42 research outputs found

    Oblivious Network RAM and Leveraging Parallelism to Achieve Obliviousness

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    Oblivious RAM (ORAM) is a cryptographic primitive that allows a trusted CPU to securely access untrusted memory, such that the access patterns reveal nothing about sensitive data. ORAM is known to have broad applications in secure processor design and secure multi-party computation for big data. Unfortunately, due to a logarithmic lower bound by Goldreich and Ostrovsky (Journal of the ACM, \u2796), ORAM is bound to incur a moderate cost in practice. In particular, with the latest developments in ORAM constructions, we are quickly approaching this limit, and the room for performance improvement is small. In this paper, we consider new models of computation in which the cost of obliviousness can be fundamentally reduced in comparison with the standard ORAM model. We propose the Oblivious Network RAM model of computation, where a CPU communicates with multiple memory banks, such that the adversary observes only which bank the CPU is communicating with, but not the address oset within each memory bank. In other words, obliviousness within each bank comes for free either because the architecture prevents a malicious party from observing the address accessed within a bank, or because another solution is used to obfuscate memory accesses within each bank and hence we only need to obfuscate communication patterns between the CPU and the memory banks. We present new constructions for obliviously simulating general or parallel programs in the Network RAM model. We describe applications of our new model in secure processor design and in distributed storage applications with a network adversary

    Efficiently Hardening SGX Enclaves against Memory Access Pattern Attacks via Dynamic Program Partitioning

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    Intel SGX is known to be vulnerable to a class of practical attacks exploiting memory access pattern side-channels, notably page-fault attacks and cache timing attacks. A promising hardening scheme is to wrap applications in hardware transactions, enabled by Intel TSX, that return control to the software upon unexpected cache misses and interruptions so that the existing side-channel attacks exploiting these micro-architectural events can be detected and mitigated. However, existing hardening schemes scale only to small-data computation, with a typical working set smaller than one or few times (e.g., 88 times) of a CPU data cache. This work tackles the data scalability and performance efficiency of security hardening schemes of Intel SGX enclaves against memory-access pattern side channels. The key insight is that the size of TSX transactions in the target computation is critical, both performance- and security-wise. Unlike the existing designs, this work dynamically partitions target computations to enlarge transactions while avoiding aborts, leading to lower performance overhead and improved side-channel security. We materialize the dynamic partitioning scheme and build a C++ library to monitor and model cache utilization at runtime. We further build a data analytical system using the library and implement various external oblivious algorithms. Performance evaluation shows that our work can effectively increase transaction size and reduce the execution time by up to two orders of magnitude compared with the state-of-the-art solutions

    PEO-Store: Practical and Economical Oblivious Store with Peer-to-Peer Delegation

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    The growing popularity of cloud storage has brought attention to critical need for preventing information leakage from cloud access patterns. To this end, recent efforts have extended Oblivious RAM (ORAM) to the cloud environment in the form of Oblivious Store. However, its impracticality due to the use of probability encryption with fake accesses to obfuscate the access pattern, as well as the security requirements of conventional obliviousness designs, which hinder cloud interests in improving storage utilization by removing redundant data among cross-users, limit its effectiveness. Thus, we propose a practical Oblivious Store, PEO-Store, which integrates the obliviousness property into the cloud while removing redundancy without compromising security. Unlike conventional schemes, PEO-Store randomly selects a delegate for each client to communicate with the cloud, breaking the mapping link between a valid access pattern sequence and a specific client. Each client encrypts their data and shares it with selected delegates, who act as intermediaries with the cloud provider. This design leverages non-interactive zero-knowledge-based redundancy detection, discrete logarithm problem-based key sharing, and secure time-based delivery proof to protect access pattern privacy and accurately identify and remove redundancy in the cloud. The theoretical proof demonstrates that the probability of identifying the valid access pattern with a specific user is negligible in our design. Experimental results show that PEO-Store outperforms state-of-the-art methods, achieving an average throughput of up to 3 times faster and saving 74% of storage space

