5 research outputs found

    On recognizing actions in still images via multiple features

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    We propose a multi-cue based approach for recognizing human actions in still images, where relevant object regions are discovered and utilized in a weakly supervised manner. Our approach does not require any explicitly trained object detector or part/attribute annotation. Instead, a multiple instance learning approach is used over sets of object hypotheses in order to represent objects relevant to the actions. We test our method on the extensive Stanford 40 Actions dataset [1] and achieve significant performance gain compared to the state-of-the-art. Our results show that using multiple object hypotheses within multiple instance learning is effective for human action recognition in still images and such an object representation is suitable for using in conjunction with other visual features. © 2012 Springer-Verlag

    Object-Proposal Evaluation Protocol is 'Gameable'

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    Object proposals have quickly become the de-facto pre-processing step in a number of vision pipelines (for object detection, object discovery, and other tasks). Their performance is usually evaluated on partially annotated datasets. In this paper, we argue that the choice of using a partially annotated dataset for evaluation of object proposals is problematic -- as we demonstrate via a thought experiment, the evaluation protocol is 'gameable', in the sense that progress under this protocol does not necessarily correspond to a "better" category independent object proposal algorithm. To alleviate this problem, we: (1) Introduce a nearly-fully annotated version of PASCAL VOC dataset, which serves as a test-bed to check if object proposal techniques are overfitting to a particular list of categories. (2) Perform an exhaustive evaluation of object proposal methods on our introduced nearly-fully annotated PASCAL dataset and perform cross-dataset generalization experiments; and (3) Introduce a diagnostic experiment to detect the bias capacity in an object proposal algorithm. This tool circumvents the need to collect a densely annotated dataset, which can be expensive and cumbersome to collect. Finally, we plan to release an easy-to-use toolbox which combines various publicly available implementations of object proposal algorithms which standardizes the proposal generation and evaluation so that new methods can be added and evaluated on different datasets. We hope that the results presented in the paper will motivate the community to test the category independence of various object proposal methods by carefully choosing the evaluation protocol.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, 4 table

    Two Hand Gesture Based 3D Navigation in Virtual Environments

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    Natural interaction is gaining popularity due to its simple, attractive, and realistic nature, which realizes direct Human Computer Interaction (HCI). In this paper, we presented a novel two hand gesture based interaction technique for 3 dimensional (3D) navigation in Virtual Environments (VEs). The system used computer vision techniques for the detection of hand gestures (colored thumbs) from real scene and performed different navigation (forward, backward, up, down, left, and right) tasks in the VE. The proposed technique also allow users to efficiently control speed during navigation. The proposed technique is implemented via a VE for experimental purposes. Forty (40) participants performed the experimental study. Experiments revealed that the proposed technique is feasible, easy to learn and use, having less cognitive load on users. Finally gesture recognition engines were used to assess the accuracy and performance of the proposed gestures. kNN achieved high accuracy rates (95.7%) as compared to SVM (95.3%). kNN also has high performance rates in terms of training time (3.16 secs) and prediction speed (6600 obs/sec) as compared to SVM with 6.40 secs and 2900 obs/sec

    On Recognizing Actions in Still Images via Multiple Features

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    Action Recognition in Still Images: Confluence of Multilinear Methods and Deep Learning

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    Motion is a missing information in an image, however, it is a valuable cue for action recognition. Thus, lack of motion information in a single image makes action recognition for still images inherently a very challenging problem in computer vision. In this dissertation, we show that both spatial and temporal patterns provide crucial information for recognizing human actions. Therefore, action recognition depends not only on the spatially-salient pixels, but also on the temporal patterns of those pixels. To address the challenge caused by the absence of temporal information in a single image, we introduce five effective action classification methodologies along with a new still image action recognition dataset. These include (1) proposing a new Spatial-Temporal Convolutional Neural Network, STCNN, trained by fine-tuning a CNN model, pre-trained on appearance-based classification only, over a novel latent space-time domain, named Ranked Saliency Map and Predicted Optical Flow, or RankSM-POF for short, (2) introducing a novel unsupervised Zero-shot approach based on low-rank Tensor Decomposition, named ZTD, (3) proposing the concept of temporal image, a compact representation of hypothetical sequence of images and then using it to design a new hierarchical deep learning network, TICNN, for still image action recognition, (4) introducing a dataset for STill image Action Recognition (STAR), containing over 1M images across 50 different human body-motion action categories. UCF-STAR is the largest dataset in the literature for action recognition in still images, exposing the intrinsic difficulty of action recognition through its realistic scene and action complexity. Moreover, TSSTN, a two-stream spatiotemporal network, is introduced to model the latent temporal information in a single image, and using it as prior knowledge in a two-stream deep network, (5) proposing a parallel heterogeneous meta- learning method to combine STCNN and ZTD through a stacking approach into an ensemble classifier of the proposed heterogeneous base classifiers. Altogether, this work demonstrates benefits of UCF-STAR as a large-scale still images dataset, and show the role of latent motion information in recognizing human actions in still images by presenting approaches relying on predicting temporal information, yielding higher accuracy on widely-used datasets