1,569,696 research outputs found

    Building active learning applications and opportunities into a distance-learning leadership course: Working paper series--09-07

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    This paper describes how the authors created an on-line leadership course that retained as much of the rich, interactive nature of the face-to-face version as possible. The seven "best practice" design criteria offered by Chickering and Reisser (1993) are discussed as they relate to specific course design and instructional requirements for instructor orientation, course management organization and tool use, community building as well as the development of thematic modules and their associated assignments. Student comments provided by a case study of the on-line course (Griffin, 2007) are provided that support the efficacy of this approach

    Using elements of distance learning in the process of studing modern information technologies by students-philologists

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    Проаналізовано сучасні вимоги щодо вибору платформи для дистанційного навчання, розглянуто адміністративні функції системи керування навчанням. Описано методику проектування електронного курсу. Розглянуто підхід до організації начального процесу, що ґрунтується на поєднанні традиційного навчання із навчанням в режимі online на прикладі курсу «Нові інформаційні технології» для здобувачів вищої освіти напрямку «Філологія» Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка. Даний курс було адаптовано для змішаного навчання, описано структуру навчально-методичного комплексу електронного курсу. Електронний курс повністю відповідає вимогам кредитно-модульної системи, дозволяє фіксувати виконання студентами усіх видів навчальної діяльності, організовує самостійну роботу, дає можливість проводити проміжні та підсумкові зрізи знань.The modern requirements of the choice of platform for distance learning are analyzed and administrative functions of management training are considered. The methods of designing e-course are described. The approach to the organization of the curriculum, based on a combination of traditional education with on-line education on the example of the discipline «New Information Technologies» for prospective philologists of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University. This course will be adapted for blended learning, described the structure of the educational-methodical complex on-line course. The on-line course is fully complied of credit-module and it makes possible to use it in assessing students in all learning activities and organizes independent work. This course enables intermediate and final sections of knowledge

    E-learning for Enhancing Management Skills

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    The paper discusses design and development issues of a course intended for mixed delivery (face-to-face and online) and aiming at enhancing management skills of early years practitioners in order to enhance their labor market prospects. The course is being developed within the EEEYMS* project by partners from UK, Finland, Bulgaria and The Netherlands. The purpose is to design an ICT based flexible learning solution. The content is organized in nine modules. The course is implemented in two ways: an online version, integrated into a Learning Management System (LearnWise), and an off-line version (on CD). This paper discusses content and design decisions, module structure and organization, navigation strategies, and issues related to translation of learning materials into user-friendly electronic format for non-IT specialists

    Study of small businesses’ need for, and interest in, a course on how to produce effective publications

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    With the advent of PageMaker and other user-friendly publications programs almost anyone can create publications, with or without an understanding of typography or layout and design. These publications represent the organization and affect its image, as well as its bottom line. These software programs allow an organization to produce its own publications and handle its own publicity. This is a great advantage for small entrepreneurial businesses that may not be able to hire a professional to produce brochures, flyers or newsletters. The problem, however, is that unless the person has an understanding of typography and layout and design, the publication may not promote the kind of image the business wants or it may cost the business more money then it can afford to spend on public relations. The purpose of this study was to determine if there is a market for a course geared towards small businesses and their publications. The study also produced a syllabus for a course on how to produce effective publications on a small-business budget

    Створення освітнього середовища для виконання експериментальних завдань з фізики у профільній школі

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    (uk) Організація і постановка різнорівневих експериментальних завдань в профільній школі потребує формування експериментального досвіду учнів, охоплення змістом експериментальних завдань вимог навчальних програм курсу фізики в профільній школі та створення відповідного навчального середовища. Наведені варіанти включення певного експериментального завдання до змісту різних лабораторних робіт з механіки.(en) Organization and raising of experimental tasks at type school needs forming of experimental experience of students, scope of experimental tasks of requirements of on-line tutorials of course of physics at type school and creation of the proper educational environment maintenance. The variants of including of set experimental task are resulted to maintenance of different laboratory works from mechanics

    Concentration in Hungarian Food Retailing and Supplier-Retailer Relationships

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    The paper is a summary about the Hungarian retail sector based on the results of different research projects completed in the last five years. From all of these studies and of course the wide ranging domestic and international literature we had to conclude that the retailers have become more and more the exclusive owner of the information about the consumers and with this they become the new "captains" of the food chain. Thus we always started our research with gathering information about the situation of the Hungarian retail sector because we believed if we want to help those who try to adapt (the suppliers) then we have to know much more about those who dictate (the retailers). Analysing the concentration in company and not branch level we can say that the cumulated concentration line of the CR-10 companies are very similar to that of the processing and the retail sector. But there is a very important difference in the absolute numbers. This is a further sign of the size and power difference in favour of retailing.food retailing, concentration, market structure, supplier-retailer relationships, Industrial Organization, D3, L81,

    The Echo: March 24, 1953

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    Pelton Elected Student Council President – “The Flame” to be Shown During Youth Conference – Fund Raising Committee Organization Formed – Walker, Pierce Highlight Y.C. – Catalog Preview – Sixteen Committee Members Selected – Catalog Course Changes Released – Scholastic Honor Society Formed on Taylor Campus – Vacation Prayer Reminder – St. Paul Choir Launches Y.C. – Lenten Thoughts – Youth Conference Prayer Reminder – Student Council Considers Items – Senior Comps Made Optional – Poet’s Corner – Chapel Nuggets – Analytically Speaking – Campus Crier – Hilbish Entertains Fine Arts Department – Flannelgraphs Sent to Formosa – The Power Line – Taylor Grad Killed in East – Baseballers Host Hounds In HCC Doubleheader – Golfers Initiate Spring Sport – Net Records Released – Hoosier Conference News Announced – Youth Conference Shifts Schedule – Tennis Men Meet Indiana Central – Sport Light – Yearling Cindermen Prime For Central Meet – American League Intramural Team – National League Intramural Team – Faculty Facts – Fishing, “Camping Out” Relaxation For Professor – Pierce Returns Form Orient – What We Do – Pastor, Council Lead Services – Special Summer Course Offeredhttps://pillars.taylor.edu/echo-1952-1953/1021/thumbnail.jp

    An empirical study on the relationship between the spatial environment and the survival of old firms in the Netherlands

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    This is an empirical research on old firms in the Netherlands where old firms are defined als those firms that were founded before 1851 and still exist today. The study is divided in two main parts. The first part is descriptive and provides information on the firm population at stake. The regional differences concerning age, size, sector and percentage of the total firm population are shown. In the second part, an analysis on the outcome of a survey conducted at the research population is presented. The analysis focuses on the relation between firm characteristics and the spatial environment and whether or not similarities can be identified in these old firms. Overall, economic theory suggests that forces external to the firm such as strong competition, lagging demand, or technological drawbacks are the dominant determinants of firm closure. In this line of reasoning it may be claimed that low competition, growing demand and innovative behaviour might stimulate survival chances of firms on the long run. There are few sources on firm's activities during the life course of individual firm and on the influence of the spatial environment on these firm activities. This study might shed some light on the relationship between the spatial environment, specific firm characteristics and long term survival of firms in the Netherlands. Insight in the background of 'long-term' survival of firms can be of importance to industrial organization research and firm demography and also to the economic and regional policymaking in understanding and stimulating regional dynamics. Furthermore it might help to identify indicators of more successful firm strategies.