460 research outputs found

    Renormalized Hennings Invariants and 2+1-TQFTs

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    We construct non-semisimple 2+12+1-TQFTs yielding mapping class group representations in Lyubashenko's spaces. In order to do this, we first generalize Beliakova, Blanchet and Geer's logarithmic Hennings invariants based on quantum sl2\mathfrak{sl}_2 to the setting of finite-dimensional non-degenerate unimodular ribbon Hopf algebras. The tools used for this construction are a Hennings-augmented Reshetikhin-Turaev functor and modified traces. When the Hopf algebra is factorizable, we further show that the universal construction of Blanchet, Habegger, Masbaum and Vogel produces a 2+12+1-TQFT on a not completely rigid monoidal subcategory of cobordisms

    Categorification of the Kauffman bracket skein module of I-bundles over surfaces

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    Khovanov defined graded homology groups for links L in R^3 and showed that their polynomial Euler characteristic is the Jones polynomial of L. Khovanov's construction does not extend in a straightforward way to links in I-bundles M over surfaces F not D^2 (except for the homology with Z/2 coefficients only). Hence, the goal of this paper is to provide a nontrivial generalization of his method leading to homology invariants of links in M with arbitrary rings of coefficients. After proving the invariance of our homology groups under Reidemeister moves, we show that the polynomial Euler characteristics of our homology groups of L determine the coefficients of L in the standard basis of the skein module of M. Therefore, our homology groups provide a `categorification' of the Kauffman bracket skein module of M. Additionally, we prove a generalization of Viro's exact sequence for our homology groups. Finally, we show a duality theorem relating cohomology groups of any link L to the homology groups of the mirror image of L.Comment: Version 2 was obtained by merging math.QA/0403527 (now removed) with Version 1. This version is published by Algebraic and Geometric Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/agt/AGTVol4/agt-4-52.abs.htm

    A few weight systems arising from intersection graphs

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    We show that the adjacency matrices of the intersection graphs of chord diagrams satisfy the 2-term relations of Bar-Natan and Garoufalides [bg], and hence give rise to weight systems. Among these weight systems are those associated with the Conway and HOMFLYPT polynomials. We extend these ideas to looking at a space of {\it marked} chord diagrams modulo an extended set of 2-term relations, define a set of generators for this space, and again derive weight systems from the adjacency matrices of the (marked) intersection graphs. Among these weight systems are those associated with the Kauffman polynomial.Comment: 20 pages. This version has been substantially revised. The results are largely the same, but the proofs have been reconceptualized in terms of various 2-term relations on chord diagrams and graph

    sl(3) link homology

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    We define a bigraded homology theory whose Euler characteristic is the quantum sl(3) link invariant.Comment: Published by Algebraic and Geometric Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/agt/AGTVol4/agt-4-45.abs.htm
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