14 research outputs found

    Author index volume 107 (1993)

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    The Space Complexity of Mirror Games

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    We consider the following game between two players Alice and Bob, which we call the mirror game. Alice and Bob take turns saying numbers belonging to the set {1, 2, ...,N}. A player loses if they repeat a number that has already been said. Otherwise, after N turns, when all the numbers have been spoken, both players win. When N is even, Bob, who goes second, has a very simple (and memoryless) strategy to avoid losing: whenever Alice says x, respond with N+1-x. The question is: does Alice have a similarly simple strategy to win that avoids remembering all the numbers said by Bob? The answer is no. We prove a linear lower bound on the space complexity of any deterministic winning strategy of Alice. Interestingly, this follows as a consequence of the Eventown-Oddtown theorem from extremal combinatorics. We additionally demonstrate a randomized strategy for Alice that wins with high probability that requires only O~(sqrt N) space (provided that Alice has access to a random matching on K_N). We also investigate lower bounds for a generalized mirror game where Alice and Bob alternate saying 1 number and b numbers each turn (respectively). When 1+b is a prime, our linear lower bounds continue to hold, but when 1+b is composite, we show that the existence of a o(N) space strategy for Bob (when N != 0 mod (1+b)) implies the existence of exponential-sized matching vector families over Z^N_{1+b}

    Hitting Sets Give Two-Sided Derandomization of Small Space

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    Faster space-efficient algorithms for Subset Sum, k -Sum, and related problems

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    We present randomized algorithms that solve subset sum and knapsack instances with n items in O∗ (20.86n) time, where the O∗ (∙ ) notation suppresses factors polynomial in the input size, and polynomial space, assuming random read-only access to exponentially many random bits. These results can be extended to solve binary integer programming on n variables with few constraints in a similar running time. We also show that for any constant k ≥ 2, random instances of k-Sum can be solved using O(nk -0.5polylog(n)) time and O(log n) space, without the assumption of random access to random bits.Underlying these results is an algorithm that determines whether two given lists of length n with integers bounded by a polynomial in n share a common value. Assuming random read-only access to random bits, we show that this problem can be solved using O(log n) space significantly faster than the trivial O(n2) time algorithm if no value occurs too often in the same list.</p

    Certified Hardness vs. Randomness for Log-Space

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    Let L\mathcal{L} be a language that can be decided in linear space and let ϵ>0\epsilon >0 be any constant. Let A\mathcal{A} be the exponential hardness assumption that for every nn, membership in L\mathcal{L} for inputs of length~nn cannot be decided by circuits of size smaller than 2ϵn2^{\epsilon n}. We prove that for every function f:{0,1}{0,1}f :\{0,1\}^* \rightarrow \{0,1\}, computable by a randomized logspace algorithm RR, there exists a deterministic logspace algorithm DD (attempting to compute ff), such that on every input xx of length nn, the algorithm DD outputs one of the following: 1: The correct value f(x)f(x). 2: The string: ``I am unable to compute f(x)f(x) because the hardness assumption A\mathcal{A} is false'', followed by a (provenly correct) circuit of size smaller than 2ϵn2^{\epsilon n'} for membership in L\mathcal{L} for inputs of length~nn', for some n=Θ(logn)n' = \Theta (\log n); that is, a circuit that refutes A\mathcal{A}. Our next result is a universal derandomizer for BPLBPL: We give a deterministic algorithm UU that takes as an input a randomized logspace algorithm RR and an input xx and simulates the computation of RR on xx, deteriministically. Under the widely believed assumption BPL=LBPL=L, the space used by UU is at most CRlognC_R \cdot \log n (where CRC_R is a constant depending on~RR). Moreover, for every constant c1c \geq 1, if BPLSPACE[(log(n))c]BPL\subseteq SPACE[(\log(n))^{c}] then the space used by UU is at most CR(log(n))cC_R \cdot (\log(n))^{c}. Finally, we prove that if optimal hitting sets for ordered branching programs exist then there is a deterministic logspace algorithm that, given a black-box access to an ordered branching program BB of size nn, estimates the probability that BB accepts on a uniformly random input. This extends the result of (Cheng and Hoza CCC 2020), who proved that an optimal hitting set implies a white-box two-sided derandomization.Comment: Abstract shortened to fit arXiv requirement

    Faster Space-Efficient Algorithms for Subset Sum, k-Sum and Related Problems

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    We present space efficient Monte Carlo algorithms that solve Subset Sum and Knapsack instances with nn items using O(20.86n)O^*(2^{0.86n}) time and polynomial space, where the O()O^*(\cdot) notation suppresses factors polynomial in the input size. Both algorithms assume random read-only access to random bits. Modulo this mild assumption, this resolves a long-standing open problem in exact algorithms for NP-hard problems. These results can be extended to solve Binary Linear Programming on nn variables with few constraints in a similar running time. We also show that for any constant k2k\geq 2, random instances of kk-Sum can be solved using O(nk0.5polylog(n))O(n^{k-0.5}polylog(n)) time and O(logn)O(\log n) space, without the assumption of random access to random bits. Underlying these results is an algorithm that determines whether two given lists of length nn with integers bounded by a polynomial in nn share a common value. Assuming random read-only access to random bits, we show that this problem can be solved using O(logn)O(\log n) space significantly faster than the trivial O(n2)O(n^2) time algorithm if no value occurs too often in the same list

    On Read-Once vs. Multiple Access to Randomness in Logspace

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    In the &quot;correct&quot; definition of randomized space-bounded computation, the machine has access to a random coin. The coin can be flipped at will, but outcomes of previous coin flips cannot be recalled unless they are saved in the machine&apos;s limited memory. In contrast to this read-once mechanism of accessing the random source, one may consider Turing machines which have access to a random tape. Here, the random bits may be multiply accessed by the machine. In this note we show a very concrete sense in which multiple access to the random bits is better than read-once access to them: Every language accepted with bounded 2-sided error by a read-once-randomized Logspace machine, can be accepted with zero error by a randomized Logspace machine having multiple access to the random bits. Finally we characterize the class of languages that can be accepted with two-sided error by randomized Logspace machines with multiple access to the random bits as exactly the class of languages tha..

    Typically-Correct Derandomization for Small Time and Space

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    Suppose a language L can be decided by a bounded-error randomized algorithm that runs in space S and time n * poly(S). We give a randomized algorithm for L that still runs in space O(S) and time n * poly(S) that uses only O(S) random bits; our algorithm has a low failure probability on all but a negligible fraction of inputs of each length. As an immediate corollary, there is a deterministic algorithm for L that runs in space O(S) and succeeds on all but a negligible fraction of inputs of each length. We also give several other complexity-theoretic applications of our technique