10,513 research outputs found

    Petri net models of microgrids with distributed generators

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    This thesis introduces some basic concepts and control methods about a microgrid. Then, two hot issues are investigated. One is how to control multiple distributed generators; and another is how to model both discrete event and continuous behaviors of a microgrid. To address these two issues, this thesis work applies Petri nets to both modeling and control of a microgrid. Ordinary Petri nets, hybrid Petri nets, and finite capacity Petri nets, are introduced with their examples targeted at modeling the behavior of a microgrid. Coordination control of multiple distributed generators based on a Petri net model is proposed. Compared with multi-V/f control, the Petri net based control enables the system to operate with a longer stable time interval. Finally, a hybrid Petri net model is constructed to model both discrete event and continuous behaviors of an on-load tap changing transformer system. Compared with an algebraic method, the hybrid Petri net offers a clear and easy-to-understand method to describe such a system

    Bisimulation Relations Between Automata, Stochastic Differential Equations and Petri Nets

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    Two formal stochastic models are said to be bisimilar if their solutions as a stochastic process are probabilistically equivalent. Bisimilarity between two stochastic model formalisms means that the strengths of one stochastic model formalism can be used by the other stochastic model formalism. The aim of this paper is to explain bisimilarity relations between stochastic hybrid automata, stochastic differential equations on hybrid space and stochastic hybrid Petri nets. These bisimilarity relations make it possible to combine the formal verification power of automata with the analysis power of stochastic differential equations and the compositional specification power of Petri nets. The relations and their combined strengths are illustrated for an air traffic example.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, Workshop on Formal Methods for Aerospace (FMA), EPTCS 20m 201

    Hybrid algorithm for scheduling and risk assessment of projects

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    IFAC CONFERENCE ON ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF HYBRID SYSTEMS (.2003.SAINT-MALO BRITTANY, FRANCIA)This work presents a technique for optimal scheduling of projects in terms of time and cost, taking into account risk assessment. Tasks are characterized by p-timed Petri nets, where places have assigned an execution time. The proposed technique minimizes the time execution and the cost of the whole project taking into account the Petri nets describing the tasks and the project risk assessment plan. The risk mitigation is carried on through actions where variables that model them may be discrete or continuousMinisterio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI200 1-2380-C02-0

    Enzymatic competition: Modeling and verification with timed hybrid petri nets

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    International audienceThe formalism of hybrid functional petri nets (HFPN) has proved its convenience for simulating biological systems. The drawback of the noticeable expressiveness of HFPN is the difficulty to perform formal verifications of dynamical properties. In this article, we propose a model-checking procedure for timed hybrid petri nets (THPN), a sub-class of HFPN. This procedure is based on the translation of the THPN model and of the studied property into real-time automata. It is applied to model enzymatic competitions existing in amphibian metamorphosis

    Operationalizing Declarative and Procedural Knowledge: A Benchmark on Logic Programming Petri Nets (LPPNs)

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    Modelling, specifying and reasoning about complex systems requires to process in an integrated fashion declarative and procedural aspects of the target domain. The paper reports on an experiment conducted with a propositional version of Logic Programming Petri Nets (LPPNs), a notation extending Petri Nets with logic programming constructs. Two semantics are presented: a denotational semantics that fully maps the notation to ASP via Event Calculus; and a hybrid operational semantics that process separately the causal mechanisms via Petri nets, and the constraints associated to objects and to events via Answer Set Programming (ASP). These two alternative specifications enable an empirical evaluation in terms of computational efficiency. Experimental results show that the hybrid semantics is more efficient w.r.t. sequences, whereas the two semantics follows the same behaviour w.r.t. branchings (although the denotational one performs better in absolute terms).Comment: draft version -- update

    Learning Hybrid Process Models From Events: Process Discovery Without Faking Confidence

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    Process discovery techniques return process models that are either formal (precisely describing the possible behaviors) or informal (merely a "picture" not allowing for any form of formal reasoning). Formal models are able to classify traces (i.e., sequences of events) as fitting or non-fitting. Most process mining approaches described in the literature produce such models. This is in stark contrast with the over 25 available commercial process mining tools that only discover informal process models that remain deliberately vague on the precise set of possible traces. There are two main reasons why vendors resort to such models: scalability and simplicity. In this paper, we propose to combine the best of both worlds: discovering hybrid process models that have formal and informal elements. As a proof of concept we present a discovery technique based on hybrid Petri nets. These models allow for formal reasoning, but also reveal information that cannot be captured in mainstream formal models. A novel discovery algorithm returning hybrid Petri nets has been implemented in ProM and has been applied to several real-life event logs. The results clearly demonstrate the advantages of remaining "vague" when there is not enough "evidence" in the data or standard modeling constructs do not "fit". Moreover, the approach is scalable enough to be incorporated in industrial-strength process mining tools.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figure

    Scheduling and discrete event control of flexible manufacturing systems based on Petri nets

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    A flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is a computerized production system that can simultaneously manufacture multiple types of products using various resources such as robots and multi-purpose machines. The central problems associated with design of flexible manufacturing systems are related to process planning, scheduling, coordination control, and monitoring. Many methods exist for scheduling and control of flexible manufacturing systems, although very few methods have addressed the complexity of whole FMS operations. This thesis presents a Petri net based method for deadlock-free scheduling and discrete event control of flexible manufacturing systems. A significant advantage of Petri net based methods is their powerful modeling capability. Petri nets can explicitly and concisely model the concurrent and asynchronous activities, multi-layer resource sharing, routing flexibility, limited buffers and precedence constraints in FMSs. Petri nets can also provide an explicit way for considering deadlock situations in FMSs, and thus facilitate significantly the design of a deadlock-free scheduling and control system. The contributions of this work are multifold. First, it develops a methodology for discrete event controller synthesis for flexible manufacturing systems in a timed Petri net framework. The resulting Petri nets have the desired qualitative properties of liveness, boundedness (safeness), and reversibility, which imply freedom from deadlock, no capacity overflow, and cyclic behavior, respectively. This precludes the costly mathematical analysis for these properties and reduces on-line computation overhead to avoid deadlocks. The performance and sensitivity of resulting Petri nets, thus corresponding control systems, are evaluated. Second, it introduces a hybrid heuristic search algorithm based on Petri nets for deadlock-free scheduling of flexible manufacturing systems. The issues such as deadlock, routing flexibility, multiple lot size, limited buffer size and material handling (loading/unloading) are explored. Third, it proposes a way to employ fuzzy dispatching rules in a Petri net framework for multi-criterion scheduling. Finally, it shows the effectiveness of the developed methods through several manufacturing system examples compared with benchmark dispatching rules, integer programming and Lagrangian relaxation approaches

    Hybrid Petri nets-based Flow modeling and application on hybrid system.

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    Flow management is necessary in several application areas, in the optimization of industrial production lines, in IT to manage data flows and in the automation of industrial systems. Physical systems in general consist of continuous processes interacting with discrete processes forming a hybrid dynamic system constituted by continuous dynamic type models and discrete events. The application of the hybrid Petri nets tool in the modeling, study and performance evaluation of these systems helps to analyze the dynamic properties by acting on the parameters and the structure of the models in order to evaluate their behavior. This work is focused on the application of this tool to model a material flow management system between a rotary kiln and a clinker cooler in a production line (cement process). The implementation of the modeling and the analysis of the results obtained by simulation on a software platform (Visual Object Net ++), aims to study industrial processes with mathematical tools and to follow their behavior on software, this allows us an optimal analysis of complex systems in dangerous environments, and to try practical and effective solutions by simple means before moving on to the implementation and programming of actions that require more expensive means