11 research outputs found

    Offline Witness Encryption

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    Witness encryption (WE) was introduced by Garg et al. (STOC\u2713). A WE scheme is defined for some NP language LL and lets a sender encrypt messages relative to instances xx. A ciphertext for xx can be decrypted using ww witnessing x∈Lx\in L, but hides the message if x∉Lx\notin L. Garg et al. construct WE from multilinear maps and give another construction (FOCS\u2713) using indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) for encryption. Due to the reliance on such heavy tools, WE can currently hardly be implemented on powerful hardware and will unlikely be realizable on constrained devices like smart cards any time soon. We construct a WE scheme where \emph{encryption} is done by simply computing a Naor-Yung ciphertext (two CPA encryptions and a NIZK proof). To achieve this, our scheme has a setup phase, which outputs public parameters containing an obfuscated circuit (only required for decryption), two encryption keys and a common reference string (used for encryption). This setup need only be run once, and the parameters can be used for arbitrary many encryptions. Our scheme can also be turned into a \emph{functional} WE scheme, where a message is encrypted w.r.t. a statement and a function ff, and decryption with a witness ww yields f(m,w)f(m,w). Our construction is inspired by the functional encryption scheme by Garg et al. and we prove (selective) security assuming iO and statistically simulation-sound NIZK. We give a construction of the latter in bilinear groups and combining it with ElGamal encryption, our ciphertexts are of size 1.31.3 kB at a 128-bit security level and can be computed on a smart card

    Offline Witness Encryption with Semi-Adaptive Security

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    The first construction of Witness Encryption (WE) by Garg et al. (STOC 2013) has led to many exciting avenues of research in the past years. A particularly interesting variant is Offline WE (OWE) by Abusalah et al. (ACNS 2016), as the encryption algorithm uses neither obfuscation nor multilinear maps. Current OWE schemes provide only selective security. That is, the adversary must commit to their challenge messages m0m_0 and m1m_1 before seeing the public parameters. We provide a new, generic framework to construct OWE, which achieves adaptive security in the sense that the adversary may choose their challenge messages adaptively. We call this semi-adaptive security, because - as in prior work - the instance of the considered NP language that is used to create the challenge ciphertext must be fixed before the parameters are generated in the security proof. We show that our framework gives the first OWE scheme with constant ciphertext overhead even for messages of polynomially-bounded size. We achieve this by introducing a new variant of puncturable encryption defined by Green and Miers (S&P 2015) and combining it with the iO-based approach of Abusalah et al. Finally, we show that our framework can be easily extended to construct the first Extractable Offline Witness Encryption (EOWE), by using extractability obfuscation of Boyle et al. (TCC 2014) in place of iO, opening up even more possible applications. The obfuscation is needed only for our public parameters, but its functionality can be realised with a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE), which means we have a very efficient scheme with ciphertexts consisting of only 5 group elements

    Semi-Adaptively Secure Offline Witness Encryption from Puncturable Witness PRF

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    In this work, we introduce the notion of puncturable witness pseudorandom function (pWPRF) which is a stronger variant of WPRF proposed by Zhandry, TCC 2016. The punctured technique is similar to what we have seen for puncturable PRFs and is capable of extending the applications of WPRF. Specifically, we construct a semi-adaptively secure offline witness encryption (OWE) scheme using a pWPRF, an indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) and a symmetric-key encryption (SKE), which enables us to encrypt messages along with NP statements. We show that replacing iO with extractability obfuscation, the OWE turns out to be an extractable offline witness encryption scheme. To gain finer control over data, we further demonstrate how to convert our OWEs into offline functional witness encryption (OFWE) and extractable OFWE. All of our OWEs and OFWEs produce an optimal size ciphertext, in particular, encryption of a message is as small as the size of the message plus the security parameter multiplied with a constant, which is optimal for any public-key encryption scheme. On the other hand, in any previous OWE, the size of a ciphertext increases polynomially with the size of messages. Finally, we show that the WPRF of Pal et al. (ACISP 2019) can be extended to a pWPRF and an extractable pWPRF

