68 research outputs found

    Obstacle-free geocasting protocol for ad hoc wireless networks

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    [[abstract]]Mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) comprise mobile hosts in a network bereft of base stations and characterized by a highly dynamic network topology. The MANET environment contains unpredictable obstacles, such as mountains, lakes, buildings, or regions without any hosts, impeding or blocking message relay. This study proposes geocasting protocol for sending short message from a source host to a geocasting region in ad hoc networks. The proposed protocol keeps messages away from unpredictable obstacles and creates a small flooding region. Experimental results show that a source host can send a short message to all hosts located in geographical area with a high success rate and low flooding overhead.[[conferencetype]]朋際[[conferencedate]]20030320~20030320[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]New Orleans, LA, US

    Self-organizing Network Optimization via Placement of Additional Nodes

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    Das Hauptforschungsgebiet des Graduiertenkollegs "International Graduate School on Mobile Communication" (GS Mobicom) der Technischen UniversitĂ€t Ilmenau ist die Kommunikation in Katastrophenszenarien. Wegen eines Desasters oder einer Katastrophe können die terrestrischen Elementen der Infrastruktur eines Kommunikationsnetzwerks beschĂ€digt oder komplett zerstört werden. Dennoch spielen verfĂŒgbare Kommunikationsnetze eine sehr wichtige Rolle wĂ€hrend der Rettungsmaßnahmen, besonders fĂŒr die Koordinierung der Rettungstruppen und fĂŒr die Kommunikation zwischen ihren Mitgliedern. Ein solcher Service kann durch ein mobiles Ad-Hoc-Netzwerk (MANET) zur VerfĂŒgung gestellt werden. Ein typisches Problem der MANETs ist Netzwerkpartitionierung, welche zur Isolation von verschiedenen Knotengruppen fĂŒhrt. Eine mögliche Lösung dieses Problems ist die Positionierung von zusĂ€tzlichen Knoten, welche die Verbindung zwischen den isolierten Partitionen wiederherstellen können. Hauptziele dieser Arbeit sind die Recherche und die Entwicklung von Algorithmen und Methoden zur Positionierung der zusĂ€tzlichen Knoten. Der Fokus der Recherche liegt auf Untersuchung der verteilten Algorithmen zur Bestimmung der Positionen fĂŒr die zusĂ€tzlichen Knoten. Die verteilten Algorithmen benutzen nur die Information, welche in einer lokalen Umgebung eines Knotens verfĂŒgbar ist, und dadurch entsteht ein selbstorganisierendes System. Jedoch wird das gesamte Netzwerk hier vor allem innerhalb eines ganz speziellen Szenarios - Katastrophenszenario - betrachtet. In einer solchen Situation kann die Information ĂŒber die Topologie des zu reparierenden Netzwerks im Voraus erfasst werden und soll, natĂŒrlich, fĂŒr die Wiederherstellung mitbenutzt werden. Dank der eventuell verfĂŒgbaren zusĂ€tzlichen Information können die Positionen fĂŒr die zusĂ€tzlichen Knoten genauer ermittelt werden. Die Arbeit umfasst eine Beschreibung, Implementierungsdetails und eine Evaluierung eines selbstorganisierendes Systems, welche die Netzwerkwiederherstellung in beiden Szenarien ermöglicht.The main research area of the International Graduate School on Mobile Communication (GS Mobicom) at Ilmenau University of Technology is communication in disaster scenarios. Due to a disaster or an accident, the network infrastructure can be damaged or even completely destroyed. However, available communication networks play a vital role during the rescue activities especially for the coordination of the rescue teams and for the communication between their members. Such a communication service can be provided by a Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET). One of the typical problems of a MANET is network partitioning, when separate groups of nodes become isolated from each other. One possible solution for this problem is the placement of additional nodes in order to reconstruct the communication links between isolated network partitions. The primary goal of this work is the research and development of algorithms and methods for the placement of additional nodes. The focus of this research lies on the investigation of distributed algorithms for the placement of additional nodes, which use only the information from the nodes’ local environment and thus form a self-organizing system. However, during the usage specifics of the system in a disaster scenario, global information about the topology of the network to be recovered can be known or collected in advance. In this case, it is of course reasonable to use this information in order to calculate the placement positions more precisely. The work provides the description, the implementation details and the evaluation of a self-organizing system which is able to recover from network partitioning in both situations

    Geographic Adaptive Fidelity and Geographic Energy Aware Routing in Ad Hoc Routing

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    Location based routing protocols are the kinds of routing protocols, which use of nodes’ location information, instead of links’ information for routing. They are also known as position based routing. In position based routing protocols, it is supposed that the packet source node has position information of itself and its neighbors and packet destination node. In recent years, many location based routing protocols have been developed for ad hoc and sensor networks. In this paper we shall present the concept of location-based routing protocol, its advantages and disadvantages. We shall also look into two popular location-based protocols: Geographic Adaptive Fidelity (GAF) and Geographic and Energy Aware Routing (GEAR)

