3 research outputs found

    Uncertainties in Coastal Ocean Color Products: Impacts of Spatial Sampling

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    With increasing demands for ocean color (OC) products with improved accuracy and well characterized, per-retrieval uncertainty budgets, it is vital to decompose overall estimated errors into their primary components. Amongst various contributing elements (e.g., instrument calibration, atmospheric correction, inversion algorithms) in the uncertainty of an OC observation, less attention has been paid to uncertainties associated with spatial sampling. In this paper, we simulate MODIS (aboard both Aqua and Terra) and VIIRS OC products using 30 m resolution OC products derived from the Operational Land Imager (OLI) aboard Landsat-8, to examine impacts of spatial sampling on both cross-sensor product intercomparisons and in-situ validations of R(sub rs) products in coastal waters. Various OLI OC products representing different productivity levels and in-water spatial features were scanned for one full orbital-repeat cycle of each ocean color satellite. While some view-angle dependent differences in simulated Aqua-MODIS and VIIRS were observed, the average uncertainties (absolute) in product intercomparisons (due to differences in spatial sampling) at regional scales are found to be 1.8%, 1.9%, 2.4%, 4.3%, 2.7%, 1.8%, and 4% for the R(sub rs)(443), R(sub rs)(482), R(sub rs)(561), R(sub rs)(655), Chla, K(sub d)(482), and b(sub bp)(655) products, respectively. It is also found that, depending on in-water spatial variability and the sensor's footprint size, the errors for an in-situ validation station in coastal areas can reach as high as +/- 18%. We conclude that a) expected biases induced by the spatial sampling in product intercomparisons are mitigated when products are averaged over at least 7 km 7 km areas, b) VIIRS observations, with improved consistency in cross-track spatial sampling, yield more precise calibration/validation statistics than that of MODIS, and c) use of a single pixel centered on in-situ coastal stations provides an optimal sampling size for validation efforts. These findings will have implications for enhancing our understanding of uncertainties in ocean color retrievals and for planning of future ocean color missions and the associated calibration/validation exercises

    Performance of Ocean Colour Chlorophyll a algorithms for Sentinel-3 OLCI, MODIS-Aqua and Suomi-VIIRS in open-ocean waters of the Atlantic

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordThe proxy for phytoplankton biomass, Chlorophyll a (Chl a), is an important variable to assess the health and state of the oceans which are under increasing anthropogenic pressures. Prior to the operational use of satellite ocean-colour Chl a to monitor the oceans, rigorous assessments of algorithm performance are necessary to select the most suitable products. Due to their inaccessibility, the oligotrophic open-ocean gyres are under-sampled and therefore under-represented in global in situ data sets. The Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) campaigns fill the sampling gap in Atlantic oligotrophic waters. In-water underway spectrophotometric data were collected on three AMT field campaigns in 2016, 2017 and 2018 to assess the performance of Sentinel-3A (S3-A) and Sentinel-3B (S3-B) Ocean and Land Colour Instrument (OLCI) products. Three Chl a algorithms for OLCI were compared: Processing baseline (pb) 2, which uses the ocean colour 4 band ratio algorithm (OC4Me); pb 3 (OL_L2M.003.00) which uses OC4Me and a colour index (CI); and POLYMER v4.8 which models atmosphere and water reflectance and retrieves Chl a as a part of its spectral matching inversion. The POLYMER Chl a for S-3A OLCI performed best. The S-3A OLCI pb 2 tended to under-estimate Chl a especially at low concentrations, while the updated OL_L2M.003.00 provided significant improvements at low concentrations. OLCI data were also compared to MODIS-Aqua (R2018 processing) and Suomi-NPP VIIRS standard products. MODIS-Aqua exhibited good performance similar to OLCI POLYMER whereas Suomi-NPP VIIRS exhibited a slight under-estimate at higher Chl a values. The reasons for the differences were that S-3A OLCI pb 2 Rrs were over-estimated at blue bands which caused the under-estimate in Chl a. There were also some artefacts in the Rrs spectral shape of VIIRS which caused Chl a to be under-estimated at values >0.1 mg m-3. In addition, using in situ Rrs to compute Chl a with OC4Me we found a bias of 25% for these waters, related to the implementation of the OC4ME algorithm for S-3A OLCI. By comparison, the updated OLCI processor OL_L2M.003.00 significantly improved the Chl a retrievals at lower concentrations corresponding to the AMT measurements. S-3A and S-3B OLCI Chl a products were also compared during the Sentinel-3 mission tandem phase (the period when S-3A and S-3B were flying 30 sec apart along the same orbit). Both S-3A and S-3B OLCI pb 2 under-estimated Chl a especially at low values and the trend was greater for S-3A compared to S-3B. The performance of OLCI was improved by using either OL_L2M.003.00 or POLYMER Chl a. Analysis of coincident satellite images for S-3A OLCI, MODIS-Aqua and VIIRS as composites and over large areas illustrated that OLCI POLYMER gave the highest Chl a concentrations and percentage (%) coverage over the north and south Atlantic gyres, and OLCI pb 2 produced the lowest Chl a and % coverage.European Space Agency (ESA)Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO

    Ocean Color Continuity From VIIRS Measurements Over Tampa Bay

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    Ocean color continuity calls for consistent observations from multiple sensors in order to establish a seamless data record to address earth science questions. Currently, both Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instruments on the Terra and Aqua satellites are being operated well beyond their designed five-year mission life, and they have shown signs of sensor degradation. It is thus urgent to evaluate whether the most recently launched Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument (2011 to present) can provide consistent observations should MODIS instruments stop functioning. In this study, the consistency between MODIS/Aqua and VIIRS measurements over the Tampa Bay estuary ( ~ 1000 km 2 ) is assessed for remote sensing reflectance (Rrs, sr -1 ), chlorophyll-a concentrations (Chla, mg路m -3 ), and absorption coefficient of colored dissolved organic matter (ag(443), m -1 ). While Rrs was derived as a standard National Aeronautics and Space Administration product from the SeaDAS software package (reprocessing version R2013.0), Chla and ag(443) were estimated using the recently developed regional algorithms for Tampa Bay. Time-series analysis and statistics both showed that the two sensors provided consistent measurements for most products evaluated, with unbiased mean percentage differences of 25% and mean annual biases within -9% (except for one of the eight cases) for large dynamic ranges in Chla (1.0-20 mg路m -3 ) and ag(443) (0.1-1.5 m -1 ) in all four bay segments. These estimates are comparable or better than those derived from satellite-in situ comparisons, suggesting that VIIRS will provide observations consistent with MODIS, ensuring ocean color continuity and seamless data records for Tampa Bay. Such observations are crucial in establishing a long-term satellite-based water quality decision matrix for Tampa Bay