    Offline Witness Encryption from Witness PRF and Randomized Encoding in CRS model

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    Witness pseudorandom functions (witness PRFs) generate a pseudorandom value corresponding to an instance x of an NP language and the same pseudorandom value can be recomputed if a witness w that x is in the language is known. Zhandry (TCC 2016) introduced the idea of witness PRFs and gave a construction using multilinear maps. Witness PRFs can be interconnected with the recent powerful cryptographic primitive called witness encryption. In witness encryption, a message can be encrypted with respect to an instance x of an NP language and a decryptor that knows a witness w corresponding to the instance x can recover the message from the ciphertext. Mostly, witness encryption was constructed using obfuscation or multilinear maps. In this work, we build (single relation) witness PRFs using a puncturable pseudorandom function and a randomized encoding in common reference string (CRS) model. Next, we propose construction of an offline witness encryption having short ciphertexts from a public-key encryption scheme, an extractable witness PRF and a randomized encoding in CRS model. Furthermore, we show how to convert our single relation witness PRF into a multi-relation witness PRF and the offline witness encryption into an offline functional witness encryption scheme

    Smart Contracts Obfuscation from Blockchain-based One-time Program

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    We propose a cryptographic obfuscation scheme for smart contracts from one-time programs using a blockchain, a garbled circuit, and witness encryption. The proposed scheme protects not only the privacy of its input data and states but also the privacy of its algorithm and hardcoded secrets. Its security depends on existing secure blockchains and does not require the honest majority of secure multiparty computation and trusted hardware. This scheme is more efficient than obfuscating an entire program with indistinguishability obfuscation. In addition, it needs a trusted setup, but its security is protected unless all participants of the setup process are malicious

    Chosen Ciphertext Secure Functional Encryption from Constrained Witness PRF

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    Functional encryption generates sophisticated keys for users so that they can learn specific functions of the encrypted message. We provide a generic construction of chosen ciphertext attacks (CCA) secure public-key functional encryption (PKFE) for all polynomial-size circuits. Our PKFE produces succinct ciphertexts that are independent of the size and depth of the circuit class under consideration. We accomplish our goal in two steps. First, we define a new cryptographic tool called constrained witness pseudorandom function (CWPRF) which is motivated by combining WPRF of Zhandry (TCC 2016) and constrained PRF of Boneh and Waters (ASIACRYPT 2013). More specifically, CWPRF computes pseudorandom values associated with NP statements and generates constrained keys for boolean functions. We can recompute the pseudorandom value corresponding to a particular statement either using a public evaluation key with a valid witness for the statement or applying a constrained key for a function that satisfies the statement. We construct CWPRF by coupling indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) and CPRF supporting all polynomial-size functions. In the second and main technical step, we show a generic construction of a CCA secure PKFE for all circuits utilizing our CWPRF. It has been observed that obtaining PKFE supporting all circuits is already a complex task and iO-based constructions of PKFEs are only proven to be chosen plaintext attacks (CPA) secure. On the other hand, existing CCA secure functional encryption schemes are designed for specific functions such as equality testing, membership testing, linear function etc. We emphasize that our construction presents the first CCA secure PKFE for all circuits along with succinct ciphertexts

    Practical Witness-Key-Agreement for Blockchain-based Dark Pools Financial Trading

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    We introduce a new cryptographic scheme, Witness Key Agreement (WKA), that allows a party to securely agree on a secret key with a counter party holding publicly committed information only if the counter party also owns a secret witness in a desired (arithmetic) relation with the committed information. Our motivating applications are over-the-counter (OTC) markets and dark pools, popular trading mechanisms. In such pools investors wish to communicate only to trading partners whose transaction conditions and asset holdings satisfy some constraints. The investor must establish a secure, authenticated channel with eligible traders where the latter committed information matches a desired relation. At the same time traders should be able to show eligibility while keeping their financial information secret. We construct a WKA scheme for languages of statements proven in the designated-verifier Succinct Zero-Knowledge Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge Proof System (zk-SNARK). We illustrate the practical feasibility of our construction with some arithmetic circuits of practical interest by using data from US$ denominated corporate securities traded on Bloomberg Tradebook

