882 research outputs found

    R\'enyi Entropy Power Inequalities via Normal Transport and Rotation

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    Following a recent proof of Shannon's entropy power inequality (EPI), a comprehensive framework for deriving various EPIs for the R\'enyi entropy is presented that uses transport arguments from normal densities and a change of variable by rotation. Simple arguments are given to recover the previously known R\'enyi EPIs and derive new ones, by unifying a multiplicative form with constant c and a modification with exponent {\alpha} of previous works. In particular, for log-concave densities, we obtain a simple transportation proof of a sharp varentropy bound.Comment: 17 page. Entropy Journal, to appea

    The information-theoretic meaning of Gagliardo--Nirenberg type inequalities

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    Gagliardo--Nirenberg inequalities are interpolation inequalities which were proved independently by Gagliardo and Nirenberg in the late fifties. In recent years, their connections with theoretic aspects of information theory and nonlinear diffusion equations allowed to obtain some of them in optimal form, by recovering both the sharp constants and the explicit form of the optimizers. In this note, at the light of these recent researches, we review the main connections between Shannon-type entropies, diffusion equations and a class of these inequalities

    On some interrelations of generalized qq-entropies and a generalized Fisher information, including a Cram\'er-Rao inequality

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    In this communication, we describe some interrelations between generalized qq-entropies and a generalized version of Fisher information. In information theory, the de Bruijn identity links the Fisher information and the derivative of the entropy. We show that this identity can be extended to generalized versions of entropy and Fisher information. More precisely, a generalized Fisher information naturally pops up in the expression of the derivative of the Tsallis entropy. This generalized Fisher information also appears as a special case of a generalized Fisher information for estimation problems. Indeed, we derive here a new Cram\'er-Rao inequality for the estimation of a parameter, which involves a generalized form of Fisher information. This generalized Fisher information reduces to the standard Fisher information as a particular case. In the case of a translation parameter, the general Cram\'er-Rao inequality leads to an inequality for distributions which is saturated by generalized qq-Gaussian distributions. These generalized qq-Gaussians are important in several areas of physics and mathematics. They are known to maximize the qq-entropies subject to a moment constraint. The Cram\'er-Rao inequality shows that the generalized qq-Gaussians also minimize the generalized Fisher information among distributions with a fixed moment. Similarly, the generalized qq-Gaussians also minimize the generalized Fisher information among distributions with a given qq-entropy

    Entropic Steering Criteria: Applications to Bipartite and Tripartite Systems

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    The effect of quantum steering describes a possible action at a distance via local measurements. Whereas many attempts on characterizing steerability have been pursued, answering the question as to whether a given state is steerable or not remains a difficult task. Here, we investigate the applicability of a recently proposed method for building steering criteria from generalized entropic uncertainty relations. This method works for any entropy which satisfy the properties of (i) (pseudo-) additivity for independent distributions; (ii) state independent entropic uncertainty relation (EUR); and (iii) joint convexity of a corresponding relative entropy. Our study extends the former analysis to Tsallis and R\'enyi entropies on bipartite and tripartite systems. As examples, we investigate the steerability of the three-qubit GHZ and W states.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures. Published version. Title change

    Unified entropic measures of quantum correlations induced by local measurements

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    We introduce quantum correlations measures based on the minimal change in unified entropies induced by local rank-one projective measurements, divided by a factor that depends on the generalized purity of the system in the case of non-additive entropies. In this way, we overcome the issue of the artificial increasing of the value of quantum correlations measures based on non-additive entropies when an uncorrelated ancilla is appended to the system without changing the computability of our entropic correlations measures with respect to the previous ones. Moreover, we recover as limiting cases the quantum correlations measures based on von Neumann and R\'enyi entropies (i.e., additive entropies), for which the adjustment factor becomes trivial. In addition, we distinguish between total and semiquantum correlations and obtain some relations between them. Finally, we obtain analytical expressions of the entropic correlations measures for typical quantum bipartite systems.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    A simple probabilistic construction yielding generalized entropies and divergences, escort distributions and q-Gaussians

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    We give a simple probabilistic description of a transition between two states which leads to a generalized escort distribution. When the parameter of the distribution varies, it defines a parametric curve that we call an escort-path. The R\'enyi divergence appears as a natural by-product of the setting. We study the dynamics of the Fisher information on this path, and show in particular that the thermodynamic divergence is proportional to Jeffreys' divergence. Next, we consider the problem of inferring a distribution on the escort-path, subject to generalized moments constraints. We show that our setting naturally induces a rationale for the minimization of the R\'enyi information divergence. Then, we derive the optimum distribution as a generalized q-Gaussian distribution
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