12 research outputs found

    On Rational Interpolation-Based List-Decoding and List-Decoding Binary Goppa Codes

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    We derive the Wu list-decoding algorithm for Generalised Reed-Solomon (GRS) codes by using Gr\"obner bases over modules and the Euclidean algorithm (EA) as the initial algorithm instead of the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm (BMA). We present a novel method for constructing the interpolation polynomial fast. We give a new application of the Wu list decoder by decoding irreducible binary Goppa codes up to the binary Johnson radius. Finally, we point out a connection between the governing equations of the Wu algorithm and the Guruswami-Sudan algorithm (GSA), immediately leading to equality in the decoding range and a duality in the choice of parameters needed for decoding, both in the case of GRS codes and in the case of Goppa codes.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions of Information Theor

    Multi-Trial Guruswami–Sudan Decoding for Generalised Reed–Solomon Codes

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    An iterated refinement procedure for the Guruswami--Sudan list decoding algorithm for Generalised Reed--Solomon codes based on Alekhnovich's module minimisation is proposed. The method is parametrisable and allows variants of the usual list decoding approach. In particular, finding the list of \emph{closest} codewords within an intermediate radius can be performed with improved average-case complexity while retaining the worst-case complexity.Comment: WCC 2013 International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (2013

    Decoding Generalized Reed-Solomon Codes and Its Application to RLCE Encryption Schemes

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    This paper compares the efficiency of various algorithms for implementing quantum resistant public key encryption scheme RLCE on 64-bit CPUs. By optimizing various algorithms for polynomial and matrix operations over finite fields, we obtained several interesting (or even surprising) results. For example, it is well known (e.g., Moenck 1976 \cite{moenck1976practical}) that Karatsuba's algorithm outperforms classical polynomial multiplication algorithm from the degree 15 and above (practically, Karatsuba's algorithm only outperforms classical polynomial multiplication algorithm from the degree 35 and above ). Our experiments show that 64-bit optimized Karatsuba's algorithm will only outperform 64-bit optimized classical polynomial multiplication algorithm for polynomials of degree 115 and above over finite field GF(210)GF(2^{10}). The second interesting (surprising) result shows that 64-bit optimized Chien's search algorithm ourperforms all other 64-bit optimized polynomial root finding algorithms such as BTA and FFT for polynomials of all degrees over finite field GF(210)GF(2^{10}). The third interesting (surprising) result shows that 64-bit optimized Strassen matrix multiplication algorithm only outperforms 64-bit optimized classical matrix multiplication algorithm for matrices of dimension 750 and above over finite field GF(210)GF(2^{10}). It should be noted that existing literatures and practices recommend Strassen matrix multiplication algorithm for matrices of dimension 40 and above. All our experiments are done on a 64-bit MacBook Pro with i7 CPU and single thread C codes. It should be noted that the reported results should be appliable to 64 or larger bits CPU architectures. For 32 or smaller bits CPUs, these results may not be applicable. The source code and library for the algorithms covered in this paper are available at http://quantumca.org/

    Fast syndrome-based Chase decoding of binary BCH codes through Wu list decoding

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    We present a new fast Chase decoding algorithm for binary BCH codes. The new algorithm reduces the complexity in comparison to a recent fast Chase decoding algorithm for Reed--Solomon (RS) codes by the authors (IEEE Trans. IT, 2022), by requiring only a single Koetter iteration per edge of the decoding tree. In comparison to the fast Chase algorithms presented by Kamiya (IEEE Trans. IT, 2001) and Wu (IEEE Trans. IT, 2012) for binary BCH codes, the polynomials updated throughout the algorithm of the current paper typically have a much lower degree. To achieve the complexity reduction, we build on a new isomorphism between two solution modules in the binary case, and on a degenerate case of the soft-decision (SD) version of the Wu list decoding algorithm. Roughly speaking, we prove that when the maximum list size is 11 in Wu list decoding of binary BCH codes, assigning a multiplicity of 11 to a coordinate has the same effect as flipping this coordinate in a Chase-decoding trial. The solution-module isomorphism also provides a systematic way to benefit from the binary alphabet for reducing the complexity in bounded-distance hard-decision (HD) decoding. Along the way, we briefly develop the Groebner-bases formulation of the Wu list decoding algorithm for binary BCH codes, which is missing in the literature

    Faster Algorithms for Multivariate Interpolation with Multiplicities and Simultaneous Polynomial Approximations

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    The interpolation step in the Guruswami-Sudan algorithm is a bivariate interpolation problem with multiplicities commonly solved in the literature using either structured linear algebra or basis reduction of polynomial lattices. This problem has been extended to three or more variables; for this generalization, all fast algorithms proposed so far rely on the lattice approach. In this paper, we reduce this multivariate interpolation problem to a problem of simultaneous polynomial approximations, which we solve using fast structured linear algebra. This improves the best known complexity bounds for the interpolation step of the list-decoding of Reed-Solomon codes, Parvaresh-Vardy codes, and folded Reed-Solomon codes. In particular, for Reed-Solomon list-decoding with re-encoding, our approach has complexity O ~(ℓω−1m2(n−k))\mathcal{O}\tilde{~}(\ell^{\omega-1}m^2(n-k)), where ℓ,m,n,k\ell,m,n,k are the list size, the multiplicity, the number of sample points and the dimension of the code, and ω\omega is the exponent of linear algebra; this accelerates the previously fastest known algorithm by a factor of ℓ/m\ell / m.Comment: Version 2: Generalized our results about Problem 1 to distinct multiplicities. Added Section 4 which details several applications of our results to the decoding of Reed-Solomon codes (list-decoding with re-encoding technique, Wu algorithm, and soft-decoding). Reorganized the sections, added references and corrected typo