23,379 research outputs found

    Feature Representation for Online Signature Verification

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    Biometrics systems have been used in a wide range of applications and have improved people authentication. Signature verification is one of the most common biometric methods with techniques that employ various specifications of a signature. Recently, deep learning has achieved great success in many fields, such as image, sounds and text processing. In this paper, deep learning method has been used for feature extraction and feature selection.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Securit

    Automatic Handwritten Signature Verification System for Australian Passports

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    We present an automatic handwritten signature verification system to prevent identity fraud by verifying the authenticity of signatures on Australian passports. In this work, fuzzy modeling has been employed for developing a robust recognition system. The knowledge base consists of unique angle features extracted using the box method. These features are fuzzified by an exponential membership function, consisting of two structural parameters which have been devised to track even the minutest variations in a person's signature. The membership functions in turn constitute the weights in the Takagi-Sugeno (TS) model. The optimization of the output of the TS model with respect to the structural parameters yields the solution for the parameters. The efficacy of the proposed system has been tested on a large database of over 1200 signature images obtained from 40 volunteers achieving a recognition rate of more than 99%

    A. Eye Detection Using Varients of Hough Transform B. Off-Line Signature Verification

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    PART (A): EYE DETECTION USING VARIANTS OF HOUGH TRANSFORM: Broadly eye detection is the process of tracking the location of human eye in a face image. Previous approaches use complex techniques like neural network, Radial Basis Function networks, Multi-Layer Perceptrons etc. In the developed project human eye is modeled as a circle (iris; the black circular region of eye) enclosed inside an ellipse (eye-lashes). Due to the sudden intensity variations in the iris with respect the inner region of eye-lashes the probability of false acceptance is very less. Since the image taken is a face image the probability of false acceptance further reduces. Hough transform is used for circle (iris) and ellipse (eye-lash) detection. Hough transform was the obvious choice because of its resistance towards the holes in the boundary and noise present in the image. Image smoothing is done to reduce the presence of noise in the image further it makes the image better for further processing like edge detection (Prewitt method). Compared to the aforementioned models the proposed model is simple and efficient. The proposed model can further be improved by including various features like orientation angle of eye-lashes (which is assumed constant in the proposed model), and by making the parameters adaptive. PART (B): OFF-LINE SIGNATURE VERIFICATION: Hand-written signature is widely used for authentication and identification of individual. It has been the target for fraudulence ever since. A novel off-line signature verification algorithm has been developed and tested successfully. Since the hand-written signature can be random, because of presence of various curves and features, techniques like character recognition cannot be applied for signature verification. The proposed algorithm incorporates a soft-computing technique “CLUSTERING” for extraction of feature points from the image of the signature. These feature points or centers are updated using the clustering update equations for required number of times, then these acts as extracted feature points of the signature image. To avoid interpersonal variation 6 to 8 signature images of the same person are taken and feature points are trained. These trained feature points are compared with the test signature images and based on a specific threshold, the signature is declared original or forgery. This approach works well if there is a high variation in the original signature, but for signatures with low variation, it produces incorrect results

    Efficient Signatures Verification System Based on Artificial Neural Networks

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    Biometrics refer to the system of authenticating identities of humans, using features like retina scans, thumb and fingerprint scanning, face recognition and also signature recognition. Signatures are a simple and natural method of verifying a person’s identity. It can be saved as an image and verified by matching, using neural networks. Signature verification can be offline or online. In this work, we present a system for offline signature verification. The user has to submit a number of signatures that are used to extract two types of features, statistical features and structural features. A vector obtained from each of them is used to train propagation neural network in the verification stage. A test signature is then taken from the user, to compare it with those the network had been trained with. A test experiment was carried out with two sets of data. One set is used as a training set for the propagation neural network in its verification stage. This set with four signatures form each user is used for the training purpose. The second set consists of one sample of signature for each of the 20 persons is used as a test set for the system. A negative identification test was carried out using a signature of one person to test others’ signatures. The experimental results for the accuracy showed excellent false reject rate and false acceptance rate

