572 research outputs found

    Model Checking for Probabilistic Timed Automata

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    Parity Games on Temporal Graphs

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    Temporal graphs are a popular modelling mechanism for dynamic complex systems that extend ordinary graphs with discrete time. Simply put, time progresses one unit per step and the availability of edges can change with time. We consider the complexity of solving ω\omega-regular games played on temporal graphs where the edge availability is ultimately periodic and fixed a priori. We show that solving parity games on temporal graphs is decidable in PSPACE, only assuming the edge predicate itself is in PSPACE. A matching lower bound already holds for what we call punctual reachability games on static graphs, where one player wants to reach the target at a given, binary encoded, point in time. We further study syntactic restrictions that imply more efficient procedures. In particular, if the edge predicate is in PP and is monotonically increasing for one player and decreasing for the other, then the complexity of solving games is only polynomially increased compared to static graphs


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    We solve the offline monitoring problem for timed propositional temporal logic (TPTL), interpreted over dense-time Boolean signals. The variant of TPTL we consider extends linear temporal logic (LTL) with clock variables and reset quantifiers, providing a mechanism to specify real-time constraints. We first describe a general monitoring algorithm based on an exhaustive computation of the set of satisfying clock assignments as a finite union of zones. We then propose a specialized monitoring algorithm for the one-variable case using a partition of the time domain based on the notion of region equivalence, whose complexity is linear in the length of the signal, thereby generalizing a known result regarding the monitoring of metric temporal logic (MTL). The region and zone representations of time constraints are known from timed automata verification and can also be used in the discrete-time case. Our prototype implementation appears to outperform previous discrete-time implementations of TPTL monitoring

    Reachability analysis for timed automata using max-plus algebra

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    International audienceWe show that max-plus polyhedra are usable as a data structure in reachability analysis of timed automata. Drawing inspiration from the extensive work that has been done on difference bound matrices, as well as previous work on max-plus polyhedra in other areas, we develop the algorithms needed to perform forward and backward reachability analysis using max-plus polyhedra. To show that the approach works in practice and theory alike, we have created a proof-of-concept implementation on top of the model checker opaal

    Oink: an Implementation and Evaluation of Modern Parity Game Solvers

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    Parity games have important practical applications in formal verification and synthesis, especially to solve the model-checking problem of the modal mu-calculus. They are also interesting from the theory perspective, as they are widely believed to admit a polynomial solution, but so far no such algorithm is known. In recent years, a number of new algorithms and improvements to existing algorithms have been proposed. We implement a new and easy to extend tool Oink, which is a high-performance implementation of modern parity game algorithms. We further present a comprehensive empirical evaluation of modern parity game algorithms and solvers, both on real world benchmarks and randomly generated games. Our experiments show that our new tool Oink outperforms the current state-of-the-art.Comment: Accepted at TACAS 201

    Randomized reachability analysis in UPPAAL: fast error detection in timed systems*

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