1,672 research outputs found

    Improved Rejection Penalty Algorithm with Multiprocessor Rejection Technique

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    This paper deals with multiprocessor scheduling with rejection technique where each job is provided with processing time and a given penalty cost. If the job satisfies the acceptance condition, it will schedule in the least loaded identical parallel machine else job is rejected. In this way its penalty cost is calculated. Our objective is to minimize the makespan of the scheduled job and to minimize the sum of the penalties of rejected jobs. We have merged ‘CHOOSE ‘and ‘REJECTION PENALTY’ algorithm to reduce the sum of penalties cost and makespan. Our proposed ‘Improved Reject penalty algorithm’ reduce competitive ratio, which in turn enhances the efficiency of the on-line algorithm. By applying our new on-line technique, we got the lower bound of our algorithm is is 1.286 which is far better from the existing algorithms whose competitive ratio is at 1.819. In our approach we have consider non-preemption scheduling technique

    Just-in-time preemptive single machine problem with costs of earliness/tardiness, interruption and work-in-process

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    This paper considers preemption and idle time are allowed in a single machine scheduling problem with just-in-time (JIT) approach. It incorporates Earliness/Tardiness (E/T) penalties, interruption penalties and holding cost of jobs which are waiting to be processed as work-in-process (WIP). Generally in non-preemptive problems, E/T penalties are a function of the completion time of the jobs. Then, we introduce a non-linear preemptive scheduling model where the earliness penalty depends on the starting time of a job. The model is liberalized by an elaborately–designed procedure to reach the optimum solution. To validate and verify the performance of proposed model, computational results are presented by solving a number of numerical examples

    Exact and suboptimal reactive strategies for resource-constrained project scheduling with uncertain resource availabilities.

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    In order to cope with the uncertainty inherent in practical project management, proactive and/or reactive strategies can be used. Proactive strategies try to anticipate future disruptions by incorporating slack time or excess resource availability into the schedule, whereas reactive strategies react after a disruption happened and try to revert to a feasible schedule. Traditionally, reactive approaches have focused on obtaining a good schedule with respect to the original objective function or a schedule that deviates as little as possible from the baseline schedule. In this paper, we present various approaches, exact as well as heuristic, for optimizing the latter objective and thus encouraging schedule stability. Furthermore, in contrast to traditional rescheduling algorithms, we present a new heuristic that also takes future uncertainty into account when repairing the schedule. We consider a variant of the resource- constrained project scheduling problem in which the uncertainty is modeled by means of unexpected resource breakdowns. The results of an extensive computational experiment are given to compare the performance of the proposed strategies.Schedule stability; Stability; Algorithms; Heuristic; Uncertainty; Project scheduling; Scheduling; Performance; Strategy; Order; Project management; Management; Time;

    A simple, fast, and effective heuristic for the single-machine total weighted tardiness problem

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    We consider the single-machine total weighted tardiness problem (TWT) where a set of n jobs with general weights w_1,…, w_n, integer processing times p_1,…, p_n, and integer due dates d_1,…, d_n has to be scheduled non-preemptively. If C_j is the completion time of job j then T_j = max(0, C_j - d_j) denotes the tardiness of this job. The objective is to find a schedule S^{*}_{WT} that minimizes the weighted sum of the tardiness costs of all jobs computed as \sum_{j=1}^{n} w_j T_j. This problem is known to be unary NP-hard. Our goal is to design a constructive heuristic for this problem that yields excellent feasible solutions in short computational times by exploiting the structural properties of a preemptive relaxation

    Split Scheduling with Uniform Setup Times

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    We study a scheduling problem in which jobs may be split into parts, where the parts of a split job may be processed simultaneously on more than one machine. Each part of a job requires a setup time, however, on the machine where the job part is processed. During setup a machine cannot process or set up any other job. We concentrate on the basic case in which setup times are job-, machine-, and sequence-independent. Problems of this kind were encountered when modelling practical problems in planning disaster relief operations. Our main algorithmic result is a polynomial-time algorithm for minimising total completion time on two parallel identical machines. We argue why the same problem with three machines is not an easy extension of the two-machine case, leaving the complexity of this case as a tantalising open problem. We give a constant-factor approximation algorithm for the general case with any number of machines and a polynomial-time approximation scheme for a fixed number of machines. For the version with objective minimising weighted total completion time we prove NP-hardness. Finally, we conclude with an overview of the state of the art for other split scheduling problems with job-, machine-, and sequence-independent setup times

    Minimizing total completion time subject to job release dates and preemption penalties

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    2004-2005 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalAccepted ManuscriptPublishe

    Minimizing weighted total earliness, total tardiness and setup costs

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    The paper considers a (static) portfolio system that satisfies adding-up contraints and the gross substitution theorem. The paper shows the relationship of the two conditions to the weak dominant diagonal property of the matrix of interest rate elasticities. This enables to investigate the impact of simultaneous changes in interest rates on the asset demands.

    Order Acceptance and Scheduling: A Taxonomy and Review

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    Over the past 20 years, the topic of order acceptance has attracted considerable attention from those who study scheduling and those who practice it. In a firm that strives to align its functions so that profit is maximized, the coordination of capacity with demand may require that business sometimes be turned away. In particular, there is a trade-off between the revenue brought in by a particular order, and all of its associated costs of processing. The present study focuses on the body of research that approaches this trade-off by considering two decisions: which orders to accept for processing, and how to schedule them. This paper presents a taxonomy and a review of this literature, catalogs its contributions and suggests opportunities for future research in this area