422 research outputs found

    New Acceleration of Nearly Optimal Univariate Polynomial Root-findERS

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    Univariate polynomial root-finding has been studied for four millennia and is still the subject of intensive research. Hundreds of efficient algorithms for this task have been proposed. Two of them are nearly optimal. The first one, proposed in 1995, relies on recursive factorization of a polynomial, is quite involved, and has never been implemented. The second one, proposed in 2016, relies on subdivision iterations, was implemented in 2018, and promises to be practically competitive, although user's current choice for univariate polynomial root-finding is the package MPSolve, proposed in 2000, revised in 2014, and based on Ehrlich's functional iterations. By proposing and incorporating some novel techniques we significantly accelerate both subdivision and Ehrlich's iterations. Moreover our acceleration of the known subdivision root-finders is dramatic in the case of sparse input polynomials. Our techniques can be of some independent interest for the design and analysis of polynomial root-finders.Comment: 89 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    New Structured Matrix Methods for Real and Complex Polynomial Root-finding

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    We combine the known methods for univariate polynomial root-finding and for computations in the Frobenius matrix algebra with our novel techniques to advance numerical solution of a univariate polynomial equation, and in particular numerical approximation of the real roots of a polynomial. Our analysis and experiments show efficiency of the resulting algorithms.Comment: 18 page

    Computing Real Roots of Real Polynomials

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    Computing the roots of a univariate polynomial is a fundamental and long-studied problem of computational algebra with applications in mathematics, engineering, computer science, and the natural sciences. For isolating as well as for approximating all complex roots, the best algorithm known is based on an almost optimal method for approximate polynomial factorization, introduced by Pan in 2002. Pan's factorization algorithm goes back to the splitting circle method from Schoenhage in 1982. The main drawbacks of Pan's method are that it is quite involved and that all roots have to be computed at the same time. For the important special case, where only the real roots have to be computed, much simpler methods are used in practice; however, they considerably lag behind Pan's method with respect to complexity. In this paper, we resolve this discrepancy by introducing a hybrid of the Descartes method and Newton iteration, denoted ANEWDSC, which is simpler than Pan's method, but achieves a run-time comparable to it. Our algorithm computes isolating intervals for the real roots of any real square-free polynomial, given by an oracle that provides arbitrary good approximations of the polynomial's coefficients. ANEWDSC can also be used to only isolate the roots in a given interval and to refine the isolating intervals to an arbitrary small size; it achieves near optimal complexity for the latter task.Comment: to appear in the Journal of Symbolic Computatio

    TR-2012003: Root-Finding and Root-Refining for a Polynomial Equation

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    SqFreeEVAL: An (almost) optimal real-root isolation algorithm

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    Let f be a univariate polynomial with real coefficients, f in R[X]. Subdivision algorithms based on algebraic techniques (e.g., Sturm or Descartes methods) are widely used for isolating the real roots of f in a given interval. In this paper, we consider a simple subdivision algorithm whose primitives are purely numerical (e.g., function evaluation). The complexity of this algorithm is adaptive because the algorithm makes decisions based on local data. The complexity analysis of adaptive algorithms (and this algorithm in particular) is a new challenge for computer science. In this paper, we compute the size of the subdivision tree for the SqFreeEVAL algorithm. The SqFreeEVAL algorithm is an evaluation-based numerical algorithm which is well-known in several communities. The algorithm itself is simple, but prior attempts to compute its complexity have proven to be quite technical and have yielded sub-optimal results. Our main result is a simple O(d(L+ln d)) bound on the size of the subdivision tree for the SqFreeEVAL algorithm on the benchmark problem of isolating all real roots of an integer polynomial f of degree d and whose coefficients can be written with at most L bits. Our proof uses two amortization-based techniques: First, we use the algebraic amortization technique of the standard Mahler-Davenport root bounds to interpret the integral in terms of d and L. Second, we use a continuous amortization technique based on an integral to bound the size of the subdivision tree. This paper is the first to use the novel analysis technique of continuous amortization to derive state of the art complexity bounds

    Continued Fraction Expansion of Real Roots of Polynomial Systems

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    We present a new algorithm for isolating the real roots of a system of multivariate polynomials, given in the monomial basis. It is inspired by existing subdivision methods in the Bernstein basis; it can be seen as generalization of the univariate continued fraction algorithm or alternatively as a fully analog of Bernstein subdivision in the monomial basis. The representation of the subdivided domains is done through homographies, which allows us to use only integer arithmetic and to treat efficiently unbounded regions. We use univariate bounding functions, projection and preconditionning techniques to reduce the domain of search. The resulting boxes have optimized rational coordinates, corresponding to the first terms of the continued fraction expansion of the real roots. An extension of Vincent's theorem to multivariate polynomials is proved and used for the termination of the algorithm. New complexity bounds are provided for a simplified version of the algorithm. Examples computed with a preliminary C++ implementation illustrate the approach.Comment: 10 page
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