699 research outputs found

    A Collective Variational Autoencoder for Top-NN Recommendation with Side Information

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    Recommender systems have been studied extensively due to their practical use in many real-world scenarios. Despite this, generating effective recommendations with sparse user ratings remains a challenge. Side information associated with items has been widely utilized to address rating sparsity. Existing recommendation models that use side information are linear and, hence, have restricted expressiveness. Deep learning has been used to capture non-linearities by learning deep item representations from side information but as side information is high-dimensional existing deep models tend to have large input dimensionality, which dominates their overall size. This makes them difficult to train, especially with small numbers of inputs. Rather than learning item representations, which is problematic with high-dimensional side information, in this paper, we propose to learn feature representation through deep learning from side information. Learning feature representations, on the other hand, ensures a sufficient number of inputs to train a deep network. To achieve this, we propose to simultaneously recover user ratings and side information, by using a Variational Autoencoder (VAE). Specifically, user ratings and side information are encoded and decoded collectively through the same inference network and generation network. This is possible as both user ratings and side information are data associated with items. To account for the heterogeneity of user rating and side information, the final layer of the generation network follows different distributions depending on the type of information. The proposed model is easy to implement and efficient to optimize and is shown to outperform state-of-the-art top-NN recommendation methods that use side information.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, DLRS workshop 201

    Learning Disentangled Representations with Reference-Based Variational Autoencoders

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    Learning disentangled representations from visual data, where different high-level generative factors are independently encoded, is of importance for many computer vision tasks. Solving this problem, however, typically requires to explicitly label all the factors of interest in training images. To alleviate the annotation cost, we introduce a learning setting which we refer to as "reference-based disentangling". Given a pool of unlabeled images, the goal is to learn a representation where a set of target factors are disentangled from others. The only supervision comes from an auxiliary "reference set" containing images where the factors of interest are constant. In order to address this problem, we propose reference-based variational autoencoders, a novel deep generative model designed to exploit the weak-supervision provided by the reference set. By addressing tasks such as feature learning, conditional image generation or attribute transfer, we validate the ability of the proposed model to learn disentangled representations from this minimal form of supervision
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