10 research outputs found

    Candidate One-Way Functions and One-Way Permutations Based on Quasigroup String Transformations

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    In this paper we propose a definition and construction of a new family of one-way candidate functions RN:QN→QN{\cal R}_N:Q^N \to Q^N, where Q={0,1,...,s−1}Q=\{0,1,...,s-1\} is an alphabet with ss elements. Special instances of these functions can have the additional property to be permutations (i.e. one-way permutations). These one-way functions have the property that for achieving the security level of 2n2^n computations in order to invert them, only nn bits of input are needed. The construction is based on quasigroup string transformations. Since quasigroups in general do not have algebraic properties such as associativity, commutativity, neutral elements, inverting these functions seems to require exponentially many readings from the lookup table that defines them (a Latin Square) in order to check the satisfiability for the initial conditions, thus making them natural candidates for one-way functions.Comment: Submitetd to conferenc

    A one-way function based on norm form equations

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    Separable Hash Functions

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    We introduce a class of hash functions with the property that messages with the same hash are well separated in terms of their Hamming distance. We provide an example of such a function that uses cyclic codes and an elliptic curve group over a finite field. \smallskip A related problem is ensuring that the {\it consecutive distance} between messages with the same hash is as large as possible. We derive bounds on the c.d. separability factor of such hash functions

    The Randomized Iterate Revisited - Almost Linear Seed Length PRGs from A Broader Class of One-way Functions

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    We revisit the randomized iterate technique that was originally used by Goldreich, Krawczyk, and Luby (SICOMP 1993) and refined by Haitner, Harnik and Reingold (CRYPTO 2006) in constructing pseudorandom generators (PRGs) from regular one-way functions (OWFs). We abstract out a technical lemma (which is folklore in leakage resilient cryptography), and use it to provide a simpler and more modular proof for the Haitner-Harnik-Reingold PRGs from regular OWFs. We introduce a more general class of OWFs called weakly-regular one-way functions from which we construct a PRG of seed length O(n*logn). More specifically, consider an arbitrary one-way function f with range divided into sets Y1, Y2, ..., Yn where each Y_i={ y:2^{i-1}<=|f^{-1}(y)|<2^{i} }. We say that f is weakly-regular if there exists a (not necessarily efficient computable) cut-off point max such that Y_max is of some noticeable portion (say n^{-c} for constant c), and Y_max+1, ..., Y_n only sum to a negligible fraction. We construct a PRG by making O(n^{2c+1}) calls to f and achieve seed length O(n*logn) using bounded space generators. This generalizes the approach of Haitner et al., where regular OWFs fall into a special case for c=0. We use a proof technique that is similar to and extended from the method by Haitner, Harnik and Reingold for hardness amplification of regular weakly-one-way functions. Our work further explores the feasibility and limits of the randomized iterate type of black-box constructions. In particular, the underlying f can have an arbitrary structure as long as the set of images with maximal preimage size has a noticeable fraction. In addition, our construction is much more seed-length efficient and security-preserving (albeit less general) than the HILL-style generators where the best known construction by Vadhan and Zheng (STOC 2012) requires seed length O(n^3)

    (Almost) Optimal Constructions of UOWHFs from 1-to-1, Regular One-way Functions and Beyond

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    We revisit the problem of black-box constructions of universal one-way hash functions (UOWHFs) from several (from specific to more general) classes of one-way functions (OWFs), and give respective constructions that either improve or generalize the best previously known. In addition, the parameters we achieve are either optimal or almost optimal simultaneously up to small factors, e.g., arbitrarily small ω(1)\omega(1). For any 1-to-1 one-way function, we give an optimal construction of UOWHFs with key and output length Θ(n)\Theta(n) by making a single call to the underlying OWF. This improves the constructions of Naor and Yung (STOC 1989) and De Santis and Yung (Eurocrypt 1990) that need key length O(n∗ω(logn))O(n*\omega(log n)). For any known-(almost-)regular one-way function with known hardness, we give an optimal construction of UOWHFs with key and output length Θ(n)\Theta(n) and a single call to the one-way function. For any known-(almost-)regular one-way function, we give a construction of UOWHFs with key and output length O(n∗ω(1))O(n*\omega(1)) and by making ω(1)\omega(1) non-adaptive calls to the one-way function. This improves the construction of Barhum and Maurer (Latincrypt 2012) that requires key and output length O(n∗ω(logn))O(n*\omega(log n)) and ω(logn)\omega(log n) calls. For any weakly-regular one-way function introduced by Yu et al. at TCC 2015 (i.e., the set of inputs with maximal number of siblings is of an n−cn^{-c}-fraction for some constant cc), we give a construction of UOWHFs with key length O(n∗logn)O(n*log n) and output length Θ(n)\Theta(n). This generalizes the construction of Ames et al. (Asiacrypt 2012) which requires an unknown-regular one-way function (i.e., c=0c=0). Along the way, we use several techniques that might be of independent interest. We show that almost 1-to-1 (except for a negligible fraction) one-way functions and known (almost-)regular one-way functions are equivalent in the known-hardness (or non-uniform) setting, by giving an optimal construction of the former from the latter. In addition, we show how to transform any one-way function that is far from regular (but only weakly regular on a noticeable fraction of domain) into an almost-regular one-way function

