354 research outputs found

    Improved sampling of the pareto-front in multiobjective genetic optimizations by steady-state evolution: a Pareto converging genetic algorithm

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    Previous work on multiobjective genetic algorithms has been focused on preventing genetic drift and the issue of convergence has been given little attention. In this paper, we present a simple steady-state strategy, Pareto Converging Genetic Algorithm (PCGA), which naturally samples the solution space and ensures population advancement towards the Pareto-front. PCGA eliminates the need for sharing/niching and thus minimizes heuristically chosen parameters and procedures. A systematic approach based on histograms of rank is introduced for assessing convergence to the Pareto-front, which, by definition, is unknown in most real search problems. We argue that there is always a certain inheritance of genetic material belonging to a population, and there is unlikely to be any significant gain beyond some point; a stopping criterion where terminating the computation is suggested. For further encouraging diversity and competition, a nonmigrating island model may optionally be used; this approach is particularly suited to many difficult (real-world) problems, which have a tendency to get stuck at (unknown) local minima. Results on three benchmark problems are presented and compared with those of earlier approaches. PCGA is found to produce diverse sampling of the Pareto-front without niching and with significantly less computational effort

    Development of an Algorithm for Multicriteria Optimization of Deep Learning Neural Networks

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    Nowadays, machine learning methods are actively used to process big data. A promising direction is neural networks, in which structure optimization occurs on the principles of self-configuration. Genetic algorithms are applied to solve this nontrivial problem. Most multicriteria evolutionary algorithms use a procedure known as non-dominant sorting to rank decisions. However, the efficiency of procedures for adding points and updating rank values in non-dominated sorting (incremental non-dominated sorting) remains low. In this regard, this research improves the performance of these algorithms, including the condition of an asynchronous calculation of the fitness of individuals. The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that although many scholars and specialists have studied the self-tuning of neural networks, they have not yet proposed a comprehensive solution to this problem. In particular, algorithms for efficient non-dominated sorting under conditions of incremental and asynchronous updates when using evolutionary methods of multicriteria optimization have not been fully developed to date. To achieve this goal, a hybrid co-evolutionary algorithm was developed that significantly outperforms all algorithms included in it, including error-back propagation and genetic algorithms that operate separately. The novelty of the obtained results lies in the fact that the developed algorithms have minimal asymptotic complexity. The practical value of the developed algorithms is associated with the fact that they make it possible to solve applied problems of increased complexity in a practically acceptable time. Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2023-04-01-011 Full Text: PD

    Parallel Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs) are powerful search techniques that have been extensively used to solve difficult problems in a wide variety of disciplines. However, they can be very demanding in terms of computational resources. Parallel implementations of MOEAs (pMOEAs) provide considerable gains regarding performance and scalability and, therefore, their relevance in tackling computationally expensive applications. This paper presents a survey of pMOEAs, describing a refined taxonomy, an up-to-date review of methods and the key contributions to the field. Furthermore, some of the open questions that require further research are also briefly discussed

    Performance comparison of generational and steady-state asynchronous multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for computationally-intensive problems.

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    In the last two decades, multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) have become ever more used in scientific and industrial decision support and decision making contexts the require an a posteriori articulation of preference. The present work is focused on a comparative analysis of the performance of two master–slave parallelization (MSP) methods, the canonical generational scheme and the steady-state asynchronous scheme. Both can be used to improve the convergence speed of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms that must use computationally-intensive fitness evaluation functions. Both previous and present experiments show that a correct choice for one or the other parallelization method can lead to substantial improvements with regard to the overall duration of the optimization process. Our main aim is to provide practitioners of MOEAs with a simple but effective method of deciding which MSP option is better given the particularities of the concrete optimization process. This in turn, would give the decision maker more time for articulating preferences (i.e., more flexibility). Our analysis is performed based on 15 well-known MOOP benchmark problems and two simulation-based industrial optimization processes from the field of electrical drive design. For the first industrial MOOP, when comparing with a preliminary study, applying the steady-state asynchronous MSP enables us to achieve an overall speedup (in terms of total wall-clock computation time) of ≈25%. For the second industrial MOOP, applying the steady-state MSP produces an improvement of ≈12%. We focus our study on two of the best known and most widely used MOEAs: the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II) and the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA2)

