3 research outputs found

    Combining CEEMDAN with PCA for Effective Cardiac Artefact Suppression from Single-Channel EEG

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    The large signal due to cardiac activity can easily distort the signals originating from the relatively weak electrical activity of the brain, commonly measured as an Electroencephalogram (EEG). The artifact due to cardiac activity in EEG is called cardiac artifact, which contaminates the EEG data and makes interpretation of the EEG difficult for clinicians. Hence it is crucial to remove the cardiac artifact from EEG data. To suppress the cardiac artifact, we propose a novel approach to effectively extract cardiac artifacts from single-channel contaminated EEG data without using reference Electrocardiogram (EKG) data. The proposed methodology uses Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with Adaptive Noise (CEEMDAN) to decompose EEG data contaminated by cardiac activity into the Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is performed on these IMFs to obtain the principal components arranged in the order of decreasing variance. Effective cardiac artifact extraction is achieved by optimizing the signal reconstruction process so that only those principal components that capture the cardiac activity are retained with the constraint that distortion introduced in EEG data should be minimum. The comparison clearly shows that the proposed method outperforms conventionally employed methods like wavelet-based approach

    Selection of Mother Wavelet Function for Multi-Channel EEG Signals Analysis during a Working Memory Task

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    We performed a comparative study to select the efficient mother wavelet (MWT) basis functions that optimally represent the signal characteristics of the electrical activity of the human brain during a working memory (WM) task recorded through electro-encephalography (EEG). Nineteen EEG electrodes were placed on the scalp following the 10–20 system. These electrodes were then grouped into five recording regions corresponding to the scalp area of the cerebral cortex. Sixty-second WM task data were recorded from ten control subjects. Forty-five MWT basis functions from orthogonal families were investigated. These functions included Daubechies (db1–db20), Symlets (sym1–sym20), and Coiflets (coif1–coif5). Using ANOVA, we determined the MWT basis functions with the most significant differences in the ability of the five scalp regions to maximize their cross-correlation with the EEG signals. The best results were obtained using “sym9” across the five scalp regions. Therefore, the most compatible MWT with the EEG signals should be selected to achieve wavelet denoising, decomposition, reconstruction, and sub-band feature extraction. This study provides a reference of the selection of efficient MWT basis functions

    A general dual-pathway network for EEG denoising

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    IntroductionScalp electroencephalogram (EEG) analysis and interpretation are crucial for tracking and analyzing brain activity. The collected scalp EEG signals, however, are weak and frequently tainted with various sorts of artifacts. The models based on deep learning provide comparable performance with that of traditional techniques. However, current deep learning networks applied to scalp EEG noise reduction are large in scale and suffer from overfitting.MethodsHere, we propose a dual-pathway autoencoder modeling framework named DPAE for scalp EEG signal denoising and demonstrate the superiority of the model on multi-layer perceptron (MLP), convolutional neural network (CNN) and recurrent neural network (RNN), respectively. We validate the denoising performance on benchmark scalp EEG artifact datasets.ResultsThe experimental results show that our model architecture not only significantly reduces the computational effort but also outperforms existing deep learning denoising algorithms in root relative mean square error (RRMSE)metrics, both in the time and frequency domains.DiscussionThe DPAE architecture does not require a priori knowledge of the noise distribution nor is it limited by the network layer structure, which is a general network model oriented toward blind source separation