74 research outputs found

    Problems Associated with Older Adults’ Adoption of Robo Advisors: An Empirical Study

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    In the recent years, Robo Advisor, a digital platform that provides automated, algorithm-driven financial planning services, has increasingly received attention from users of different demographics. Many users have taken advantage of its features to automate their saving and investing activities. However, users in an older age group, specifically, those aged fifty or above, have been seen with low adoption of the robo-advisory services. This empirical study is designed to explore the problems associated with older adults’ adoption of robo advisors. Specifically, this study intends to examine whether mental health of aging adults affects their intention to use robo advisors. In addition, I hypothesize that perceived usefulness may mediate the effect of mental health on behavioral intention towards using robo advisors, such that it serves to explain why various levels of mental health would result in differences in intention to use (i.e. approach or avoid robo advisors). To explore solutions for non-adoption, I identify three external variables (i.e. social influences, accessibility, and learning support) that could possibly moderate the main effects of mental health hypothesized in the study, so that when either of these variables is present and strengthened, it will enhance likelihood of using robo advisors

    Understanding social media usage by females in Saudi Arabia: a descriptive finding

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    Recently, Social Media (SM) platforms are not only functioned for entertainment but also for the exchange of information, collaboration and overcoming of cultural boundaries. Social media can provide many opportunities to Saudi females who are faced with many cultural boundaries such as unemployment and segregation between genders. However, the use of SM by Saudi females is still lesser than that of Saudi male. Few studies have yet investigated the involvement of Saudi females in SM. This study was conducted to determine the effects of SM on Saudi females. A comprehensive online survey was conducted and 632 valid responses were collected from Saudi females. Saudi females use SM to spend their spare time or for entertainment, to stay up-to-date with news and current events and to connect with friends and family. The study reveals a low percentage of SM use among Saudi females for business purposes. The finding also show that SM is potential to play a significant role in empowering the life of Saudi females at early age hence more effort should be undertaken to encourage more uptake of SM for business and commerce regardless of gender.Keywords: Social media, Saudi Arabia, females, data screenin

    Social media adoption framework for aged care service providers in Australia

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    © 2017 IEEE. The aged care sector has been a late adopter of social media platforms for communicating, collaborating, marketing and creating brand awareness. There is little research that examines the adoption of social media by aged care service providers for these purposes. This paper reviews the status of social media adoption in the Australian aged care industry, to understand in what ways social media can serve older people's needs, and to develop recommendations for aged-care service providers to adopt social media applications to empower older people. Through a review of the literature and interviews with Australian experts, this paper suggests aged care providers use a three-phase framework when adopting social media in the aged care sector. The first phase is to adopt a popular public social media platform such as Facebook followed by Instagram and Twitter. The second phase supports interaction by encouraging posts and feedback by locally hosted member forums. The third phase is the adoption of specialised social applications for closed groups and specific functions. The paper concludes with a discussion on the implications of the framework and proposes directions for future research

    Social media usage by elderly: application of technology acceptance model

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    Although social media usage grows every day, we do not know with certainty the use that the senior citizens give to them, nor the factors that influence its use. This research is intended to apply an adaptation of the technology acceptance model (TAM) in elderly citizens to assess what influences their actual use of social media if they indeed use it.  For this purpose, 300 adults over 60 participated in Cuenca, Ecuador. Through a survey we tried to find out the perceived usefulness, the perceived ease of use, the attitude toward using social networks, the behavioral intention to use social media, and the actual usage that elderly give to social media. The findings of the study show that the perceived ease of use does not influence the behavioral intention to use social media by the elderly, but rather it is the perceived usefulness of the network and its contents what have a positive and significant effect on social media usage by senior citizens

    Aging and everyday technology

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    This paper presents a literature review and indicative findings that are part of ongoing research into aging and technology. The review finds that research on older technology users has contributed valuable information on the impact of age-related changes on technology use, as well as older adults’ acceptance and adoption of contemporary technologies. However, the majority of the research has been conducted from the perspective of age-related differences in use and performance, or it is medically-focused, examining the potential of technology to improve an individual’s quality of life (QoL), for example. Research on older people and technology does not adequately address the integration of technology into the everyday lives of older people. This paper identifies that there is substantial opportunity to examine older users’ everyday information and communication technology (ICT) use, and to inform technology design beyond measures of performance, usability and adoption

    Factors Affecting the Cloud ERP: A Case Study of Learning Resources Department at Jordanian Education Ministry

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    Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems have been used by organizations for years, whereas Cloud ERP systems gained an audience a few years ago from practitioners and academicians. As such, there is a migration from the traditional ERP to the Cloud ERP system, and employees in most organizations are accustomed to the traditional ERP system. In order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Cloud ERP system used in the operation stage. Organizations must research the factors that impact users' satisfaction and managerial decision-making. There are a lot of prior studies that measured users' adoption of ERP systems using a technological acceptance model (TAM). Thus, this study also utilized the TAM model to examine the factors influencing users' adoption of Cloud ERP systems. To get the maximum value of the validity and reliability of the findings, the study was conducted in two folds: pre-implementation and post-implementation. In addition, structural equation modelling was employed to reach the findings. Finally, the study identified the technology factor, employee factor, perceived usefulness and ease of use as important variables affecting Cloud ERP adoption; and as essential antecedents influencing managerial decision-making. This study is the first to employ the TAM model in the Cloud ERP area in two waves: pre-post implementation phases. Interestingly, the relationships between the pre-and post-implementation variables do not differ significantly

