9 research outputs found

    Of Periods, Quasiperiods, Repetitions and Covers

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    An output-sensitive algorithm for the minimization of 2-dimensional String Covers

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    String covers are a powerful tool for analyzing the quasi-periodicity of 1-dimensional data and find applications in automata theory, computational biology, coding and the analysis of transactional data. A \emph{cover} of a string TT is a string CC for which every letter of TT lies within some occurrence of CC. String covers have been generalized in many ways, leading to \emph{k-covers}, \emph{λ\lambda-covers}, \emph{approximate covers} and were studied in different contexts such as \emph{indeterminate strings}. In this paper we generalize string covers to the context of 2-dimensional data, such as images. We show how they can be used for the extraction of textures from images and identification of primitive cells in lattice data. This has interesting applications in image compression, procedural terrain generation and crystallography

    Identifying all abelian periods of a string in quadratic time and relevant problems

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    Abelian periodicity of strings has been studied extensively over the last years. In 2006 Constantinescu and Ilie defined the abelian period of a string and several algorithms for the computation of all abelian periods of a string were given. In contrast to the classical period of a word, its abelian version is more flexible, factors of the word are considered the same under any internal permutation of their letters. We show two O(|y|^2) algorithms for the computation of all abelian periods of a string y. The first one maps each letter to a suitable number such that each factor of the string can be identified by the unique sum of the numbers corresponding to its letters and hence abelian periods can be identified easily. The other one maps each letter to a prime number such that each factor of the string can be identified by the unique product of the numbers corresponding to its letters and so abelian periods can be identified easily. We also define weak abelian periods on strings and give an O(|y|log(|y|)) algorithm for their computation, together with some other algorithms for more basic problems.Comment: Accepted in the "International Journal of foundations of Computer Science

    Efficient Seeds Computation Revisited

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    The notion of the cover is a generalization of a period of a string, and there are linear time algorithms for finding the shortest cover. The seed is a more complicated generalization of periodicity, it is a cover of a superstring of a given string, and the shortest seed problem is of much higher algorithmic difficulty. The problem is not well understood, no linear time algorithm is known. In the paper we give linear time algorithms for some of its versions --- computing shortest left-seed array, longest left-seed array and checking for seeds of a given length. The algorithm for the last problem is used to compute the seed array of a string (i.e., the shortest seeds for all the prefixes of the string) in O(n2)O(n^2) time. We describe also a simpler alternative algorithm computing efficiently the shortest seeds. As a by-product we obtain an O(nlog⁥(n/m))O(n\log{(n/m)}) time algorithm checking if the shortest seed has length at least mm and finding the corresponding seed. We also correct some important details missing in the previously known shortest-seed algorithm (Iliopoulos et al., 1996).Comment: 14 pages, accepted to CPM 201

    Quasi-Periodicity Under Mismatch Errors

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    Tracing regularities plays a key role in data analysis for various areas of science, including coding and automata theory, formal language theory, combinatorics, molecular biology and many others. Part of the scientific process is understanding and explaining these regularities. A common notion to describe regularity in a string T is a cover or quasi-period, which is a string C for which every letter of T lies within some occurrence of C. In many applications finding exact repetitions is not sufficient, due to the presence of errors. In this paper we initiate the study of quasi-periodicity persistence under mismatch errors, and our goal is to characterize situations where a given quasi-periodic string remains quasi-periodic even after substitution errors have been introduced to the string. Our study results in proving necessary conditions as well as a theorem stating sufficient conditions for quasi-periodicity persistence. As an application, we are able to close the gap in understanding the complexity of Approximate Cover Problem (ACP) relaxations studied by [Amir 2017a, Amir 2017b] and solve an open question