35 research outputs found

    Implementation of a multiuser customized oblivious RAM

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    Outsourcing data to cloud storage has become popular. Example systems such as Google Drive, Amazon S3 and Microsoft Azure are affordable and convenient, and provide scalable storage space. However, since the data management is left to third party, users no longer have physical control of their sensitive data, which raises new challenges in terms of data privacy. Data encryption provides confidentiality, but encryption alone is not enough since information may be leaked through the pattern in which users access the data. In this thesis, we implemented a Customized ORAM(C-ORAM) system that allows oblivious access to remotely-stored data in multi-user scenario. Experiments have shown that C-ORAM can effectively protect user\u27s privacy as well as achieve low communication overhead at individual users

    DivORAM: Towards a practical oblivious RAM with variable block size

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    Oblivious RAM (ORAM) is important for applications that require hiding access patterns. Many ORAM schemes have been proposed but most of them support only storing blocks of the same size. For the variable length data blocks, they usually fill them upto the same length before uploading, which leads to an increase in storage space and network bandwidth usage. To develop the first practical ORAM with variable block size, we proposed the “DivORAM” by remodeling the tree-based ORAM structure. It employs an additively homomorphic encryption scheme (Damgård–Jurik cryptosystem) executing at the server side to save the client computing overhead and the network bandwidth cost. As a result, it saves network bandwidth 30% comparing with Ring ORAM and 40% comparing with HIRB ORAM. Experiment results show that the response time of DivORAM is 10 ×  improved over Ring ORAM for practical parameters

    SqORAM: Read-Optimized Sequential Write-Only Oblivious RAM

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    Oblivious RAM protocols (ORAMs) allow a client to access data from an untrusted storage device without revealing the access patterns. Typically, the ORAM adversary can observe both read and write accesses. Write-only ORAMs target a more practical, {\em multi-snapshot adversary} only monitoring client writes -- typical for plausible deniability and censorship-resilient systems. This allows write-only ORAMs to achieve significantly-better asymptotic performance. However, these apparent gains do not materialize in real deployments primarily due to the random data placement strategies used to break correlations between logical and physical namespaces, a required property for write access privacy. Random access performs poorly on both rotational disks and SSDs (often increasing wear significantly, and interfering with wear-leveling mechanisms). In this work, we introduce SqORAM, a new locality-preserving write-only ORAM that preserves write access privacy without requiring random data access. Data blocks close to each other in the logical domain land in close proximity on the physical media. Importantly, SqORAM maintains this data locality property over time, significantly increasing read throughput. A full Linux kernel-level implementation of SqORAM is 100x faster than non locality-preserving solutions for standard workloads and is 60-100% faster than the state-of-the-art for typical file system workloads

    Data-Oblivious Graph Algorithms in Outsourced External Memory

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    Motivated by privacy preservation for outsourced data, data-oblivious external memory is a computational framework where a client performs computations on data stored at a semi-trusted server in a way that does not reveal her data to the server. This approach facilitates collaboration and reliability over traditional frameworks, and it provides privacy protection, even though the server has full access to the data and he can monitor how it is accessed by the client. The challenge is that even if data is encrypted, the server can learn information based on the client data access pattern; hence, access patterns must also be obfuscated. We investigate privacy-preserving algorithms for outsourced external memory that are based on the use of data-oblivious algorithms, that is, algorithms where each possible sequence of data accesses is independent of the data values. We give new efficient data-oblivious algorithms in the outsourced external memory model for a number of fundamental graph problems. Our results include new data-oblivious external-memory methods for constructing minimum spanning trees, performing various traversals on rooted trees, answering least common ancestor queries on trees, computing biconnected components, and forming open ear decompositions. None of our algorithms make use of constant-time random oracles.Comment: 20 page

    Path ORAM: An Extremely Simple Oblivious RAM Protocol

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    We present Path ORAM, an extremely simple Oblivious RAM protocol with a small amount of client storage. Partly due to its simplicity, Path ORAM is the most practical ORAM scheme known to date with small client storage. We formally prove that Path ORAM has a O(log N) bandwidth cost for blocks of size B = Omega(log^2 N) bits. For such block sizes, Path ORAM is asymptotically better than the best known ORAM schemes with small client storage. Due to its practicality, Path ORAM has been adopted in the design of secure processors since its proposal

    Oblivious RAM with O((log N)3) worst-case cost

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    LNCS v. 7073 entitled: Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2011Oblivious RAM is a useful primitive that allows a client to hide its data access patterns from an untrusted server in storage outsourcing applications. Until recently, most prior works on Oblivious RAM aim to optimize its amortized cost, while suffering from linear or even higher worst-case cost. Such poor worst-case behavior renders these schemes impractical in realistic settings, since a data access request can occasionally be blocked waiting for an unreasonably large number of operations to complete. This paper proposes novel Oblivious RAM constructions that achieves poly-logarithmic worst-case cost, while consuming constant client-side storage. To achieve the desired worst-case asymptotic performance, we propose a novel technique in which we organize the O-RAM storage into a binary tree over data buckets, while moving data blocks obliviously along tree edges.postprin

    The Melbourne Shuffle: Improving Oblivious Storage in the Cloud

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    We present a simple, efficient, and secure data-oblivious randomized shuffle algorithm. This is the first secure data-oblivious shuffle that is not based on sorting. Our method can be used to improve previous oblivious storage solutions for network-based outsourcing of data