10 research outputs found

    On discovery of extremely low-dimensional clusters using semi-supervised projected clustering

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    Recent studies suggest that projected clusters with extremely low dimensionality exist in many real datasets. A number of projected clustering algorithms have been proposed in the past several years, but few can identify clusters with dimensionality lower than 10% of the total number of dimensions, which are commonly found in some real datasets such as gene expression profiles. In this paper we propose a new algorithm that can accurately identify projected clusters with relevant dimensions as few as 5% of the total number of dimensions. It makes use of a robust objective function that combines object clustering and dimension selection into a single optimization problem. The algorithm can also utilize domain knowledge in the form of labeled objects and labeled dimensions to improve its clustering accuracy. We believe this is the first semi-supervised projected clustering algorithm. Both theoretical analysis and experimental results show that by using a small amount of input knowledge, possibly covering only a portion of the underlying classes, the new algorithm can be further improved to accurately detect clusters with only 1% of the dimensions being relevant. The algorithm is also useful in getting a target set of clusters when there are multiple possible groupings of the objects. © 2005 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    An Iterative Projective Clustering Method

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    AbstractIn this article we offer an algorithm recurrently divides a dataset by search of partitions via one dimensional subspace discovered by means of optimizing of a projected pursuit function. Aiming to assess the model order a resampling technique is employed. For each number of clusters, bounded by a predefined limit, samples from the projected data are drawn and clustered through the EM algorithm. Further, the basis cumulative histogram of the projected data is approximated by means of the GMM histograms constructed using the samples’ partitions. The saturation order of this approximation process, at what time the components’ amount increases, is recognized as the “true” components’ number. Afterward the whole data is clustered and the densest cluster is omitted. The process is repeated while waiting for the true number of clusters equals one. Numerical experiments demonstrate the high ability of the proposed method

    On Discovery of Extremely Low-Dimensional Clusters Using Semi-Supervised Projected Clustering

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    On discovery of extremely low-dimensional clusters using semi-supervised projected clustering

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    Recent studies suggest that projected clusters with extremely low dimensionality exist in many real datasets. A number of projected clustering algorithms have been proposed in the past several years, but few can identify clusters with dimensionality lower than 10 % of the total number of dimensions, which are commonly found in some real datasets such as gene expression profiles. In this paper we propose a new algorithm that can accurately identify projected clusters with relevant dimensions as few as 5 % of the total number of dimensions. It makes use of a robust objective function that combines object clustering and dimension selection into a single optimization problem. The algorithm can also utilize domain knowledge in the form of labeled objects and labeled dimensions to improve its clustering accuracy. We believe this is the first semi-supervised projected clustering algorithm. Both theoretical analysis and experimental results show that by using a small amount of input knowledge, possibly covering only a portion of the underlying classes, the new algorithm can be further improved to accurately detect clusters with only 1 % of the dimensions being relevant. The algorithm is also useful in getting a target set of clusters when there are multiple possible groupings of the objects.

    On Discovery of Extremely Low-Dimensional Clusters Using Semi-Supervised Projected Clustering

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    Recent studies suggest that projected clusters with extremely low dimensionality exist in many real datasets. A number of projected clustering algorithms have been proposed in the past several years, but few can identify clusters with dimensionality lower than 10% of the total number of dimensions, which are commonly found in some real datasets such as gene expression profiles. In this paper we propose a new algorithm that can accurately identify projected clusters with relevant dimensions as few as 5% of the total number of dimensions. It makes use of a robust objective function that combines object clustering and dimension selection into a single optimization problem. The algorithm can also utilize domain knowledge in the form of labeled objects and labeled dimensions to improve its clustering accuracy. We believe this is the first semi-supervised projected clustering algorithm. Both theoretical analysis and experimental results show that by using a small amount of input knowledge, possibly covering only a portion of the underlying classes, the new algorithm can be further improved to accurately detect clusters with only 1% of the dimensions being relevant. The algorithm is also useful in getting a target set of clusters when there are multiple possible groupings of the objects

    Classification non supervisée des données de hautes dimensions et extraction des connaissances dans les services WEB de question-réponse

