15,208 research outputs found

    Robust 3D People Tracking and Positioning System in a Semi-Overlapped Multi-Camera Environment

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    People positioning and tracking in 3D indoor environments are challenging tasks due to background clutter and occlusions. Current works are focused on solving people occlusions in low-cluttered backgrounds, but fail in high-cluttered scenarios, specially when foreground objects occlude people. In this paper, a novel 3D people positioning and tracking system is presented, which shows itself robust to both possible occlusion sources: static scene objects and other people. The system holds on a set of multiple cameras with partially overlapped fields of view. Moving regions are segmented independently in each camera stream by means of a new background modeling strategy based on Gabor filters. People detection is carried out on these segmentations through a template-based correlation strategy. Detected people are tracked independently in each camera view by means of a graph-based matching strategy, which estimates the best correspondences between consecutive people segmentations. Finally, 3D tracking and positioning of people is achieved by geometrical consistency analysis over the tracked 2D candidates, using head position (instead of object centroids) to increase robustness to foreground occlusions

    A Deep-structured Conditional Random Field Model for Object Silhouette Tracking

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    In this work, we introduce a deep-structured conditional random field (DS-CRF) model for the purpose of state-based object silhouette tracking. The proposed DS-CRF model consists of a series of state layers, where each state layer spatially characterizes the object silhouette at a particular point in time. The interactions between adjacent state layers are established by inter-layer connectivity dynamically determined based on inter-frame optical flow. By incorporate both spatial and temporal context in a dynamic fashion within such a deep-structured probabilistic graphical model, the proposed DS-CRF model allows us to develop a framework that can accurately and efficiently track object silhouettes that can change greatly over time, as well as under different situations such as occlusion and multiple targets within the scene. Experiment results using video surveillance datasets containing different scenarios such as occlusion and multiple targets showed that the proposed DS-CRF approach provides strong object silhouette tracking performance when compared to baseline methods such as mean-shift tracking, as well as state-of-the-art methods such as context tracking and boosted particle filtering.Comment: 17 page

    Automatic Parameter Adaptation for Multi-object Tracking

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    Object tracking quality usually depends on video context (e.g. object occlusion level, object density). In order to decrease this dependency, this paper presents a learning approach to adapt the tracker parameters to the context variations. In an offline phase, satisfactory tracking parameters are learned for video context clusters. In the online control phase, once a context change is detected, the tracking parameters are tuned using the learned values. The experimental results show that the proposed approach outperforms the recent trackers in state of the art. This paper brings two contributions: (1) a classification method of video sequences to learn offline tracking parameters, (2) a new method to tune online tracking parameters using tracking context.Comment: International Conference on Computer Vision Systems (ICVS) (2013

    Tracking by Animation: Unsupervised Learning of Multi-Object Attentive Trackers

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    Online Multi-Object Tracking (MOT) from videos is a challenging computer vision task which has been extensively studied for decades. Most of the existing MOT algorithms are based on the Tracking-by-Detection (TBD) paradigm combined with popular machine learning approaches which largely reduce the human effort to tune algorithm parameters. However, the commonly used supervised learning approaches require the labeled data (e.g., bounding boxes), which is expensive for videos. Also, the TBD framework is usually suboptimal since it is not end-to-end, i.e., it considers the task as detection and tracking, but not jointly. To achieve both label-free and end-to-end learning of MOT, we propose a Tracking-by-Animation framework, where a differentiable neural model first tracks objects from input frames and then animates these objects into reconstructed frames. Learning is then driven by the reconstruction error through backpropagation. We further propose a Reprioritized Attentive Tracking to improve the robustness of data association. Experiments conducted on both synthetic and real video datasets show the potential of the proposed model. Our project page is publicly available at: https://github.com/zhen-he/tracking-by-animationComment: CVPR 201

    Occlusion-Robust MVO: Multimotion Estimation Through Occlusion Via Motion Closure

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    Visual motion estimation is an integral and well-studied challenge in autonomous navigation. Recent work has focused on addressing multimotion estimation, which is especially challenging in highly dynamic environments. Such environments not only comprise multiple, complex motions but also tend to exhibit significant occlusion. Previous work in object tracking focuses on maintaining the integrity of object tracks but usually relies on specific appearance-based descriptors or constrained motion models. These approaches are very effective in specific applications but do not generalize to the full multimotion estimation problem. This paper presents a pipeline for estimating multiple motions, including the camera egomotion, in the presence of occlusions. This approach uses an expressive motion prior to estimate the SE (3) trajectory of every motion in the scene, even during temporary occlusions, and identify the reappearance of motions through motion closure. The performance of this occlusion-robust multimotion visual odometry (MVO) pipeline is evaluated on real-world data and the Oxford Multimotion Dataset.Comment: To appear at the 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). An earlier version of this work first appeared at the Long-term Human Motion Planning Workshop (ICRA 2019). 8 pages, 5 figures. Video available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_N71AA6FR
