1,468 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Parallel Matrix Multiplication on Large-Scale Distributed Memory Platforms

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    Matrix multiplication is a very important computation kernel both in its own right as a building block of many scientific applications and as a popular representative for other scientific applications. Cannon algorithm which dates back to 1969 was the first efficient algorithm for parallel matrix multiplication providing theoretically optimal communication cost. However this algorithm requires a square number of processors. In the mid 1990s, the SUMMA algorithm was introduced. SUMMA overcomes the shortcomings of Cannon algorithm as it can be used on a non-square number of processors as well. Since then the number of processors in HPC platforms has increased by two orders of magnitude making the contribution of communication in the overall execution time more significant. Therefore, the state of the art parallel matrix multiplication algorithms should be revisited to reduce the communication cost further. This paper introduces a new parallel matrix multiplication algorithm, Hierarchical SUMMA (HSUMMA), which is a redesign of SUMMA. Our algorithm reduces the communication cost of SUMMA by introducing a two-level virtual hierarchy into the two-dimensional arrangement of processors. Experiments on an IBM BlueGene-P demonstrate the reduction of communication cost up to 2.08 times on 2048 cores and up to 5.89 times on 16384 cores.Comment: 9 page

    The physics of parallel machines

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    The idea is considered that architectures for massively parallel computers must be designed to go beyond supporting a particular class of algorithms to supporting the underlying physical processes being modelled. Physical processes modelled by partial differential equations (PDEs) are discussed. Also discussed is the idea that an efficient architecture must go beyond nearest neighbor mesh interconnections and support global and hierarchical communications

    Airfoil analysis and design using surrogate models

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    A study was performed to compare two different methods for generating surrogate models for the analysis and design of airfoils. Initial research was performed to compare the accuracy of surrogate models for predicting the lift and drag of an airfoil with data collected from highidelity simulations using a modern CFD code along with lower-order models using a panel code. This was followed by an evaluation of the Class Shape Trans- formation (CST) method for parameterizing airfoil geometries as a prelude to the use of surrogate models for airfoil design optimization and the implementation of software to use CST to modify airfoil shapes as part of the airfoil design process. Optimization routines were coupled with surrogate modeling techniques to study the accuracy and efficiency of the surrogate models to produce optimal airfoil shapes. Finally, the results of the current research are summarized, and suggestions are made for future research

    Programming Model to Develop Supercomputer Combinatorial Solvers

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    © 2017 IEEE. Novel architectures for massively parallel machines offer better scalability and the prospect of achieving linear speedup for sizable problems in many domains. The development of suitable programming models and accompanying software tools for these architectures remains one of the biggest challenges towards exploiting their full potential. We present a multi-layer software abstraction model to develop combinatorial solvers on massively-parallel machines with regular topologies. The model enables different challenges in the design and optimization of combinatorial solvers to be tackled independently (separation of concerns) while permitting problem-specific tuning and cross-layer optimization. In specific, the model decouples the issues of inter-node communication, n ode-level scheduling, problem mapping, mesh-level load balancing and expressing problem logic. We present an implementation of the model and use it to profile a Boolean satisfiability solver on simulated massively-parallel machines with different scales and topologies

    Parallel algorithms for Hough transform

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    Driving the Network-on-Chip Revolution to Remove the Interconnect Bottleneck in Nanoscale Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip

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    The sustained demand for faster, more powerful chips has been met by the availability of chip manufacturing processes allowing for the integration of increasing numbers of computation units onto a single die. The resulting outcome, especially in the embedded domain, has often been called SYSTEM-ON-CHIP (SoC) or MULTI-PROCESSOR SYSTEM-ON-CHIP (MP-SoC). MPSoC design brings to the foreground a large number of challenges, one of the most prominent of which is the design of the chip interconnection. With a number of on-chip blocks presently ranging in the tens, and quickly approaching the hundreds, the novel issue of how to best provide on-chip communication resources is clearly felt. NETWORKS-ON-CHIPS (NoCs) are the most comprehensive and scalable answer to this design concern. By bringing large-scale networking concepts to the on-chip domain, they guarantee a structured answer to present and future communication requirements. The point-to-point connection and packet switching paradigms they involve are also of great help in minimizing wiring overhead and physical routing issues. However, as with any technology of recent inception, NoC design is still an evolving discipline. Several main areas of interest require deep investigation for NoCs to become viable solutions: • The design of the NoC architecture needs to strike the best tradeoff among performance, features and the tight area and power constraints of the onchip domain. • Simulation and verification infrastructure must be put in place to explore, validate and optimize the NoC performance. • NoCs offer a huge design space, thanks to their extreme customizability in terms of topology and architectural parameters. Design tools are needed to prune this space and pick the best solutions. • Even more so given their global, distributed nature, it is essential to evaluate the physical implementation of NoCs to evaluate their suitability for next-generation designs and their area and power costs. This dissertation performs a design space exploration of network-on-chip architectures, in order to point-out the trade-offs associated with the design of each individual network building blocks and with the design of network topology overall. The design space exploration is preceded by a comparative analysis of state-of-the-art interconnect fabrics with themselves and with early networkon- chip prototypes. The ultimate objective is to point out the key advantages that NoC realizations provide with respect to state-of-the-art communication infrastructures and to point out the challenges that lie ahead in order to make this new interconnect technology come true. Among these latter, technologyrelated challenges are emerging that call for dedicated design techniques at all levels of the design hierarchy. In particular, leakage power dissipation, containment of process variations and of their effects. The achievement of the above objectives was enabled by means of a NoC simulation environment for cycleaccurate modelling and simulation and by means of a back-end facility for the study of NoC physical implementation effects. Overall, all the results provided by this work have been validated on actual silicon layout
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