    Reliable geocasting for random-access underwater acoustic sensor networks

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    a b s t r a c t Reliable data delivery for underwater acoustic sensor networks is a major concern in applications such as surveillance, data collection, navigation, and ocean monitoring. Geocasting is a crucial communication primitive needed to support these applications, which consists in transmitting one or multiple consecutive data packets -all carrying an atomic message -to nodes located in a certain geographic region. In this article, two versions of a distributed, reliable, and efficient underwater geocasting solution (based on different degrees of neighbor information) are proposed for underwater networks whose acoustic modems use random-access Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols. By jointly considering the position uncertainty of nodes as well as the MAC and routing functionalities, packet transmissions are prioritized and scheduled so to maximize link reliability while limiting the end-to-end geocasting delay. Moreover, a simple yet effective timer-based mechanism is designed to limit the number of transmissions by selecting only a subset of neighbors for packet forwarding. Performance is evaluated and compared via thorough simulations against existing geocasting solutions tuned for the underwater environment that were originally designed for terrestrial wireless networks

    The Four Principles of Geographic Routing

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    Geographic routing consists in using the position information of nodes to assist in the routing process, and has been a widely studied subject in sensor networks. One of the outstanding challenges facing geographic routing has been its applicability. Authors either make some broad assumptions on an idealized version of wireless networks which are often unverifiable, or they use costly methods to planarize the communication graph. The overarching questions that drive us are the following. When, and how should we use geographic routing? Is there a criterion to tell whether a communication network is fit for geographic routing? When exactly does geographic routing make sense? In this paper we formulate the four principles that define geographic routing and explore their topological consequences. Given a localized communication network, we then define and compute its geographic eccentricity, which measures its fitness for geographic routing. Finally we propose a distributed algorithm that either enables geographic routing on the network or proves that its geographic eccentricity is too high.Comment: This manuscript on geographic routing incoporates team feedback and expanded experiment

    Supporting Protocols for Structuring and Intelligent Information Dissemination in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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    The goal of this dissertation is the presentation of supporting protocols for structuring and intelligent data dissemination in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). The protocols are intended to first introduce a structure in VANETs, and thus promote the spatial reuse of network resources. Segmenting a flat VANET in multiple cluster structures allows for more efficient use of the available bandwidth, which can effectively increase the capacity of the network. The cluster structures can also improve the scalability of the underlying communication protocols. The structuring and maintenance of the network introduces additional overhead. The aim is to provide a mechanism for creating stable cluster structures in VANETs, and to minimize this associated overhead. Further a hybrid overlay-based geocast protocol for VANETs is presented. The protocol utilizes a backbone overlay virtual infrastructure on top of the physical network to provide geocast support, which is crucial for intervehicle communications since many applications provide group-oriented and location-oriented services. The final contribution is a structureless information dissemination scheme which creates a layered view of road conditions with a diminishing resolution as the viewing distance increases. Namely, the scheme first provides a high-detail local view of a given vehicle\u27s neighbors and its immediate neighbors, which is further extended when information dissemination is employed. Each vehicle gets aggregated information for road conditions beyond this extended local view. The scheme allows for the preservation of unique reports within aggregated frames, such that safety critical notifications are kept in high detail, all for the benefit of the driver\u27s improved decision making during emergency scenarios

    A Game Theory-Based Obstacle Avoidance Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The obstacle avoidance problem in geographic forwarding is an important issue for location-based routing in wireless sensor networks. The presence of an obstacle leads to several geographic routing problems such as excessive energy consumption and data congestion. Obstacles are hard to avoid in realistic environments. To bypass obstacles, most routing protocols tend to forward packets along the obstacle boundaries. This leads to a situation where the nodes at the boundaries exhaust their energy rapidly and the obstacle area is diffused. In this paper, we introduce a novel routing algorithm to solve the obstacle problem in wireless sensor networks based on a game-theory model. Our algorithm forms a concave region that cannot forward packets to achieve the aim of improving the transmission success rate and decreasing packet transmission delays. We consider the residual energy, out-degree and forwarding angle to determine the forwarding probability and payoff function of forwarding candidates. This achieves the aim of load balance and reduces network energy consumption. Simulation results show that based on the average delivery delay, energy consumption and packet delivery ratio performances our protocol is superior to other traditional schemes

    WRGP : Weight Aware Route Guiding Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks with Obstacles

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    [[abstract]]The greedy forwarding routing protocol has been widely used for constructing a route with low control overheads in wireless sensor networks. However, its performance drops significantly when obstacles exist. This paper proposes a novel mechanism, named WRGP, which removes the impact of obstacles on the greedy forwarding routing. The proposed WRGP initially applies the previous research to specify the border nodes that surround the obstacle. Then the border nodes in the concave region of the obstacle initiate the weight assigning process and establish a forbidden region to prevent the packets from entering the concave region. Finally WRGP specifies some border nodes to act as the effective border nodes for constructing the optimal routes from themselves to the sink node. Comparing with the existing obstacles-resisting protocols, the proposed WRGP avoids the ping-pong effect and guides the packets moving along the shortest path from the encountered effective border node to the sink node. In addition, the M-WRGP is further developed to cope with the multi-obstacle problem. Simulation results show that both WRGP and M-WRGP outperform the existing protocol PAGER in terms of control overheads and average route length.[[notice]]æœŹæ›žç›źćŸ…èŁœ
