4 research outputs found

    Observer-biased bearing condition monitoring: from fault detection to multi-fault classification

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    Bearings are simultaneously a fundamental component and one of the principal causes of failure in rotary machinery. The work focuses on the employment of fuzzy clustering for bearing condition monitoring, i.e., fault detection and classification. The output of a clustering algorithm is a data partition (a set of clusters) which is merely a hypothesis on the structure of the data. This hypothesis requires validation by domain experts. In general, clustering algorithms allow a limited usage of domain knowledge on the cluster formation process. In this study, a novel method allowing for interactive clustering in bearing fault diagnosis is proposed. The method resorts to shrinkage to generalize an otherwise unbiased clustering algorithm into a biased one. In this way, the method provides a natural and intuitive way to control the cluster formation process, allowing for the employment of domain knowledge to guiding it. The domain expert can select a desirable level of granularity ranging from fault detection to classification of a variable number of faults and can select a specific region of the feature space for detailed analysis. Moreover, experimental results under realistic conditions show that the adopted algorithm outperforms the corresponding unbiased algorithm (fuzzy c-means) which is being widely used in this type of problems. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Grant number: 145602

    An Incremental Radial Basis Function Network Based on Information Granules and Its Application

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    This paper is concerned with the design of an Incremental Radial Basis Function Network (IRBFN) by combining Linear Regression (LR) and local RBFN for the prediction of heating load and cooling load in residential buildings. Here the proposed IRBFN is designed by building a collection of information granules through Context-based Fuzzy C-Means (CFCM) clustering algorithm that is guided by the distribution of error of the linear part of the LR model. After adopting a construct of a LR as global model, refine it through local RBFN that captures remaining and more localized nonlinearities of the system to be considered. The experiments are performed on the estimation of energy performance of 768 diverse residential buildings. The experimental results revealed that the proposed IRBFN showed good performance in comparison to LR, the standard RBFN, RBFN with information granules, and Linguistic Model (LM)

    Flexible document organization: comparing fuzzy and possibilistic approaches

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    System flexibility means the ability of a system to manage imprecise and/or uncertain information. A lot of commercially available Information Retrieval Systems (IRS) address this issue at the level of query formulation. Another way to make the flexibility of an IRS possible is by means of the flexible organization of documents. Such organization can be carried out using clustering algorithms by which documents can be automatically organized in multiple clusters simultaneously. Fuzzy and possibilistic clustering algorithms are examples of methods by which documents can belong to more than one cluster simultaneously with different membership degrees. The interpretation of these membership degrees can be used to quantify the compatibility of a document with a particular topic. The topics are represented by clusters and the clusters are identified by one or more descriptors extracted by a proposed method. We aim to investigate if the performance of each clustering algorithm can affect the extraction of meaningful overlapping cluster descriptors. Experiments were carried using well-known collections of documents and the predictive power of the descriptors extracted from both fuzzy and possibilistic document clustering was evaluated. The results prove that descriptors extracted after both fuzzy and possibilistic clustering are effective and can improve the flexible organization of documents.CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level Personnel) (PDSE grant 5983-11-8)FAPESP (Sao Paulo Research Foundation) (grant 2011/19850-9

    Observer-Biased Fuzzy Clustering

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