15 research outputs found

    An Automated System for Stock Market Trading Based on Logical Clustering

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    In this paper a novel clustering-based system for automated stock market trading is introduced. It relies on interpolative Boolean algebra as underlying mathematical framework used to construct logical clustering method which is the central component of the system. The system uses fundamental analysis ratios, more precisely market valuation ratios, as clustering variables to differentiate between undervaluated and overvaluated stocks. To structure investment portfolio, the proposed system uses special weighting formulas which automatically diversify investment funds. Finally, a simple trading simulation engine is developed to test our system on real market data. The proposed system was tested on Belgrade Stock Exchange historical data and was able to achieve a high rate of return and to outperform the BelexLine market index as a benchmark variable. The paper has also provided in-depth analysis of the system’s investment decision making process which reveals some exciting insights

    Statistical Parameters Based on Fuzzy Measures

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    In this paper, we study the problem of defining statistical parameters when the uncertainty is expressed using a fuzzy measure. We extend the concept of monotone expectation in order to define a monotone variance and monotone moments. We also study parameters that allow the joint analysis of two functions defined over the same reference set. Finally, we propose some parameters over product spaces, considering the case in which a function over the product space is available and also the case in which such function is obtained by combining those in the marginal spaces

    A logic-based approach to similarity modeling

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    У овој докторској дисертацији уведен је логички приступ моделовању сличности који је заснован на интерполативној Буловој алгебри. За мерење сличности, предложене су нове интерпретабилне логичке мере, параметарске и непараметарске, као и дескриптивни оператор агегације – логичка агрегација. Поред пружања теоријске основе, у овом истраживању посебна пажња је посвећена емпиријској анализи. У сврху валидације дефинисаних мера уведена је логичка класификација заснована на ИБА сличности. За све уведене мере извршена је евалуација и поређење на реалним подацима из домена медицине, где је показано да увођење параметара унапређује резултате класификације. На крају су приказане могућности за конструисање логичких класификатора заснованих на експертским функцијама сличности на проблему предвиђања банкротства предузећа.In this doctoral thesis, a logical approach to similarity modeling based on interpolative Boolean algebra is introduced. Novel interpretable logical measures, both nonparametric and parametrized, are introduced for measuring similarity together with logical aggregation as a descriptive aggregation operator. Besides the theоretical background, in this research special attention is devoted to empirical analysis. For validation purposes, logical classification based on IBA similarity is introduced. Defined logical measures are evaluated and compared in the case of medical data, and it is shown that parameterized measures improve classification results. Finally, the benefits of logic-based classifiers with expert similarity functions are presented on the problem of corporate bankruptcy prediction

    Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Logic and Their Applications 2020

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    The present book contains the 24 total articles accepted and published in the Special Issue “Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Logic and Their Applications, 2020” of the MDPI Mathematics journal, which covers a wide range of topics connected to the theory and applications of fuzzy sets and systems of fuzzy logic and their extensions/generalizations. These topics include, among others, elements from fuzzy graphs; fuzzy numbers; fuzzy equations; fuzzy linear spaces; intuitionistic fuzzy sets; soft sets; type-2 fuzzy sets, bipolar fuzzy sets, plithogenic sets, fuzzy decision making, fuzzy governance, fuzzy models in mathematics of finance, a philosophical treatise on the connection of the scientific reasoning with fuzzy logic, etc. It is hoped that the book will be interesting and useful for those working in the area of fuzzy sets, fuzzy systems and fuzzy logic, as well as for those with the proper mathematical background and willing to become familiar with recent advances in fuzzy mathematics, which has become prevalent in almost all sectors of the human life and activity