    Evolutionary approaches to optimisation in rough machining

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    This thesis concerns the use of Evolutionary Computation to optimise the sequence and selection of tools and machining parameters in rough milling applications. These processes are not automated in current Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software and this work, undertaken in collaboration with an industrial partner, aims to address this. Related research has mainly approached tool sequence optimisation using only a single tool type, and machining parameter optimisation of a single-tool sequence. In a real world industrial setting, tools with different geometrical profiles are commonly used in combination on rough machining tasks in order to produce components with complex sculptured surfaces. This work introduces a new representation scheme and search operators to support the use of the three most commonly used tool types: end mill, ball nose and toroidal. Using these operators, single-objective metaheuristic algorithms are shown to find near-optimal solutions, while surveying only a small number of tool sequences. For the first time, a multi-objective approach is taken to tool sequence optimisation. The process of ‘multi objectivisation’ is shown to offer two benefits: escaping local optima on deceptive multimodal search spaces and providing a selection of tool sequence alternatives to a machinist. The multi-objective approach is also used to produce a varied set of near-Pareto optimal solutions, offering different trade-offs between total machining time and total tooling costs, simultaneously optimising tool sequences and the cutting speeds of individual tools. A challenge for using computationally expensive CAM software, important for real world machining, is the time cost of evaluations. An asynchronous parallel evolutionary optimisation system is presented that can provide a significant speed up, even in the presence of heterogeneous evaluation times produced by variable length tool sequences. This system uses a distributed network of processors that could be easily and inexpensively implemented on existing commercial hardware, and accessible to even small workshops

    On the Effect of the Cooperation of Indicator-Based Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms

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    For almost 20 years, quality indicators (QIs) have promoted the design of new selection mechanisms of multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs). Each indicator-based MOEA (IB-MOEA) has specific search preferences related to its baseline QI, producing Pareto front approximations with different properties. In consequence, an IB-MOEA based on a single QI has a limited scope of multiobjective optimization problems (MOPs) in which it is expected to have a good performance. This issue is emphasized when the associated Pareto front geometries are highly irregular. In order to overcome these issues, we propose here an island-based multiindicator algorithm (IMIA) that takes advantage of the search biases of multiple IB-MOEAs through a cooperative scheme. Our experimental results show that the cooperation of multiple IB-MOEAs allows IMIA to perform more robustly (considering several QIs) than the panmictic versions of its baseline IB-MOEAs as well as several state-of-the-art MOEAs. Additionally, IMIA shows a Pareto-front-shape invariance property, which makes it a remarkable optimizer when tackling MOPs with complex Pareto front geometries

    Optimization of a Quantum Cascade Laser Operating in the Terahertz Frequency Range Using a Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm

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    A quantum cascade (QC) laser is a specific type of semiconductor laser that operates through principles of quantum mechanics. In less than a decade QC lasers are already able to outperform previously designed double heterostructure semiconductor lasers. Because there is a genuine lack of compact and coherent devices which can operate in the far-infrared region the motivation exists for designing a terahertz QC laser. A device operating at this frequency is expected to be more efficient and cost effective than currently existing devices. It has potential applications in the fields of spectroscopy, astronomy, medicine and free-space communication as well as applications to near-space radar and chemical/biological detection. The overarching goal of this research was to find QC laser parameter combinations which can be used to fabricate viable structures. To ensure operation in the THz region the device must conform to the extremely small energy level spacing range from ~10-15 meV. The time and expense of the design and production process is prohibitive, so an alternative to fabrication was necessary. To accomplish this goal a model of a QC laser, developed at Worchester Polytechnic Institute with sponsorship from the Air Force Research Laboratory Sensors Directorate, and the General Multiobjective Parallel Genetic Algorithm (GenMOP), developed at the Air Force Institute of Technology, were integrated to form a computer simulation which stochastically searches for feasible solutions
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