    Towards a Wellbeing-driven System Design for Intergenerational Collaborative Innovation: A Literature Review

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    Researchers have previously utilized the advantages of a design driven by well-being and intergenerational collaboration (IGC) for successful innovation. Unfortunately, scant information exists regarding barrier dimensions and correlated design solutions in the information systems (IS) domain, which can serve as a starting point for a design oriented toward well-being in an IGC system. Therefore, in this study, we applied the positive computing approach to guide our analysis in a systematic literature review and developed a framework oriented toward well-being for a system with a multi-generational team. Our study contributes to the IS community by providing five dimensions of barriers to IGC and the corresponding well-being determinants for positive system design. In addition, we propose further research directions to close the research gap based on the review outcomes

    Women’s digital skills in the use of social network sites: differences by employment status

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    Este artículo presenta resultados parciales de la investigación “las mujeres como tejedoras de las redes sociales: estrategias relacionales e inclusión digital”, financiada por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. El objetivo del estudio es conocer las competencias digitales de las mujeres en el uso de las redes sociales y determinar perfiles según su nivel de habilidad en las redes. Además, analizamos las diferencias en la competencia digital en función de la situación laboral de las mujeres. Con este fin, se realizó una encuesta de 1340 mujeres con diferentes perfiles en función de su situación laboral y su edad. Se aplicó una escala para medir las competencias digitales en el uso de redes sociales, que obtuvo índices óptimos de validez y fiabilidad. Los resultados muestran un nivel medio-alto de competencias en el uso de las redes sociales, siendo las mujeres profesionales y emprendedoras las que muestran competencias más avanzadas respecto a las mujeres desempleadas. Todas ellas tienen poco desarrolladas las competencias de manejo de información y creación de contenidos, lo que tiene repercusión en la formación para el empleoThis article presents partial results of the investigation “women as weavers of the social networks: relational strategies and digital inclusion”, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The purpose of this study is to know the digital skills of women in the use of social networks and determine the profiles according to their level of skills. In addition, we analyze differences in digital competence depending on women employment status. To this end, we conducted a survey of 1340 women with different profiles depending on their employment status and their age. We applied a scale to measure digital skills in using social networking sites, which had optimal rates of validity and reliability. The results show a medium-high level of digital skills in the use of social networks, finding that women professional and entrepre- neurial show more advanced skills regarding unemployed women. All women surveyed have underdeveloped skills of information management and digital content creation, which has an impact on training for employment

    Motives for using social networking sites in the development of rural women’s social capital

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    Estudios previos han mostrado los riesgos de exclusión digital de comunidades rurales y personas mayores y cómo las motivaciones de uso influyen en las prácticas y hábitos de uso de las tecnologías. Con este trabajo queremos analizar cómo las motivaciones, que impulsan a las mujeres adultas de entorno rural a usar las redes sociales, favorecen el desarrollo de su capital social potenciando diferentes formas de participación en la cultura digital. Partiendo de una investigación más amplia sobre 478 mujeres andaluzas de zonas rurales de 18 a 65 años, este trabajo presenta un estudio cualitativo en profundidad de 13 de ellas mediante entrevistas autobiográficas sobre su experiencia en las redes. Los resultados muestran que el uso de las redes sociales descubre oportunidades de participación social vinculadas a diversas inquietudes, revelando las redes sociales como un espacio significativo para promover su participación en la vida cultural y social de sus comunidades.Previous studies have shown the risk of digital exclusion of rural communities and older people, and how their motives of use influence their practices and use habits of technologies. With this work we analyse how the motives of use that drive adult women in rural areas to use social media, promote the development of their social capital by means of strengthening different forms of participation in digital culture. Starting from a broader investigation on 478 Andalusian rural women 18 to 65 years, this paper presents a qualitative study in depth with 13 of them by autobiographical interviews about their experience in networks. The results show that the use of social networking sites discover them opportunities for social participation linked to various interests, revealing social networks as significant environment to promote their participation in cultural and social life of their communities

    Communication management 2.0: The development of three socio-cognitive models for brand page usage

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate how and why individuals use corporate pages on Facebook with the aim of developing a usage-specific inventory of incentive factors which describe brand page utilization for consumption, participation and production behavior. Design/methodology/approach – A combined perspective of uses-and-gratifications (U&G) and social cognitive theory (SCT) was applied to develop three models of brand page behavior. Based on a literature review, an online survey (N¼215) was conducted. Exploratory factor analyses identified motivational factors based on SCT incentive dimensions, which were cross-validated using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Findings – Results indicate that consumption behavior can best be explained by activity, self-reactive-novel and monetary incentives. Status incentives, practical-novel and self-reactive-idealistic incentives drive participation. Production behavior is best explained by social, self-reactive and status incentives. Practical implications – The models’ strategic implications for integrated communication management are discussed. Originality/value – The results suggest interconnections of incentive dimensions unique to brand page usage, which have not yet been explored in any research