    Injective Trapdoor Functions via Derandomization: How Strong is Rudich’s Black-Box Barrier?

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    We present a cryptographic primitive P\mathcal{P} satisfying the following properties: -- Rudich\u27s seminal impossibility result (PhD thesis \u2788) shows that P\mathcal{P} cannot be used in a black-box manner to construct an injective one-way function. -- P\mathcal{P} can be used in a non-black-box manner to construct an injective one-way function assuming the existence of a hitting-set generator that fools deterministic circuits (such a generator is known to exist based on the worst-case assumption that \mbox{E} = \mbox{DTIME}(2^{O(n)}) has a function of deterministic circuit complexity 2Ω(n)2^{\Omega(n)}). -- Augmenting P\mathcal{P} with a trapdoor algorithm enables a non-black-box construction of an injective trapdoor function (once again, assuming the existence of a hitting-set generator that fools deterministic circuits), while Rudich\u27s impossibility result still holds. The primitive P\mathcal{P} and its augmented variant can be constructed based on any injective one-way function and on any injective trapdoor function, respectively, and they are thus unconditionally essential for the existence of such functions. Moreover, P\mathcal{P} can also be constructed based on various known primitives that are secure against related-key attacks, thus enabling to base the strong structural guarantees of injective one-way functions on the strong security guarantees of such primitives. Our application of derandomization techniques is inspired mainly by the work of Barak, Ong and Vadhan (CRYPTO \u2703), which on one hand relies on any one-way function, but on the other hand only results in a non-interactive perfectly-binding commitment scheme (offering significantly weaker structural guarantees compared to injective one-way functions), and does not seem to enable an extension to public-key primitives. The key observation underlying our approach is that Rudich\u27s impossibility result applies not only to one-way functions as the underlying primitive, but in fact to a variety of unstructured\u27\u27 primitives. We put forward a condition for identifying such primitives, and then subtly tailor the properties of our primitives such that they are both sufficiently unstructured in order to satisfy this condition, and sufficiently structured in order to yield injective one-way and trapdoor functions. This circumvents the basic approach underlying Rudich\u27s long-standing evidence for the difficulty of constructing injective one-way functions (and, in particular, injective trapdoor functions) based on seemingly weaker or unstructured assumptions

    Round-Optimal Blind Signatures in the Plain Model from Classical and Quantum Standard Assumptions

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    Blind signatures, introduced by Chaum (Crypto’82), allows a user to obtain a signature on a message without revealing the message itself to the signer. Thus far, all existing constructions of round-optimal blind signatures are known to require one of the following: a trusted setup, an interactive assumption, or complexity leveraging. This state-of-the-affair is somewhat justified by the few known impossibility results on constructions of round-optimal blind signatures in the plain model (i.e., without trusted setup) from standard assumptions. However, since all of these impossibility results only hold under some conditions, fully (dis)proving the existence of such round-optimal blind signatures has remained open. In this work, we provide an affirmative answer to this problem and construct the first round-optimal blind signature scheme in the plain model from standard polynomial-time assumptions. Our construction is based on various standard cryptographic primitives and also on new primitives that we introduce in this work, all of which are instantiable from classical and post-quantum standard polynomial-time assumptions. The main building block of our scheme is a new primitive called a blind-signature-conforming zero-knowledge (ZK) argument system. The distinguishing feature is that the ZK property holds by using a quantum polynomial-time simulator against non-uniform classical polynomial-time adversaries. Syntactically one can view this as a delayed-input three-move ZK argument with a reusable first message, and we believe it would be of independent interest