    IST Austria Thesis

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    A proof system is a protocol between a prover and a verifier over a common input in which an honest prover convinces the verifier of the validity of true statements. Motivated by the success of decentralized cryptocurrencies, exemplified by Bitcoin, the focus of this thesis will be on proof systems which found applications in some sustainable alternatives to Bitcoin, such as the Spacemint and Chia cryptocurrencies. In particular, we focus on proofs of space and proofs of sequential work. Proofs of space (PoSpace) were suggested as more ecological, economical, and egalitarian alternative to the energy-wasteful proof-of-work mining of Bitcoin. However, the state-of-the-art constructions of PoSpace are based on sophisticated graph pebbling lower bounds, and are therefore complex. Moreover, when these PoSpace are used in cryptocurrencies like Spacemint, miners can only start mining after ensuring that a commitment to their space is already added in a special transaction to the blockchain. Proofs of sequential work (PoSW) are proof systems in which a prover, upon receiving a statement x and a time parameter T, computes a proof which convinces the verifier that T time units had passed since x was received. Whereas Spacemint assumes synchrony to retain some interesting Bitcoin dynamics, Chia requires PoSW with unique proofs, i.e., PoSW in which it is hard to come up with more than one accepting proof for any true statement. In this thesis we construct simple and practically-efficient PoSpace and PoSW. When using our PoSpace in cryptocurrencies, miners can start mining on the fly, like in Bitcoin, and unlike current constructions of PoSW, which either achieve efficient verification of sequential work, or faster-than-recomputing verification of correctness of proofs, but not both at the same time, ours achieve the best of these two worlds

    Chosen-Ciphertext Secure Multi-Identity and Multi-Attribute Pure FHE

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    A multi-identity pure fully homomorphic encryption (MIFHE) enables a server to perform arbitrary computation on the ciphertexts that are encrypted under different identities. In case of multi-attribute pure FHE (MAFHE), the ciphertexts are associated with different attributes. Clear and McGoldrick (CANS 2014) gave the first chosen-plaintext attack secure MIFHE and MAFHE based on indistinguishability obfuscation. In this study, we focus on building MIFHE and MAFHE which are se- cure under type 1 of chosen-ciphertext attack (CCA1) security model. In particular, using witness pseudorandom functions (Zhandry, TCC 2016) and multi-key pure FHE or MFHE (Mukherjee and Wichs, EUROCRYPT 2016) we propose the following constructions: – CCA secure identity-based encryption (IBE) that enjoys an optimal size ciphertexts, which we extend to a CCA1 secure MIFHE scheme. – CCA secure attribute-based encryption (ABE) having an optimal size ciphertexts, which we transform into a CCA1 secure MAFHE scheme. By optimal size, we mean that the bit-length of a ciphertext is the bit-length of the message plus a security parameter multiplied with a constant. Known constructions of multi-identity(attribute) FHEs are either leveled, that is, support only bounded depth circuit evaluations or secure in a weaker CPA security model. With our new approach, we achieve both CCA1 security and evaluation on arbitrary depth circuits for multi-identity(attribute) FHE schemes

    (Inner-Product) Functional Encryption with Updatable Ciphertexts

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    We propose a novel variant of functional encryption which supports ciphertext updates, dubbed ciphertext-updatable functional encryption (CUFE). Such a feature further broadens the practical applicability of the functional-encryption paradigm and allows for fine-grained access control even after a ciphertext is generated. Updating ciphertexts is carried out via so-called update tokens which a dedicated party can use to convert ciphertexts. However, allowing update tokens requires some care for the security definition. Our contribution is three-fold: a) We define our new primitive with a security notion in the indistinguishability setting. Within CUFE, functional decryption keys and ciphertexts are labeled with tags such that only if the tags of the decryption key and the ciphertext match, then decryption succeeds. Furthermore, we allow ciphertexts to switch their tags to any other tag via update tokens. Such tokens are generated by the holder of the main secret key and can only be used in the desired direction. b) We present a generic construction of CUFE for any functionality as well as predicates different from equality testing on tags which relies on the existence of indistinguishability obfuscation (iO). c) We present a practical construction of CUFE for the inner-product functionality from standard assumptions (i.e., LWE) in the random-oracle model. On the technical level, we build on the recent functional-encryption schemes with fine-grained access control and linear operations on encrypted data (Abdalla et al., AC\u2720) and introduce an additional ciphertext-updatability feature. Proving security for such a construction turned out to be non-trivial, particularly when revealing keys for the updated challenge ciphertext is allowed. Overall, such construction enriches the set of known inner-product functional-encryption schemes with the additional updatability feature of ciphertexts