175,081 research outputs found

    The (2k-1)-connected multigraphs with at most k-1 disjoint cycles

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    In 1963, Corr\'adi and Hajnal proved that for all k1k \ge 1 and n3kn \ge 3k, every (simple) graph on n vertices with minimum degree at least 2k contains k disjoint cycles. The same year, Dirac described the 3-connected multigraphs not containing two disjoint cycles and asked the more general question: Which (2k-1)-connected multigraphs do not contain k disjoint cycles? Recently, the authors characterized the simple graphs G with minimum degree δ(G)2k1\delta(G) \ge 2k-1 that do not contain k disjoint cycles. We use this result to answer Dirac's question in full.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Combinatoric

    Circumference of 3-connected claw-free graphs and large Eulerian subgraphs of 3-edge-connected graphs

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    AbstractThe circumference of a graph is the length of its longest cycles. Results of Jackson, and Jackson and Wormald, imply that the circumference of a 3-connected cubic n-vertex graph is Ω(n0.694), and the circumference of a 3-connected claw-free graph is Ω(n0.121). We generalize and improve the first result by showing that every 3-edge-connected graph with m edges has an Eulerian subgraph with Ω(m0.753) edges. We use this result together with the Ryjáček closure operation to improve the lower bound on the circumference of a 3-connected claw-free graph to Ω(n0.753). Our proofs imply polynomial time algorithms for finding large Eulerian subgraphs of 3-edge-connected graphs and long cycles in 3-connected claw-free graphs

    Quasigraphs and skeletal partitions

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    We give a new proof of the Skeletal Lemma, which is the main technical tool in our paper on Hamilton cycles in line graphs [T. Kaiser and P. Vr\'ana, Hamilton cycles in 5-connected line graphs, European J. Combin. 33 (2012), 924-947]. It generalises results on disjoint spanning trees in graphs to the context of 3-hypergraphs. The lemma is proved in a slightly stronger version that is more suitable for applications. The proof is simplified and formulated in a more accessible way