updated version of the two ECCC technical reports TR09-034 and TR09-047, and it hence subsumes these two report
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