    Mobile Network and Cloud Based Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation and Processing

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    The emerging technology of mobile devices and cloud computing has brought a new and efficient way for data to be collected, processed and stored by mobile users. With improved specifications of mobile devices and various mobile applications provided by cloud servers, mobile users can enjoy tremendous advantages to manage their daily life through those applications instantaneously, conveniently and productively. However, using such applications may lead to the exposure of user data to unauthorised access when the data is outsourced for processing and storing purposes. Furthermore, such a setting raises the privacy breach and security issue to mobile users. As a result, mobile users would be reluctant to accept those applications without any guarantee on the safety of their data. The recent breakthrough of Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) has brought a new solution for data processing in a secure motion. Several variants and improvements on the existing methods have been developed due to efficiency problems. Experience of such problems has led us to explore two areas of studies, Mobile Sensing Systems (MSS) and Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC). In MSS, the functionality of smartphones has been extended to sense and aggregate surrounding data for processing by an Aggregation Server (AS) that may be operated by a Cloud Service Provider (CSP). On the other hand, MCC allows resource-constraint devices like smartphones to fully leverage services provided by powerful and massive servers of CSPs for data processing. To support the above two application scenarios, this thesis proposes two novel schemes: an Accountable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation (APDA) scheme and a Lightweight Homomorphic Encryption (LHE) scheme. MSS is a kind of WSNs, which implements a data aggregation approach for saving the battery lifetime of mobile devices. Furthermore, such an approach could improve the security of the outsourced data by mixing the data prior to be transmitted to an AS, so as to prevent the collusion between mobile users and the AS (or its CSP). The exposure of users’ data to other mobile users leads to a privacy breach and existing methods on preserving users’ privacy only provide an integrity check on the aggregated data without being able to identify any misbehaved nodes once the integrity check has failed. Thus, to overcome such problems, our first scheme APDA is proposed to efficiently preserve privacy and support accountability of mobile users during the data aggregation. Furthermore, APDA is designed with three versions to provide balanced solutions in terms of misbehaved node detection and data aggregation efficiency for different application scenarios. In addition, the successfully aggregated data also needs to be accompanied by some summary information based on necessary additive and non-additive functions. To preserve the privacy of mobile users, such summary could be executed by implementing existing privacy-preserving data aggregation techniques. Nevertheless, those techniques have limitations in terms of applicability, efficiency and functionality. Thus, our APDA has been extended to allow maximal value finding to be computed on the ciphertext data so as to preserve user privacy with good efficiency. Furthermore, such a solution could also be developed for other comparative operations like Average, Percentile and Histogram. Three versions of Maximal value finding (Max) are introduced and analysed in order to differentiate their efficiency and capability to determine the maximum value in a privacy-preserving manner. Moreover, the formal security proof and extensive performance evaluation of our proposed schemes demonstrate that APDA and its extended version can achieve stronger security with an optimised efficiency advantage over the state-of-the-art in terms of both computational and communication overheads. In the MCC environment, the new LHE scheme is proposed with a significant difference so as to allow arbitrary functions to be executed on ciphertext data. Such a scheme will enable rich-mobile applications provided by CSPs to be leveraged by resource-constraint devices in a privacy-preserving manner. The scheme works well as long as noise (a random number attached to the plaintext for security reasons) is less than the encryption key, which makes it flexible. The flexibility of the key size enables the scheme to incorporate with any computation functions in order to produce an accurate result. In addition, this scheme encrypts integers rather than individual bits so as to improve the scheme’s efficiency. With a proposed process that allows three or more parties to communicate securely, this scheme is suited to the MCC environment due to its lightweight property and strong security. Furthermore, the efficacy and efficiency of this scheme are thoroughly evaluated and compared with other schemes. The result shows that this scheme can achieve stronger security under a reasonable cost

    On constructing 1-1 one-way functions

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    Abstract. We show how to construct length-preserving 1-1 one-way functions based on popular intractability assumptions (e.g., RSA, DLP). Such 1-1 functions should not be confused with (infinite) families of (finite) one-way permutations. What we want and obtain is a single (infinite) 1-1 one-way function