    The fuzzy theory and women writers in the late eighteenth century

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    'Fuzzy Theory and Women Writers in the Late Eighteenth Century' contends that women writers require more careful critical treatment, and suggests that critics are still bound by the outdated logic of the Law of the Excluded Middle. This law, first formulated by Aristotle, and developed by Gottfried Leibniz in the early eighteenth century, indicates that where there are two contradictory prepositions, one must be true and the other false; a female writer must, therefore, either be feminine or masculine, conservative or radical. The twentieth century concept of Fuzzy logic, however, helped mathematicians and engineers to manage reasoning that was only approximate, rather than exact. Borrowing from this, the thesis will employ the Fuzzy Set Theory, which permits the gradual assessment of elements in a set, rather than relying on elements that are assessed in binaric terms (the principle of bivalence, or, contradiction). Put simply, the Fuzzy Set Theory does away with binaries, the Law of the Excluded Middle, and the Law of Contradiction, allowing subjects to be imprecise, and changeable. Thus, each chapter will construct a Fuzzy Set by which a variety of eighteenth century debates, with which women writers engaged, can be examined. The thesis will show that all such concepts are subjective and unstable— changeable and open to personal interpretation, and will discuss such writers as Mary Wollstonecraft, Catherine Macaulay, Charlotte Smith, Anna Letitia Barbauld, Mary Hays, Lucy Aikin, Hannah More and Joanna Southcott

    Challenges in Categorization : Corpus-based Studies of Adjectival Premodifiers in English

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    This thesis draws together a series of articles on premodifying -ing participles and adjectives in English (e.g. "interesting", "advancing"). The studies are intended to contribute to our understanding of a variety of topics, including the meaning and function of participles and other adjectival premodifiers, their use in different registers, and their change over time. The overarching topic that connects all the articles thematically is linguistic categorization, which is here understood as a process of abstraction through which language users group linguistic elements together according to their form, meaning, function and patterns of use. Some of the articles discuss categories and categorization in terms of word classes (adjectives/verbs), while the focus of others is on semantic categorization (subjective/objective premodifiers) or the categorization of linguistic registers based on the distribution of premodified noun phrases. On the one hand, then, this thesis bears on the general discussion of the nature of linguistic categorization and category change. On the other hand, it continues a series of descriptions and analyses of adjectival premodifiers in contemporary research and the large reference grammars of Present-day English. One of the main findings of this thesis concerns the tendency of subjective adjectives, adjective phrases and nouns to be used with indefinite determination and in a complement role in discourse. This tendency is explained by a preferential mapping between subjectivity and new information, and the correlation is shown to have interesting uses in more practical tasks, such as semantic disambiguation, corpus annotation and the study of semantic change. Another important result is the tendency of degree modifiers to be used proportionally more often in predication than in attribution. These kinds of results support a usage-based approach to word classes, where categories like Verb or Adjective are regarded as emergent schemas that arise from actual patterns of use. The thesis also includes a wide-ranging survey of the relevant philosophical and linguistic literature on categorization.Tarkastelen väitöskirjassani englannin kielen eri adjektiivimääritteitä sekä synkronisesta että diakronisesta näkökulmasta. Päähuomio kiinnittyy erilaisten partisiippimääritteiden, etenkin -ing-partisiippien (esim. "interesting", "advancing") kategorisointiin, merkitykseen ja käyttöön, mutta paneudun väitöskirjan osatutkimuksissa myös -ed-partisiippien (esim. "scared") sekä tavallisten adjektiivien käyttöön. Tärkeimpiä teemoja työssäni ovat adjektiivisten sanojen merkityksen subjektiivisuus ja subjektifikaatio, sanaluokkien astemaisuus sekä sanojen vähittäinen kategorian muutos (esim. verbintapaisen -ing-partisiipin astemainen muutos adjektiiviksi). Tutkimukseni pohjaa englannin kielen korpusaineistoon, ja se kattaa ajanjakson aina varhaisuusenglannista nykyenglantiin. Väitöskirjatyöni on vahvasti empiirinen, ja sen tärkeimpiä yleisiä tuloksia on havainto korrelaatiosta subjektiivisten merkitysten ja tietynlaisten rakenteiden välillä. Olen korpusaineiston avulla mm. osoittanut, että vahvasti subjektiivisia merkityksiä ilmaistaan englannin kielessä tyypillisesti indefiniittisissä rakenteissa. Esimerkiksi "a much better result" on aineistossa huomattavasti yleisempi kuin "the much better result". Samoin astemaisuutta kuvaavat adverbit, kuten "very" ja "extremely", esiintyvät aineistossa merkittävästi useammin predikaatiossa kuin attribuutiossa (esim. "this is very nice" on yleisempi kuin "a very nice idea"). Esitän väitöskirjassani, että tällaiset havainnot ovat relevantteja sekä kielen muutoksen selittämisessä että siinä tavassa, jolla sanaluokat tulisi ymmärtää kielitieteen teoriassa: tutkimuksessani sanaluokat käsitetään kielen käyttäjän kokemuksiin perustuvina abstraktioina (skeemoina), jotka ovat dynaamisia ja jotka voivat muuttua sekä pitkällä että lyhyemmällä aikavälillä. Tämä ajatus on erityisen tärkeä konstruktiokieliopin teorian kannalta viitekehyksen, jota sovellan väitöskirjani viimeisessä osatutkimuksessa

