1,336 research outputs found

    Linear Complexity Hexahedral Mesh Generation

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    We show that any polyhedron forming a topological ball with an even number of quadrilateral sides can be partitioned into O(n) topological cubes, meeting face to face. The result generalizes to non-simply-connected polyhedra satisfying an additional bipartiteness condition. The same techniques can also be used to reduce the geometric version of the hexahedral mesh generation problem to a finite case analysis amenable to machine solution.Comment: 12 pages, 17 figures. A preliminary version of this paper appeared at the 12th ACM Symp. on Computational Geometry. This is the final version, and will appear in a special issue of Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications for papers from SCG '9

    Universal Cycles for Minimum Coverings of Pairs by Triples, with Application to 2-Radius Sequences

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    A new ordering, extending the notion of universal cycles of Chung {\em et al.} (1992), is proposed for the blocks of kk-uniform set systems. Existence of minimum coverings of pairs by triples that possess such an ordering is established for all orders. Application to the construction of short 2-radius sequences is given, with some new 2-radius sequences found through computer search.Comment: 18 pages, to appear in Mathematics of Computatio

    Quasi-Linear Cellular Automata

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    Simulating a cellular automaton (CA) for t time-steps into the future requires t^2 serial computation steps or t parallel ones. However, certain CAs based on an Abelian group, such as addition mod 2, are termed ``linear'' because they obey a principle of superposition. This allows them to be predicted efficiently, in serial time O(t) or O(log t) in parallel. In this paper, we generalize this by looking at CAs with a variety of algebraic structures, including quasigroups, non-Abelian groups, Steiner systems, and others. We show that in many cases, an efficient algorithm exists even though these CAs are not linear in the previous sense; we term them ``quasilinear.'' We find examples which can be predicted in serial time proportional to t, t log t, t log^2 t, and t^a for a < 2, and parallel time log t, log t log log t and log^2 t. We also discuss what algebraic properties are required or implied by the existence of scaling relations and principles of superposition, and exhibit several novel ``vector-valued'' CAs.Comment: 41 pages with figures, To appear in Physica

    Packing random graphs and hypergraphs

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    We determine to within a constant factor the threshold for the property that two random k-uniform hypergraphs with edge probability p have an edge-disjoint packing into the same vertex set. More generally, we allow the hypergraphs to have different densities. In the graph case, we prove a stronger result, on packing a random graph with a fixed graph
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