2 research outputs found

    A Solution to a Problem of D. Lau: Complete Classification of Intervals in the Lattice of Partial Boolean Clones

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    International audienceThe following natural problem, first considered by D. Lau, has been tackled by several authors recently: Let C be a total clone on 2 := {0, 1}. Describe the interval I(C) of all partial clones on 2 whose total component is C. We establish some results in this direction and combine them with previous ones to show the following dichotomy result: For every total clone C on 2, the set I(C) is either finite or of continuum cardinality. 1. Preliminaries Let k ≥ 2 be an integer and let k be a k-element set. Without loss of generality we assume that k := {0,. .. , k − 1}. For a positive integer n, an n-ary partial function on k is a map f : dom (f) → k where dom (f) is a subset of k n , called the domain of f. Let Par (n) (k) denote the set of all n-ary partial functions on k and let Par(k) := n≥

    The power of primitive positive definitions with polynomially many variables

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    Two well-studied closure operators for relations are based on existentially quantified conjunctive formulas, primitive positive (p.p.) definitions, and primitive positive formulas without existential quantification, quantifier-free primitive positive definitions (q.f.p.p.) definitions. Sets of relations closed under p.p. definitions are known as co-clones and sets of relations closed under q.f.p.p. definitions as weak partial co-clones. The latter do however have limited expressivity, and the corresponding lattice of strong partial clones is of uncountably infinite cardinality even for the Boolean domain. Hence, it is reasonable to consider the expressiveness of p.p. definitions where only a small number of existentially quantified variables are allowed. In this article, we consider p.p. definitions allowing only polynomially many existentially quantified variables, and say that a co-clone closed under such definitions is polynomially closed, and otherwise superpolynomially closed. We investigate properties of polynomially closed co-clones and prove that if the corresponding clone contains a k-ary near-unanimity operation for k amp;gt;= 3, then the co-clone is polynomially closed, and if the clone does not contain a k-edge operation for any k amp;gt;= 2, then the co-clone is superpolynomially closed. For the Boolean domain we strengthen these results and prove a complete dichotomy theorem separating polynomially closed co-clones from superpolynomially closed co-clones. Using these results, we then proceed to investigate properties of strong partial clones corresponding to superpolynomially closed co-clones. We prove that if Gamma is a finite set of relations over an arbitrary finite domain such that the clone corresponding to Gamma is essentially unary, then the strong partial clone corresponding to Gamma is of infinite order and cannot be generated by a finite set of partial functions