1,334 research outputs found

    Spherical complexes attached to symplectic lattices

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    To the integral symplectic group Sp(2g,Z) we associate two posets of which we prove that they have the Cohen-Macaulay property. As an application we show that the locus of marked decomposable principally polarized abelian varieties in the Siegel space of genus g has the homotopy type of a bouquet of (g-2)-spheres. This, in turn, implies that the rational homology of moduli space of (unmarked) principal polarized abelian varieties of genus g modulo the decomposable ones vanishes in degree g-2 or lower. Another application is an improved stability range for the homology of the symplectic groups over Euclidean rings. But the original motivation comes from envisaged applications to the homology of groups of Torelli type. The proof of our main result rests on a refined nerve theorem for posets that may have an interest in its own right.Comment: 18 p; final versio

    Symmetric chain decomposition for cyclic quotients of Boolean algebras and relation to cyclic crystals

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    The quotient of a Boolean algebra by a cyclic group is proven to have a symmetric chain decomposition. This generalizes earlier work of Griggs, Killian and Savage on the case of prime order, giving an explicit construction for any order, prime or composite. The combinatorial map specifying how to proceed downward in a symmetric chain is shown to be a natural cyclic analogue of the sl2\mathfrak{sl}_2 lowering operator in the theory of crystal bases.Comment: minor revisions; to appear in IMR

    Skew Schubert functions and the Pieri formula for flag manifolds

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    We show the equivalence of the Pieri formula for flag manifolds and certain identities among the structure constants, giving new proofs of both the Pieri formula and of these identities. A key step is the association of a symmetric function to a finite poset with labeled Hasse diagram satisfying a symmetry condition. This gives a unified definition of skew Schur functions, Stanley symmetric function, and skew Schubert functions (defined here). We also use algebraic geometry to show the coefficient of a monomial in a Schubert polynomial counts certain chains in the Bruhat order, obtaining a new combinatorial construction of Schubert polynomials.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX 2e, with epsf.st
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