7 research outputs found

    Why Extension-Based Proofs Fail

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    We introduce extension-based proofs, a class of impossibility proofs that includes valency arguments. They are modelled as an interaction between a prover and a protocol. Using proofs based on combinatorial topology, it has been shown that it is impossible to deterministically solve k-set agreement among n > k > 1 processes in a wait-free manner in certain asynchronous models. However, it was unknown whether proofs based on simpler techniques were possible. We show that this impossibility result cannot be obtained for one of these models by an extension-based proof and, hence, extension-based proofs are limited in power.Comment: This version of the paper is for the NIS model. Previous versions of the paper are for the NIIS mode

    On the robustness of Herlihy's hierarchy

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    A wait-free hierarchy maps object types to levels in Z(+) U (infinity) and has the following property: if a type T is at level N, and T' is an arbitrary type, then there is a wait-free implementation of an object of type T', for N processes, using only registers and objects of type T. The infinite hierarchy defined by Herlihy is an example of a wait-free hierarchy. A wait-free hierarchy is robust if it has the following property: if T is at level N, and S is a finite set of types belonging to levels N - 1 or lower, then there is no wait-free implementation of an object of type T, for N processes, using any number and any combination of objects belonging to the types in S. Robustness implies that there are no clever ways of combining weak shared objects to obtain stronger ones. Contrary to what many researchers believe, we prove that Herlihy's hierarchy is not robust. We then define some natural variants of Herlihy's hierarchy, which are also infinite wait-free hierarchies. With the exception of one, which is still open, these are not robust either. We conclude with the open question of whether non-trivial robust wait-free hierarchies exist

    Bounded Concurrent Timestamp Systems Using Vector Clocks

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    Shared registers are basic objects used as communication mediums in asynchronous concurrent computation. A concurrent timestamp system is a higher typed communication object, and has been shown to be a powerful tool to solve many concurrency control problems. It has turned out to be possible to construct such higher typed objects from primitive lower typed ones. The next step is to find efficient constructions. We propose a very efficient wait-free construction of bounded concurrent timestamp systems from 1-writer multireader registers. This finalizes, corrects, and extends, a preliminary bounded multiwriter construction proposed by the second author in 1986. That work partially initiated the current interest in wait-free concurrent objects, and introduced a notion of discrete vector clocks in distributed algorithms.Comment: LaTeX source, 35 pages; To apper in: J. Assoc. Comp. Mac

    Concurrent Disjoint Set Union

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    We develop and analyze concurrent algorithms for the disjoint set union (union-find) problem in the shared memory, asynchronous multiprocessor model of computation, with CAS (compare and swap) or DCAS (double compare and swap) as the synchronization primitive. We give a deterministic bounded wait-free algorithm that uses DCAS and has a total work bound of O(m(log(np/m+1)+α(n,m/(np)))O(m \cdot (\log(np/m + 1) + \alpha(n, m/(np))) for a problem with nn elements and mm operations solved by pp processes, where α\alpha is a functional inverse of Ackermann's function. We give two randomized algorithms that use only CAS and have the same work bound in expectation. The analysis of the second randomized algorithm is valid even if the scheduler is adversarial. Our DCAS and randomized algorithms take O(logn)O(\log n) steps per operation, worst-case for the DCAS algorithm, high-probability for the randomized algorithms. Our work and step bounds grow only logarithmically with pp, making our algorithms truly scalable. We prove that for a class of symmetric algorithms that includes ours, no better step or work bound is possible.Comment: 40 pages, combines ideas in two previous PODC paper

    Multi-writer composite registers

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    A composite register is an array-like shared data object that is partitioned into a number of components. An operation of such a register either writes a value to a single component, or reads the values of all components. A composite register reduces to an ordinary atomic register when there is only one component. In this paper, we show that a composite register with multiple writers per component can be implemented in a wait-free manner from a composite register with a single writer per component. It has been previously shown that registers of the latter kind can be implemented from atomic registers without waiting. Thus, our results establish that any composite register can be implemented in a wait-free manner from atomic registers. We show that our construction has comparable space compexity and better time complexity than other constructions that have been presented in the literature

    Safety-Liveness Exclusion in Distributed Computing

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    The history of distributed computing is full of trade-offs between safety and liveness. For instance, one of the most celebrated results in the field, namely the impossibility of consensus in an asynchronous system basically says that we cannot devise an algorithm that deterministically ensures consensus agreement and validity (i.e., safety) on the one hand, and consensus wait-freedom (i.e., liveness) on the other hand. The motivation of this work is to study the extent to which safety and liveness properties inherently exclude each other. More specifically, we ask, given any safety property S, whether we can determine the strongest (resp. weakest) liveness property that can (resp. cannot) be achieved with S. We show that, maybe surprisingly, the answers to these safety-liveness exclusion questions are in general negative. This has several ramifications in various distributed computing contexts. In the context of consensus for example, this means that it is impossible to determine the strongest (resp. the weakest) liveness property that can (resp. cannot) be ensured with linearizability. However, we present a way to circumvent these impossibilities and answer positively the safety-liveness question by considering a restricted form of liveness. We consider a definition that gathers generalized forms of obstruction-freedom and lock-freedom while enabling to determine the strongest (resp. weakest) liveness property that can (resp. cannot) be implemented in the context of consensus and transactional memory

    A dynamic epistemic logic analysis of equality negation and other epistemic covering tasks

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    In this paper we study the solvability of the equality negation task in a simple wait-free model where two processes communicate by reading and writing shared variables or exchanging messages. In this task, the two processes start with a private input value in the set {0,1,2}, and after communicating, each one must decide a binary output value, so that the outputs of the processes are the same if and only if the input values of the processes are different. This task is already known to be unsolvable; our goal here is to prove this result using the dynamic epistemic logic (DEL) approach introduced by Goubault et al. (2018) [18]. We show that in fact, there is no epistemic logic formula that explains why the task is unsolvable. Furthermore, we observe that this task is a particular case of an epistemic covering task. We thus establish a connection between the existing DEL framework and the theory of covering spaces in topology, and prove that the same result holds for any epistemic covering task: no epistemic formula explains the unsolvability