    Content Recognition and Context Modeling for Document Analysis and Retrieval

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    The nature and scope of available documents are changing significantly in many areas of document analysis and retrieval as complex, heterogeneous collections become accessible to virtually everyone via the web. The increasing level of diversity presents a great challenge for document image content categorization, indexing, and retrieval. Meanwhile, the processing of documents with unconstrained layouts and complex formatting often requires effective leveraging of broad contextual knowledge. In this dissertation, we first present a novel approach for document image content categorization, using a lexicon of shape features. Each lexical word corresponds to a scale and rotation invariant local shape feature that is generic enough to be detected repeatably and is segmentation free. A concise, structurally indexed shape lexicon is learned by clustering and partitioning feature types through graph cuts. Our idea finds successful application in several challenging tasks, including content recognition of diverse web images and language identification on documents composed of mixed machine printed text and handwriting. Second, we address two fundamental problems in signature-based document image retrieval. Facing continually increasing volumes of documents, detecting and recognizing unique, evidentiary visual entities (\eg, signatures and logos) provides a practical and reliable supplement to the OCR recognition of printed text. We propose a novel multi-scale framework to detect and segment signatures jointly from document images, based on the structural saliency under a signature production model. We formulate the problem of signature retrieval in the unconstrained setting of geometry-invariant deformable shape matching and demonstrate state-of-the-art performance in signature matching and verification. Third, we present a model-based approach for extracting relevant named entities from unstructured documents. In a wide range of applications that require structured information from diverse, unstructured document images, processing OCR text does not give satisfactory results due to the absence of linguistic context. Our approach enables learning of inference rules collectively based on contextual information from both page layout and text features. Finally, we demonstrate the importance of mining general web user behavior data for improving document ranking and other web search experience. The context of web user activities reveals their preferences and intents, and we emphasize the analysis of individual user sessions for creating aggregate models. We introduce a novel algorithm for estimating web page and web site importance, and discuss its theoretical foundation based on an intentional surfer model. We demonstrate that our approach significantly improves large-scale document retrieval performance

    Non-english and non-latin signature verification systems: A survey

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    Signatures continue to be an important biometric because they remain widely used as a means of personal verification and therefore an automatic verification system is needed. Manual signature-based authentication of a large number of documents is a difficult and time consuming task. Consequently for many years, in the field of protected communication and financial applications, we have observed an explosive growth in biometric personal authentication systems that are closely connected with measurable unique physical characteristics (e.g. hand geometry, iris scan, finger prints or DNA) or behavioural features. Substantial research has been undertaken in the field of signature verification involving English signatures, but to the best of our knowledge, very few works have considered non-English signatures such as Chinese, Japanese, Arabic etc. In order to convey the state-of-the-art in the field to researchers, in this paper we present a survey of non-English and non-Latin signature verification systems

    Automatic online signature verification using HMMs with user-dependent structure

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    Producción CientíficaA novel strategy for Automatic online Signature Verification based on hidden Markov models (HMM) with user-dependent structure is presented in this work. Under this approach, the number of states and Gaussians giving the optimal prediction results are independently selected for each user. With this simple strategy just three genuine signatures could be used for training, with an EER under 2.5% obtained for the basic set of raw signature parameters provided by the acquisition device. This results increment by a factor of six the accuracy obtained with the typical approach in which claim-independent structure is used for the HMMs.Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional (contract TIC2003-08382-C05-03)Junta de Castilla y Leon (project VA053A05

    Silhouette-based gait recognition using Procrustes shape analysis and elliptic Fourier descriptors

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    This paper presents a gait recognition method which combines spatio-temporal motion characteristics, statistical and physical parameters (referred to as STM-SPP) of a human subject for its classification by analysing shape of the subject's silhouette contours using Procrustes shape analysis (PSA) and elliptic Fourier descriptors (EFDs). STM-SPP uses spatio-temporal gait characteristics and physical parameters of human body to resolve similar dissimilarity scores between probe and gallery sequences obtained by PSA. A part-based shape analysis using EFDs is also introduced to achieve robustness against carrying conditions. The classification results by PSA and EFDs are combined, resolving tie in ranking using contour matching based on Hu moments. Experimental results show STM-SPP outperforms several silhouette-based gait recognition methods