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    Cette thèse à publication propose d'étudier deux problématiques différentes : 1) la classification non supervisée (clustering) des données de hautes dimensions, et 2) l'extraction des connaissances dans les services Web de question-réponse. Nos contributions sont présentées à travers trois chapitres. Dans le premier chapitre, nous proposons un algorithme de projected clustering nomme PCKA (Projected Clustering based on the K-means Algorithm). Contrairement à la vaste majorité des approches existantes, PCKA est capable de découvrir des structures de clusters qui existent dans différents sous-espaces de faibles dimensionnalités et ce en utilisant une mesure de similarité bien adaptée aux caractéristiques particulières des données multidimensionnelles. La fiabilité de PCKA est illustrée à travers des tests et des comparaisons avec les approches existantes sur une variété de données synthétiques et réelles. Le deuxième chapitre aborde le problème de l'identification des utilisateurs experts dans les forums Internet de question-réponse. Notre contribution inclut le développement d'une approche probabiliste qui se base sur le modèle de mélange de distributions de la loi Gamma. Notre approche permet de séparer, de façon systématique, les utilisateurs experts des non-experts alors que les approches existantes fournissent une liste ordonnée d'utilisateurs seulement. Le troisième chapitre étudie le problème de l'identification des communautés dans les forums Internet de question-réponse. Notre contribution inclut l'introduction du nouveau concept de "communauté de partage des connaissances". Ces communautés sont définies par les interactions entre les utilisateurs experts et non-experts. Pour identifier ce type de communauté nous représentons notre environnement sous la forme des données transactionnelles et nous proposons un algorithme de clustering nomme TRANCLUS (TRAnsaction CLUStering). Les clusters identifies par TRANCLUS représentent les communautés que nous cherchons à découvrir. Notre approche est validée sur des données extraites de plusieurs forums de Yahoo! Answers

