16 research outputs found

    The cup anemometer, a fundamental meteorological instrument for the wind energy industry

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    The cup anemometer has been used widely by the wind energy industry since its early beginning, covering two fundamental aspects: wind mill performance control and wind energy production forecast. Furthermore, despite modern technological advances such as LIDAR and SODAR, the cup anemometer remains clearly the most used instrument by the wind energy industry. Together with the major advantages of this instrument (precision, robustness), some issues must be taken into account by scientists and researchers when using it. Overspeeding, interaction with stream wakes due to allocation on masts and wind- mills, loss of performance due to wear and tear, change of performance due to different climatic conditions, checking of the maintenance status and recalibration, etc. In the present work a review of the research campaigns carried out at the IDR/UPM Institute to analyze cup anemometer performance is included. Several aspects of this instrument are examined: the calibration process, the loss of performances due to aging and wear and tear, the effect of changes of air density, the rotor aerodynamics, and the harmonic terms contained in the anemometer output signal and their possible relation to the anemometer performances

    Some developments on cup anemometer aerodynamics

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    In the present study the geometry of cups is experimentally studied through anemometer performance. This performance is analyzed in two different ways. On the one hand the anemometer transfer function between cases is compared. On the other hand the stationary rotation speed is decomposed into constant and harmonic terms, the comparison being established between the last ones. Results indicate that some cup shapes can improve the uniformity of anemometer rotation, this fact being important to reduce degradation due to ageing

    Anomaly detection on cup anemometers

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    The performances of two rotor-damaged commercial anemometers (Vector Instruments A100 LK) were studied. The calibration results (i.e. the transfer function) were very linear, the aerodynamic behavior being more efficient than the one shown by both anemometers equipped with undamaged rotors. No detection of the anomaly (the rotors'damage) was possible based on the calibration results. However, the Fourier analysis clearly revealed this anomaly

    Fourier analysis of the aerodynamic behavior of cup anemometers

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    The calibration results (the transfer function) of an anemometer equipped with several cup rotors were analyzed and correlated with the aerodynamic forces measured on the isolated cups in a wind tunnel. The correlation was based on a Fourier analysis of the normal-to-the-cup aerodynamic force. Three different cup shapes were studied: typical conical cups, elliptical cups and porous cups (conical-truncated shape). Results indicated a good correlation between the anemometer factor, K, and the ratio between the first two coefficients in the Fourier series decomposition of the normal-to-the-cup aerodynamic forc

    Aerodynamic Analysis of Cup Anemometers Performance: The Stationary Harmonic Response

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    The effect of cup anemometer shape parameters, such as the cups’ shape, their size, and their center rotation radius, was experimentally analyzed.This analysis was based on both the calibration constants of the transfer function and the most important harmonic termof the rotor’smovement,which due to the cup anemometer design is the third one.This harmonic analysis represents a new approach to study cup anemometer performances. The results clearly showed a good correlation between the average rotational speed of the anemometer’s rotor and the mentioned third harmonic term of its movement

    Deviations of cup anemometer rotational speed measurements due to steady state harmonic accelerations of the rotor

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    The measurement deviations of cup anemometers are studied by analyzing the rotational speed of the rotor at steady state (constant wind speed). The differences of the measured rotational speed with respect to the averaged one based on complete turns of the rotor are produced by the harmonic terms of the rotational speed. Cup anemometer sampling periods include a certain number of complete turns of the rotor, plus one incomplete turn, the residuals from the harmonic terms integration within that incomplete turn (as part of the averaging process) being responsible for the mentioned deviations. The errors on the rotational speed due to the harmonic terms are studied analytically and then experimentally, with data from more than 500 calibrations performed on commercial anemometers

    Aerodynamic Analysis of Cup Anemometers Performance: The Stationary Harmonic Response

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    The effect of cup anemometer shape parameters, such as the cups’ shape, their size, and their center rotation radius, was experimentally analyzed. This analysis was based on both the calibration constants of the transfer function and the most important harmonic term of the rotor’s movement, which due to the cup anemometer design is the third one. This harmonic analysis represents a new approach to study cup anemometer performances. The results clearly showed a good correlation between the average rotational speed of the anemometer’s rotor and the mentioned third harmonic term of its movement

    Improved analytical method to study the cup anemometer performance

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    The cup anemometer rotor aerodynamics is analytically studied based on the aerodynamics of a single cup. The effect of the rotation on the aerodynamic force is included in the analytical model, together with the displacement of the aerodynamic center during one turn of the cup. The model can be fitted to the testing results, indicating the presence of both the aforementioned effect


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    In all studies involving wind speed, such as meteorology, wind turbines and agriculture accurate speed information for decision making is required. There are several types of anemometers, with medium and high costs, such as cup, hot wire and pitot tubes,  the hot wire being more sensitive and expensive than others. The device developed in this work is the cup anemometer, that is easy to build. The great advantage of this device is the low cost, with an approximate value of US$ 50.00, using simple materials that are  easy to find in commercial stores. The Reed Switch sensor is also another advantage as it does not require a sophisticated programming, as well as the open platform Arduino. The use of theoretical aerodynamic drag coefficients and the presented calculations resulted in values very close to a commercial anemometer. The coefficient of determination between the cup Anemometer and the standard sensor of Meteorological Research Institute IPMet/Brazil is R2=0.9999, indicating  strong correlation between the instruments. As the reference anemometer (IPMet) has high embedded technology and the prototype is low cost, we conclude that the project has an attractive cost benefit for possible development and production, reaching the objective of this work

    Studies on cup anemometer performances carried out at IDR/UPM Institute. Past and present research

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    In the present work, the research derived from a wide experience on cup anemometer calibration works at IDR/UPM Institute (Instituto Universitario de microgravedad “Ignacio Da Riva”)is summarized. This research started in 2008, analyzing large series of calibrations, and is focused on two main aspects: (1) developing a procedure to predict the degradation level of these wind sensors when working on the field and (2) modeling cup anemometer performances. The wear and tear level of this sensor is evaluated studying the output signal and its main frequencies through Fourier analysis. The modeling of the cup anemometer performances is carried out analyzing first the cup aerodynamics. As a result of this process, carried out through several testing and analytical studies since 2010, a new analytical method has been developed. This methodology might represent an alternative to the classic approach used in the present standards of practice such as IEC 64000-12