    Metasemantics and fuzzy mathematics

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    The present thesis is an inquiry into the metasemantics of natural languages, with a particular focus on the philosophical motivations for countenancing degreed formal frameworks for both psychosemantics and truth-conditional semantics. Chapter 1 sets out to offer a bird's eye view of our overall research project and the key questions that we set out to address. Chapter 2 provides a self-contained overview of the main empirical findings in the cognitive science of concepts and categorisation. This scientific background is offered in light of the fact that most variants of psychologically-informed semantics see our network of concepts as providing the raw materials on which lexical and sentential meanings supervene. Consequently, the metaphysical study of internalistically-construed meanings and the empirical study of our mental categories are overlapping research projects. Chapter 3 closely investigates a selection of species of conceptual semantics, together with reasons for adopting or disavowing them. We note that our ultimate aim is not to defend these perspectives on the study of meaning, but to argue that the project of making them formally precise naturally invites the adoption of degreed mathematical frameworks (e.g. probabilistic or fuzzy). In Chapter 4, we switch to the orthodox framework of truth-conditional semantics, and we present the limitations of a philosophical position that we call "classicism about vagueness". In the process, we come up with an empirical hypothesis for the psychological pull of the inductive soritical premiss and we make an original objection against the epistemicist position, based on computability theory. Chapter 5 makes a different case for the adoption of degreed semantic frameworks, based on their (quasi-)superior treatments of the paradoxes of vagueness. Hence, the adoption of tools that allow for graded membership are well-motivated under both semantic internalism and semantic externalism. At the end of this chapter, we defend an unexplored view of vagueness that we call "practical fuzzicism". Chapter 6, viz. the final chapter, is a metamathematical enquiry into both the fuzzy model-theoretic semantics and the fuzzy Davidsonian semantics for formal languages of type-free truth in which precise truth-predications can be expressed

    Ethnic Minorities and Regional Development in Asia

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    The development experience in the world over the last century has shown that economic growth cannot be sustained without taking into consideration the social and political development of vulnerable populations, including greater recognition of minority rights. Within this context, the objective of this book is initially to support the interdisciplinary discussion that aims to join studies that surrounding the development of minorities in the Asia.Azië is economisch gezien een van de snelst groeiende regio's in de wereld. Dit geldt vooral voor Oost- en Zuidoost- Aziatische landen als China en Vietnam. Toch zijn er tegelijkertijd grote regionale verschillen in welvaart. Huhua Cao stelt dat gelijkberechtiging van de etnische minderheden een voorwaarde is voor de verdere economische bloei van deze regio's. De emancipatie van die minderheden is een enorme uitdaging waar veel Aziatische samenlevingen op dit moment voor staan. Huhua Cao wil met zijn boek een interdisciplinaire discussie op gang brengen over die emancipatie. De gevarieerde hoofdstukken in deze bundel dragen daar het nodige aan bij

    Ethnic minorities and regional development in Asia: reality and challenges

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    The development experience in the world over the last century has shown that economic growth cannot be sustained without taking into consideration the social and political development of vulnerable populations, including greater recognition of minority rights. Within this context, the objective of this book is initially to support the interdisciplinary discussion that aims to join studies that surrounding the development of minorities in the Asia.AziC+ is economisch gezien een van de snelst groeiende regio's in de wereld. Dit geldt vooral voor Oost- en Zuidoost- Aziatische landen als China en Vietnam. Toch zijn er tegelijkertijd grote regionale verschillen in welvaart. Huhua Cao stelt dat gelijkberechtiging van de etnische minderheden een voorwaarde is voor de verdere economische bloei van deze regio's. De emancipatie van die minderheden is een enorme uitdaging waar veel Aziatische samenlevingen op dit moment voor staan. Huhua Cao wil met zijn boek een interdisciplinaire discussie op gang brengen over die emancipatie. De gevarieerde hoofdstukken in deze bundel dragen daar het nodige aan bij