116,812 research outputs found

    Inspecting subjects and aspects 11 - 18 : Information technology

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    A review of the research literature relating to ICT and attainment

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    Summary of the main report, which examined current research and evidence for the impact of ICT on pupil attainment and learning in school settings and the strengths and limitations of the methodologies used in the research literature

    Measures for assessing the impact of ICT use on attainment

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    "Building on ImpaCT2, this study aims to design a measure or measures capable of tracking 'snapshot' data, such that it will be possible to monitor the development of ICT use to support attainment" -- page 4

    Toward a Systematic Evidence-Base for Science in Out-of-School Time: The Role of Assessment

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    Analyzes the tools used in assessments of afterschool and summer science programs, explores the need for comprehensive tools for comparisons across programs, and discusses the most effective structure and format for such a tool. Includes recommendations

    An evaluation of a professional learning network for computer science teachers

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    This paper describes and evaluates aspects of a professional development programme for existing CS teachers in secondary schools (PLAN C) which was designed to support teachers at a time of substantial curricular change. The paper’s particular focus is on the formation of a teacher professional development network across several hundred teachers and a wide geographical area. Evidence from a series of observations and teacher surveys over a two-year period is analysed with respect to the project’s programme theory in order to illustrate not only whether it worked as intended, by why. Results indicate that the PLAN C design has been successful in increasing teachers’ professional confidence and appears to have catalysed powerful change in attitudes to learning. Presentation of challenging pedagogical content knowledge and conceptual frameworks, high-quality teacher-led professional dialogue, along with the space for reflection and classroom trials, triggered examination of the teachers’ own current practices

    Attitudes and perceptions of middle school students toward competitive activities in physical education

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    The attitudes and perceptions of middle school students toward competitive activities in physical education were examined. Ten boys and 14 girls volunteered (11-high-skilled, 11 moderate-skilled, and 2 low skilled students) in 6th and 7th grade from a total of 6 schools, all offering competitive activities. Data collection was conducted over several months and included focus groups consisting of students of mixed skill levels, observations of competitive class activities, and informal interviews with teachers. The three major themes that emerged were, having fun in competitive activities, not all students were attaining motor skills necessary to participate in activities due to a lack of time to engage in appropriate practice, and the structure of competitive activities affects student experience

    Cine-Therapie / Film-Therapie : eine erste Bibliographie

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    DarĂŒber können viele, die in der Bildungsarbeit der Akademien versuchen, mit allgemeinem Publikum ĂŒber Themen ins GesprĂ€ch zu kommen, die tabuisiert, traumatisiert, intimisiert oder sonstwie blockiert sind, berichten: Setzt man Filme als Katalysatoren des GesprĂ€chs ein, wird es vielen möglich, ĂŒber Dinge zu sprechen, die ihnen sonst unzugĂ€nglich sind. Und sie können anders darĂŒber sprechen, als ermögliche der Film eine Spiegelung und dadurch eine Abmilderung der eigenen Behinderungen im Umgang mit einem Thema. Dass Psychiater sich dieser eigentĂŒmlichen FĂ€higkeit des Films versichert haben, sie zu therapeutischen Zwecken ausnutzen, nimmt nicht wunder. Zwar ist die Film- oder Cinetherapie erst seit wenigen Jahren auch Thema theoretischer Reflexion, doch spielt Film im therapeutischen Prozeß schon lange eine gewichtige Rolle. Film and andere KĂŒnste, mĂŒĂŸte man ergĂ€nzen, weil gewisse Spielformen der narrativen Therapie, die Bibliotherapie und die Kunsttherapie sehr viel lĂ€ngere Traditionen auch theoretischer Reflexion kennt, manchmal zur Grundlage ganzer Therapieformen geworden ist

    Review of Data Sources for School to Work Transitions by Youth with Disabilities

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