1,747 research outputs found

    Every group is the outer automorphism group of an HNN-extension of a fixed triangle group

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    Fix an equilateral triangle group Ti=a,b;ai,bi,(ab)iT_i=\langle a, b; a^i, b^i, (ab)^i\rangle with i6i\geq6 arbitrary. Our main result is: for every presentation P\mathcal{P} of every countable group QQ there exists an HNN-extension TPT_{\mathcal{P}} of TiT_i such that Out(TP)Q\operatorname{Out}(T_{\mathcal{P}})\cong Q. We construct the HNN-extensions explicitly, and examples are given. The class of groups constructed have nice categorical and residual properties. In order to prove our main result we give a method for recognising malnormal subgroups of small cancellation groups, and we introduce the concept of "malcharacteristic" subgroups.Comment: 39 pages. Final version, to appear in Advances in Mathematic

    Linear and projective boundaries in HNN-extensions and distortion phenomena

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    Linear and projective boundaries of Cayley graphs were introduced in~\cite{kst} as quasi-isometry invariant boundaries of finitely generated groups. They consist of forward orbits g={gi:iN}g^\infty=\{g^i: i\in \mathbb N\}, or orbits g±={gi:iZ}g^{\pm\infty}=\{g^i:i\in\mathbb Z\}, respectively, of non-torsion elements~gg of the group GG, where `sufficiently close' (forward) orbits become identified, together with a metric bounded by 1. We show that for all finitely generated groups, the distance between the antipodal points gg^\infty and gg^{-\infty} in the linear boundary is bounded from below by 1/2\sqrt{1/2}, and we give an example of a group which has two antipodal elements of distance at most 12/17<1\sqrt{12/17}<1. Our example is a derivation of the Baumslag-Gersten group. \newline We also exhibit a group with elements gg and hh such that g=hg^\infty = h^\infty, but ghg^{-\infty}\neq h^{-\infty}. Furthermore, we introduce a notion of average-case-distortion---called growth---and compute explicit positive lower bounds for distances between points gg^\infty and hh^\infty which are limits of group elements gg and hh with different growth