312 research outputs found

    On Algebraic Decoding of qq-ary Reed-Muller and Product-Reed-Solomon Codes

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    We consider a list decoding algorithm recently proposed by Pellikaan-Wu \cite{PW2005} for qq-ary Reed-Muller codes RMq(β„“,m,n)\mathcal{RM}_q(\ell, m, n) of length n≀qmn \leq q^m when ℓ≀q\ell \leq q. A simple and easily accessible correctness proof is given which shows that this algorithm achieves a relative error-correction radius of τ≀(1βˆ’β„“qmβˆ’1/n)\tau \leq (1 - \sqrt{{\ell q^{m-1}}/{n}}). This is an improvement over the proof using one-point Algebraic-Geometric codes given in \cite{PW2005}. The described algorithm can be adapted to decode Product-Reed-Solomon codes. We then propose a new low complexity recursive algebraic decoding algorithm for Reed-Muller and Product-Reed-Solomon codes. Our algorithm achieves a relative error correction radius of Ο„β‰€βˆi=1m(1βˆ’ki/q)\tau \leq \prod_{i=1}^m (1 - \sqrt{k_i/q}). This technique is then proved to outperform the Pellikaan-Wu method in both complexity and error correction radius over a wide range of code rates.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to be presented at 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Nice, France (ISIT 2007

    Efficient Multi-Point Local Decoding of Reed-Muller Codes via Interleaved Codex

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    Reed-Muller codes are among the most important classes of locally correctable codes. Currently local decoding of Reed-Muller codes is based on decoding on lines or quadratic curves to recover one single coordinate. To recover multiple coordinates simultaneously, the naive way is to repeat the local decoding for recovery of a single coordinate. This decoding algorithm might be more expensive, i.e., require higher query complexity. In this paper, we focus on Reed-Muller codes with usual parameter regime, namely, the total degree of evaluation polynomials is d=Θ(q)d=\Theta({q}), where qq is the code alphabet size (in fact, dd can be as big as q/4q/4 in our setting). By introducing a novel variation of codex, i.e., interleaved codex (the concept of codex has been used for arithmetic secret sharing \cite{C11,CCX12}), we are able to locally recover arbitrarily large number kk of coordinates of a Reed-Muller code simultaneously at the cost of querying O(q2k)O(q^2k) coordinates. It turns out that our local decoding of Reed-Muller codes shows ({\it perhaps surprisingly}) that accessing kk locations is in fact cheaper than repeating the procedure for accessing a single location for kk times. Our estimation of success error probability is based on error probability bound for tt-wise linearly independent variables given in \cite{BR94}

    List decoding of a class of affine variety codes

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    Consider a polynomial FF in mm variables and a finite point ensemble S=S1Γ—...Γ—SmS=S_1 \times ... \times S_m. When given the leading monomial of FF with respect to a lexicographic ordering we derive improved information on the possible number of zeros of FF of multiplicity at least rr from SS. We then use this information to design a list decoding algorithm for a large class of affine variety codes.Comment: 11 pages, 5 table

    Efficient multi-point local decoding of Reed-Muller codes via interleaved codex

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    Reed-Muller codes are among the most important classes of locally correctable codes. Currently local decoding of Reed-Muller codes is based on decoding on lines or quadratic curves to recover one single coordinate. To recover multiple coordinates simultaneously, the naive way is to repeat the local decoding for recovery of a single coordinate. This decoding algorithm might be more expensive, i.e., require higher query complexity. In this paper, we focus on Reed-Muller codes with usual parameter regime, namely, the total degree of evaluation polynomials is d=Θ {q), where q is the code alphabet size (in fact, d can be as big as q/4 in our setting). By introducing a novel variation of codex, i.e., interleaved codex (the concept of codex has been used for arithmetic secret sharing), we are able to locally recover arbitrarily large number k of coordinates of a Reed-Muller code simultaneously with error probability exp (-Ω (k)) at the cost of querying merely O(q2k) coordinates. It turns out that our local decoding of Reed-Muller codes shows (perhaps surprisingly) that accessing k locations is in fact cheaper than repeating the procedure for accessing a single location for k times. Precisely speaking, to get the same success probability by repeating the local decoding algorithm of a single coordinate, one has to query Ω (qk2) coordinates. Thus, the query complexity of our local decoding is smaller for k=Ω (q). If we impose the same query complexity constraint on both algorithm, our local decoding algorithm yields smaller error probability when k=Ω (qq). In addition, our local decoding is efficient, i.e., the decoding complexity is Poly(k,q). Construction of an interleaved codex is based on concatenation of a codex with a multiplication friendly pair, while the main tool to realize codex is based on algebraic function fields (or more precisely, algebraic geometry codes)

    Decoding Reed-Muller codes over product sets

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    We give a polynomial time algorithm to decode multivariate polynomial codes of degree dd up to half their minimum distance, when the evaluation points are an arbitrary product set SmS^m, for every d<∣S∣d < |S|. Previously known algorithms can achieve this only if the set SS has some very special algebraic structure, or if the degree dd is significantly smaller than ∣S∣|S|. We also give a near-linear time randomized algorithm, which is based on tools from list-decoding, to decode these codes from nearly half their minimum distance, provided d0d 0. Our result gives an mm-dimensional generalization of the well known decoding algorithms for Reed-Solomon codes, and can be viewed as giving an algorithmic version of the Schwartz-Zippel lemma.Comment: 25 pages, 0 figure

    List Decoding Tensor Products and Interleaved Codes

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    We design the first efficient algorithms and prove new combinatorial bounds for list decoding tensor products of codes and interleaved codes. We show that for {\em every} code, the ratio of its list decoding radius to its minimum distance stays unchanged under the tensor product operation (rather than squaring, as one might expect). This gives the first efficient list decoders and new combinatorial bounds for some natural codes including multivariate polynomials where the degree in each variable is bounded. We show that for {\em every} code, its list decoding radius remains unchanged under mm-wise interleaving for an integer mm. This generalizes a recent result of Dinur et al \cite{DGKS}, who proved such a result for interleaved Hadamard codes (equivalently, linear transformations). Using the notion of generalized Hamming weights, we give better list size bounds for {\em both} tensoring and interleaving of binary linear codes. By analyzing the weight distribution of these codes, we reduce the task of bounding the list size to bounding the number of close-by low-rank codewords. For decoding linear transformations, using rank-reduction together with other ideas, we obtain list size bounds that are tight over small fields.Comment: 32 page
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