120,634 research outputs found

    Empowerment for Continuous Agent-Environment Systems

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    This paper develops generalizations of empowerment to continuous states. Empowerment is a recently introduced information-theoretic quantity motivated by hypotheses about the efficiency of the sensorimotor loop in biological organisms, but also from considerations stemming from curiosity-driven learning. Empowemerment measures, for agent-environment systems with stochastic transitions, how much influence an agent has on its environment, but only that influence that can be sensed by the agent sensors. It is an information-theoretic generalization of joint controllability (influence on environment) and observability (measurement by sensors) of the environment by the agent, both controllability and observability being usually defined in control theory as the dimensionality of the control/observation spaces. Earlier work has shown that empowerment has various interesting and relevant properties, e.g., it allows us to identify salient states using only the dynamics, and it can act as intrinsic reward without requiring an external reward. However, in this previous work empowerment was limited to the case of small-scale and discrete domains and furthermore state transition probabilities were assumed to be known. The goal of this paper is to extend empowerment to the significantly more important and relevant case of continuous vector-valued state spaces and initially unknown state transition probabilities. The continuous state space is addressed by Monte-Carlo approximation; the unknown transitions are addressed by model learning and prediction for which we apply Gaussian processes regression with iterated forecasting. In a number of well-known continuous control tasks we examine the dynamics induced by empowerment and include an application to exploration and online model learning

    Exponential Stabilisation of Continuous-time Periodic Stochastic Systems by Feedback Control Based on Periodic Discrete-time Observations

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    Since Mao in 2013 discretised the system observations for stabilisation problem of hybrid SDEs (stochastic differential equations with Markovian switching) by feedback control, the study of this topic using a constant observation frequency has been further developed. However, time-varying observation frequencies have not been considered. Particularly, an observational more efficient way is to consider the time-varying property of the system and observe a periodic SDE system at the periodic time-varying frequencies. This study investigates how to stabilise a periodic hybrid SDE by a periodic feedback control, based on periodic discrete-time observations. This study provides sufficient conditions under which the controlled system can achieve pth moment exponential stability for p > 1 and almost sure exponential stability. Lyapunov's method and inequalities are main tools for derivation and analysis. The existence of observation interval sequences is verified and one way of its calculation is provided. Finally, an example is given for illustration. Their new techniques not only reduce observational cost by reducing observation frequency dramatically but also offer flexibility on system observation settings. This study allows readers to set observation frequencies according to their needs to some extent

    Computational Techniques for Stochastic Reachability

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    As automated control systems grow in prevalence and complexity, there is an increasing demand for verification and controller synthesis methods to ensure these systems perform safely and to desired specifications. In addition, uncertain or stochastic behaviors are often exhibited (such as wind affecting the motion of an aircraft), making probabilistic verification desirable. Stochastic reachability analysis provides a formal means of generating the set of initial states that meets a given objective (such as safety or reachability) with a desired level of probability, known as the reachable (or safe) set, depending on the objective. However, the applicability of reachability analysis is limited in the scope and size of system it can address. First, generating stochastic reachable or viable sets is computationally intensive, and most existing methods rely on an optimal control formulation that requires solving a dynamic program, and which scales exponentially in the dimension of the state space. Second, almost no results exist for extending stochastic reachability analysis to systems with incomplete information, such that the controller does not have access to the full state of the system. This thesis addresses both of the above limitations, and introduces novel computational methods for generating stochastic reachable sets for both perfectly and partially observable systems. We initially consider a linear system with additive Gaussian noise, and introduce two methods for computing stochastic reachable sets that do not require dynamic programming. The first method uses a particle approximation to formulate a deterministic mixed integer linear program that produces an estimate to reachability probabilities. The second method uses a convex chance-constrained optimization problem to generate an under-approximation to the reachable set. Using these methods we are able to generate stochastic reachable sets for a four-dimensional spacecraft docking example in far less time than it would take had we used a dynamic program. We then focus on discrete time stochastic hybrid systems, which provide a flexible modeling framework for systems that exhibit mode-dependent behavior, and whose state space has both discrete and continuous components. We incorporate a stochastic observation process into the hybrid system model, and derive both theoretical and computational results for generating stochastic reachable sets subject to an observation process. The derivation of an information state allows us to recast the problem as one of perfect information, and we prove that solving a dynamic program over the information state is equivalent to solving the original problem. We then demonstrate that the dynamic program to solve the reachability problem for a partially observable stochastic hybrid system shares the same properties as for a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) with an additive cost function, and so we can exploit approximation strategies designed for POMDPs to solve the reachability problem. To do so, however, we first generate approximate representations of the information state and value function as either vectors or Gaussian mixtures, through a finite state approximation to the hybrid system or using a Gaussian mixture approximation to an indicator function defined over a convex region. For a system with linear dynamics and Gaussian measurement noise, we show that it exhibits special properties that do not require an approximation of the information state, which enables much more efficient computation of the reachable set. In all cases we provide convergence results and numerical examples
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