179,810 research outputs found

    On Learning with Finite Memory

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    We consider an infinite collection of agents who make decisions, sequentially, about an unknown underlying binary state of the world. Each agent, prior to making a decision, receives an independent private signal whose distribution depends on the state of the world. Moreover, each agent also observes the decisions of its last K immediate predecessors. We study conditions under which the agent decisions converge to the correct value of the underlying state. We focus on the case where the private signals have bounded information content and investigate whether learning is possible, that is, whether there exist decision rules for the different agents that result in the convergence of their sequence of individual decisions to the correct state of the world. We first consider learning in the almost sure sense and show that it is impossible, for any value of K. We then explore the possibility of convergence in probability of the decisions to the correct state. Here, a distinction arises: if K equals 1, learning in probability is impossible under any decision rule, while for K greater or equal to 2, we design a decision rule that achieves it. We finally consider a new model, involving forward looking strategic agents, each of which maximizes the discounted sum (over all agents) of the probabilities of a correct decision. (The case, studied in previous literature, of myopic agents who maximize the probability of their own decision being correct is an extreme special case.) We show that for any value of K, for any equilibrium of the associated Bayesian game, and under the assumption that each private signal has bounded information content, learning in probability fails to obtain

    Fading Memory Learning in the Cobweb Model with Risk Averse Heterogeneous Producers

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    This paper studies the dynamics of the traditional cobweb model with risk averse heterogeneous producers who seek to learn the distribution of asset prices using a geometric decay processes (GDP) - the expected mean and variance are estimated as a geometric weighted average of past observations - with either finite or infinite fading memory. With constant absolute risk aversion, the dynamics of the model can be characterized with respect to the length of memory window and the memory decay rate of the learning GPD. The dynamics of such heterogeneous learning processes and capability of producers' learning are discussed. It is found that the learning memory decay rate of the GDP of heterogeneous producers plays a complicated role on the pricing dynamics of the nonlinear cobweb model. In general, an increase of the memory decay rate plays stabilizing role on the local stability of the steady state price when the memory is infinite, but this role becomes less clear when the memory is finite. It shows a double edged effect of the heterogeneity on the dynamics. It is shown that (quasi)periodic solutions and strange (or even chaotic) attractors can be created through Neimark-Hopf bifurcation when the memory is infinite and through flip bifucation as well when the memory is finite.cobweb model; heterogeneity; bounded rationality; geometric decay learning dynamics; bifurcations

    Planning Against Fictitious Players in Repeated Normal Form Games

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    Planning how to interact against bounded memory and unbounded memory learning opponents needs different treatment. Thus far, however, work in this area has shown how to design plans against bounded memory learning opponents, but no work has dealt with the unbounded memory case. This paper tackles this gap. In particular, we frame this as a planning problem using the framework of repeated matrix games, where the planner's objective is to compute the best exploiting sequence of actions against a learning opponent. The particular class of opponent we study uses a fictitious play process to update her beliefs, but the analysis generalizes to many forms of Bayesian learning agents. Our analysis is inspired by Banerjee and Peng's AIM framework, which works for planning and learning against bounded memory opponents (e.g an adaptive player). Building on this, we show how an unbounded memory opponent (specifically a fictitious player) can also be modelled as a finite MDP and present a new efficient algorithm that can find a way to exploit the opponent by computing in polynomial time a sequence of play that can obtain a higher average reward than those obtained by playing a game theoretic (Nash or correlated) equilibrium