    Unsupervised learning on social data

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    Correlation Clustering

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    Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) is the non-trivial process of identifying valid, novel, potentially useful, and ultimately understandable patterns in data. The core step of the KDD process is the application of a Data Mining algorithm in order to produce a particular enumeration of patterns and relationships in large databases. Clustering is one of the major data mining techniques and aims at grouping the data objects into meaningful classes (clusters) such that the similarity of objects within clusters is maximized, and the similarity of objects from different clusters is minimized. This can serve to group customers with similar interests, or to group genes with related functionalities. Currently, a challenge for clustering-techniques are especially high dimensional feature-spaces. Due to modern facilities of data collection, real data sets usually contain many features. These features are often noisy or exhibit correlations among each other. However, since these effects in different parts of the data set are differently relevant, irrelevant features cannot be discarded in advance. The selection of relevant features must therefore be integrated into the data mining technique. Since about 10 years, specialized clustering approaches have been developed to cope with problems in high dimensional data better than classic clustering approaches. Often, however, the different problems of very different nature are not distinguished from one another. A main objective of this thesis is therefore a systematic classification of the diverse approaches developed in recent years according to their task definition, their basic strategy, and their algorithmic approach. We discern as main categories the search for clusters (i) w.r.t. closeness of objects in axis-parallel subspaces, (ii) w.r.t. common behavior (patterns) of objects in axis-parallel subspaces, and (iii) w.r.t. closeness of objects in arbitrarily oriented subspaces (so called correlation cluster). For the third category, the remaining parts of the thesis describe novel approaches. A first approach is the adaptation of density-based clustering to the problem of correlation clustering. The starting point here is the first density-based approach in this field, the algorithm 4C. Subsequently, enhancements and variations of this approach are discussed allowing for a more robust, more efficient, or more effective behavior or even find hierarchies of correlation clusters and the corresponding subspaces. The density-based approach to correlation clustering, however, is fundamentally unable to solve some issues since an analysis of local neighborhoods is required. This is a problem in high dimensional data. Therefore, a novel method is proposed tackling the correlation clustering problem in a global approach. Finally, a method is proposed to derive models for correlation clusters to allow for an interpretation of the clusters and facilitate more thorough analysis in the corresponding domain science. Finally, possible applications of these models are proposed and discussed.Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) ist der Prozess der automatischen Extraktion von Wissen aus großen Datenmengen, das gültig, bisher unbekannt und potentiell nützlich für eine gegebene Anwendung ist. Der zentrale Schritt des KDD-Prozesses ist das Anwenden von Data Mining-Techniken, um nützliche Beziehungen und Zusammenhänge in einer aufbereiteten Datenmenge aufzudecken. Eine der wichtigsten Techniken des Data Mining ist die Cluster-Analyse (Clustering). Dabei sollen die Objekte einer Datenbank in Gruppen (Cluster) partitioniert werden, so dass Objekte eines Clusters möglichst ähnlich und Objekte verschiedener Cluster möglichst unähnlich zu einander sind. Hier können beispielsweise Gruppen von Kunden identifiziert werden, die ähnliche Interessen haben, oder Gruppen von Genen, die ähnliche Funktionalitäten besitzen. Eine aktuelle Herausforderung für Clustering-Verfahren stellen hochdimensionale Feature-Räume dar. Reale Datensätze beinhalten dank moderner Verfahren zur Datenerhebung häufig sehr viele Merkmale (Features). Teile dieser Merkmale unterliegen oft Rauschen oder Abhängigkeiten und können meist nicht im Vorfeld ausgesiebt werden, da diese Effekte in Teilen der Datenbank jeweils unterschiedlich ausgeprägt sind. Daher muss die Wahl der Features mit dem Data-Mining-Verfahren verknüpft werden. Seit etwa 10 Jahren werden vermehrt spezialisierte Clustering-Verfahren entwickelt, die mit den in hochdimensionalen Feature-Räumen auftretenden Problemen besser umgehen können als klassische Clustering-Verfahren. Hierbei wird aber oftmals nicht zwischen den ihrer Natur nach im Einzelnen sehr unterschiedlichen Problemen unterschieden. Ein Hauptanliegen der Dissertation ist daher eine systematische Einordnung der in den letzten Jahren entwickelten sehr diversen Ansätze nach den Gesichtspunkten ihrer jeweiligen Problemauffassung, ihrer grundlegenden Lösungsstrategie und ihrer algorithmischen Vorgehensweise. Als Hauptkategorien unterscheiden wir hierbei die Suche nach Clustern (1.) hinsichtlich der Nähe von Cluster-Objekten in achsenparallelen Unterräumen, (2.) hinsichtlich gemeinsamer Verhaltensweisen (Mustern) von Cluster-Objekten in achsenparallelen Unterräumen und (3.) hinsichtlich der Nähe von Cluster-Objekten in beliebig orientierten Unterräumen (sogenannte Korrelations-Cluster). Für die dritte Kategorie sollen in den weiteren Teilen der Dissertation innovative Lösungsansätze entwickelt werden. Ein erster Lösungsansatz basiert auf einer Erweiterung des dichte-basierten Clustering auf die Problemstellung des Korrelations-Clustering. Den Ausgangspunkt bildet der erste dichtebasierte Ansatz in diesem Bereich, der Algorithmus 4C. Anschließend werden Erweiterungen und Variationen dieses Ansatzes diskutiert, die robusteres, effizienteres oder effektiveres Verhalten aufweisen oder sogar Hierarchien von Korrelations-Clustern und den entsprechenden Unterräumen finden. Die dichtebasierten Korrelations-Cluster-Verfahren können allerdings einige Probleme grundsätzlich nicht lösen, da sie auf der Analyse lokaler Nachbarschaften beruhen. Dies ist in hochdimensionalen Feature-Räumen problematisch. Daher wird eine weitere Neuentwicklung vorgestellt, die das Korrelations-Cluster-Problem mit einer globalen Methode angeht. Schließlich wird eine Methode vorgestellt, die Cluster-Modelle für Korrelationscluster ableitet, so dass die gefundenen Cluster interpretiert werden können und tiefergehende Untersuchungen in der jeweiligen Fachdisziplin zielgerichtet möglich sind. Mögliche Anwendungen dieser Modelle werden abschließend vorgestellt und untersucht