12,538 research outputs found

    Techniques for the Synthesis of Reversible Toffoli Networks

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    This paper presents novel techniques for the synthesis of reversible networks of Toffoli gates, as well as improvements to previous methods. Gate count and technology oriented cost metrics are used. Our synthesis techniques are independent of the cost metrics. Two new iterative synthesis procedure employing Reed-Muller spectra are introduced and shown to complement earlier synthesis approaches. The template simplification suggested in earlier work is enhanced through introduction of a faster and more efficient template application algorithm, updated (shorter) classification of the templates, and presentation of the new templates of sizes 7 and 9. A novel ``resynthesis'' approach is introduced wherein a sequence of gates is chosen from a network, and the reversible specification it realizes is resynthesized as an independent problem in hopes of reducing the network cost. Empirical results are presented to show that the methods are effective both in terms of the realization of all 3x3 reversible functions and larger reversible benchmark specifications.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Learned Belief-Propagation Decoding with Simple Scaling and SNR Adaptation

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    We consider the weighted belief-propagation (WBP) decoder recently proposed by Nachmani et al. where different weights are introduced for each Tanner graph edge and optimized using machine learning techniques. Our focus is on simple-scaling models that use the same weights across certain edges to reduce the storage and computational burden. The main contribution is to show that simple scaling with few parameters often achieves the same gain as the full parameterization. Moreover, several training improvements for WBP are proposed. For example, it is shown that minimizing average binary cross-entropy is suboptimal in general in terms of bit error rate (BER) and a new "soft-BER" loss is proposed which can lead to better performance. We also investigate parameter adapter networks (PANs) that learn the relation between the signal-to-noise ratio and the WBP parameters. As an example, for the (32,16) Reed-Muller code with a highly redundant parity-check matrix, training a PAN with soft-BER loss gives near-maximum-likelihood performance assuming simple scaling with only three parameters.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, submitted to ISIT 201

    Fault tolerance issues in nanoelectronics

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    The astonishing success story of microelectronics cannot go on indefinitely. In fact, once devices reach the few-atom scale (nanoelectronics), transient quantum effects are expected to impair their behaviour. Fault tolerant techniques will then be required. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the problem of transient errors in nanoelectronic devices. Transient error rates for a selection of nanoelectronic gates, based upon quantum cellular automata and single electron devices, in which the electrostatic interaction between electrons is used to create Boolean circuits, are estimated. On the bases of such results, various fault tolerant solutions are proposed, for both logic and memory nanochips. As for logic chips, traditional techniques are found to be unsuitable. A new technique, in which the voting approach of triple modular redundancy (TMR) is extended by cascading TMR units composed of nanogate clusters, is proposed and generalised to other voting approaches. For memory chips, an error correcting code approach is found to be suitable. Various codes are considered and a lookup table approach is proposed for encoding and decoding. We are then able to give estimations for the redundancy level to be provided on nanochips, so as to make their mean time between failures acceptable. It is found that, for logic chips, space redundancies up to a few tens are required, if mean times between failures have to be of the order of a few years. Space redundancy can also be traded for time redundancy. As for memory chips, mean times between failures of the order of a few years are found to imply both space and time redundancies of the order of ten

    Testing Linear-Invariant Non-Linear Properties

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    We consider the task of testing properties of Boolean functions that are invariant under linear transformations of the Boolean cube. Previous work in property testing, including the linearity test and the test for Reed-Muller codes, has mostly focused on such tasks for linear properties. The one exception is a test due to Green for "triangle freeness": a function f:\cube^{n}\to\cube satisfies this property if f(x),f(y),f(x+y)f(x),f(y),f(x+y) do not all equal 1, for any pair x,y\in\cube^{n}. Here we extend this test to a more systematic study of testing for linear-invariant non-linear properties. We consider properties that are described by a single forbidden pattern (and its linear transformations), i.e., a property is given by kk points v_{1},...,v_{k}\in\cube^{k} and f:\cube^{n}\to\cube satisfies the property that if for all linear maps L:\cube^{k}\to\cube^{n} it is the case that f(L(v1)),...,f(L(vk))f(L(v_{1})),...,f(L(v_{k})) do not all equal 1. We show that this property is testable if the underlying matroid specified by v1,...,vkv_{1},...,v_{k} is a graphic matroid. This extends Green's result to an infinite class of new properties. Our techniques extend those of Green and in particular we establish a link between the notion of "1-complexity linear systems" of Green and Tao, and graphic matroids, to derive the results.Comment: This is the full version; conference version appeared in the proceedings of STACS 200

    The Road From Classical to Quantum Codes: A Hashing Bound Approaching Design Procedure

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    Powerful Quantum Error Correction Codes (QECCs) are required for stabilizing and protecting fragile qubits against the undesirable effects of quantum decoherence. Similar to classical codes, hashing bound approaching QECCs may be designed by exploiting a concatenated code structure, which invokes iterative decoding. Therefore, in this paper we provide an extensive step-by-step tutorial for designing EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) chart aided concatenated quantum codes based on the underlying quantum-to-classical isomorphism. These design lessons are then exemplified in the context of our proposed Quantum Irregular Convolutional Code (QIRCC), which constitutes the outer component of a concatenated quantum code. The proposed QIRCC can be dynamically adapted to match any given inner code using EXIT charts, hence achieving a performance close to the hashing bound. It is demonstrated that our QIRCC-based optimized design is capable of operating within 0.4 dB of the noise limit

    Codes and Sequences for Information Retrieval and Stream Ciphers

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    Given a self-similar structure in codes and de Bruijn sequences, recursive techniques may be used to analyze and construct them. Batch codes partition the indices of code words into m buckets, where recovery of t symbols is accomplished by accessing at most tau in each bucket. This finds use in the retrieval of information spread over several devices. We introduce the concept of optimal batch codes, showing that binary Hamming codes and first order Reed-Muller codes are optimal. Then we study batch properties of binary Reed-Muller codes which have order less than half their length. Cartesian codes are defined by the evaluation of polynomials at a subset of points in F_q. We partition F_q into buckets defined by the quotient with a subspace V. Several properties equivalent to (V intersect ) = {0} for all i,j between 1 and mu are explored. With this framework, a code in F_q^(mu-1) capable of reconstructing mu indices is expanded to one in F_q^(mu) capable of reconstructing mu+1 indices. Using a base case in F_q^3, we are able to prove batch properties for codes in F_q. We generalize this to Cartesian Codes with a limit on the degree mu of the polynomials. De Bruijn sequences are cyclic sequences of length q^n that contain every q-ary word of length n exactly once. The pseudorandom properties of such sequences make them useful for stream ciphers. Under a particular homomorphism, the preimages of a binary de Bruijn sequence form two cycles. We examine a method for identifying points where these sequences may be joined to make a de Bruijn sequence of order n. Using the recursive structure of this construction, we are able to calculate sums of subsequences in O(n^4 log(n)) time, and the location of a word in O(n^5 log(n)) time. Together, these functions allow us to check the validity of any potential toggle point, which provides a method for efficiently generating a recursive specification. Each successful step takes O(k^5 log(k)), for k from 3 to n
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