3 research outputs found

    A class of semihypergroups connected to preordered weak Γ-semigroups

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    AbstractWe introduce the concept of weak Γ-semigroups as a generalization of Γ-semigroups. Using preordered weak Γ-semigroups, we obtain a class of semihypergroups and we analyze them in this paper. A connection between morphisms of semihypergroups associated with preordered Γ-semigroups and morphisms of preordered structures is also investigated

    On Rough Sets and Hyperlattices

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    In this paper, we introduce the concepts of upper and lower rough hyper fuzzy ideals (filters) in a hyperlattice and their basic properties are discussed. Let θ\theta be a hyper congruence relation on LL. We show that if μ\mu is a fuzzy subset of LL, then θ‾()=θ‾()\overline{\theta}()=\overline{\theta}() and θ‾(μ∗)=θ‾((θ‾(μ))∗)\overline{\theta}(\mu^*) =\overline{\theta}((\overline{\theta}(\mu))^*), where is the least hyper fuzzy ideal of $L$ containing $\mu$ and \mu^*(x) = sup\{\alpha \in [0, 1]: x \in I( \mu_{\alpha} )\} for all x∈Lx \in L. Next, we prove that if μ\mu is a hyper fuzzy ideal of LL, then μ\mu is an upper rough fuzzy ideal. Also, if θ\theta is a ∧−\wedge-complete on LL and μ\mu is a hyper fuzzy prime ideal of LL such that θ‾(μ)\overline{\theta}(\mu) is a proper fuzzy subset of LL, then μ\mu is an upper rough fuzzy prime ideal. Furthermore, let θ\theta be a ∨\vee-complete congruence relation on LL. If μ\mu is a hyper fuzzy ideal, then μ\mu is a lower rough fuzzy ideal and if μ\mu is a hyper fuzzy prime ideal such that θ‾(μ)\underline{\theta}(\mu) is a proper fuzzy subset of LL, then μ\mu is a lower rough fuzzy prime ideal