    ZeroTrace : Oblivious Memory Primitives from Intel SGX

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    We are witnessing a confluence between applied cryptography and secure hardware systems in enabling secure cloud computing. On one hand, work in applied cryptography has enabled efficient, oblivious data-structures and memory primitives. On the other, secure hardware and the emergence of Intel SGX has enabled a low-overhead and mass market mechanism for isolated execution. By themselves these technologies have their disadvantages. Oblivious memory primitives carry high performance overheads, especially when run non-interactively. Intel SGX, while more efficient, suffers from numerous software-based side-channel attacks, high context switching costs, and bounded memory size. In this work we build a new library of oblivious memory primitives, which we call ZeroTrace. ZeroTrace is designed to carefully combine state-of-the-art oblivious RAM techniques and SGX, while mitigating individual disadvantages of these technologies. To the best of our knowledge, ZeroTrace represents the first oblivious memory primitives running on a real secure hardware platform. ZeroTrace simultaneously enables a dramatic speed-up over pure cryptography and protection from software-based side-channel attacks. The core of our design is an efficient and flexible block-level memory controller that provides oblivious execution against any active software adversary, and across asynchronous SGX enclave terminations. Performance-wise, the memory controller can service requests for 4~B blocks in 1.2~ms and 1~KB blocks in 3.4~ms (given a 10~GB dataset). On top of our memory controller, we evaluate Set/Dictionary/List interfaces which can all perform basic operations (e.g., get/put/insert)

    Efficient Data-Oblivious Computation

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    The rapid increase in the amount of data stored by cloud servers has resulted in growing privacy concerns for users. First, although keeping data encrypted at all times is an attractive approach to privacy, encryption may preclude mining and learning useful patterns from data. Second, companies are unable to distribute proprietary programs to other parties without risking the loss of their private code when those programs are reverse engineered. A challenge underlying both those problems is that how data is accessed — even when that data is encrypted — can leak secret information. Oblivious RAM is a well studied cryptographic primitive that can be used to solve the underlying challenge of hiding data-access patterns. In this dissertation, we improve Oblivious RAMs and oblivious algorithms asymptotically. We then show how to apply our novel oblivious algorithms to build systems that enable privacy-preserving computation on encrypted data and program obfuscation. Specifically, the first part of this dissertation shows two efficient Oblivious RAM algorithms: 1) The first algorithm achieves sub-logarithmic bandwidth blowup while only incurring an inexpensive XOR computation for performing Private Information Retrieval operations, and 2) The second algorithm is the first perfectly-secure Oblivious Parallel RAM with O(log3N)O(\log^3 N ) bandwidth blowup, O((logm+loglogN)logN)O((\log m + \log \log N)\log N) depth blowup, and O(1)O(1) space blowup when the PRAM has mm CPUs and stores NN blocks of data. The second part of this dissertation describes two systems — HOP and GraphSC — that address the problem of computing on private data and the distribution of proprietary programs. HOP is a system that achieves simulation-secure obfuscation of RAM programs assuming secure hardware. It is the first prototype implementation of a provably secure virtual black-box (VBB) obfuscation scheme in any model under any assumptions. GraphSC is a system that allows cloud servers to run a class of data-mining and machine-learning algorithms over users’ data without learning anything about that data. GraphSC brings efficient, parallel secure computation to programmers by allowing them to express computation tasks using the GraphLab abstraction. It is backed by the first non-trivial parallel oblivious algorithms that outperform generic Oblivious RAMs

    Securing Cloud Computations with Oblivious Primitives from Intel SGX

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    We are witnessing a confluence between applied cryptography and secure hardware systems in enabling secure cloud computing. On one hand, work in applied cryptography has enabled efficient, oblivious data-structures and memory primitives. On the other, secure hardware and the emergence of Intel SGX has enabled a low-overhead and mass market mechanism for isolated execution. By themselves these technologies have their disadvantages. Oblivious memory primitives carry high performance overheads, especially when run non-interactively. Intel SGX, while more efficient, suffers from numerous software-based side-channel attacks, high context switching costs, and bounded memory size. In this work we build a new library of oblivious memory primitives, which we call ZeroTrace. ZeroTrace is designed to carefully combine state-of-art oblivious RAM techniques and SGX, while mitigating individual disadvantages of these technologies. To the best of our knowledge, ZeroTrace represents the first oblivious memory primitives running on a real secure hardware platform. ZeroTrace simultaneously enables a dramatic speedup over pure cryptography and protection from software-based side-channel attacks. The core of our design is an efficient and flexible block-level memory controller that provides oblivious execution against any active software adversary, and across asynchronous SGX enclave terminations. Performance-wise, the memory controller can service requests for 4~Byte blocks in 1.2~ms and 1~KB blocks in 3.4~ms (given a 10~GB dataset). On top of our memory controller, we evaluate Set/Dictionary/List interfaces which can all perform basic operations (e.g., get/put/insert) in 1-5~ms for a 4-8~Byte block size. ZeroTrace enables secure remote computations at substantially lower overheads than other comparable state-of-the-art techniques

    Fast Fully Oblivious Compaction and Shuffling

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    Several privacy-preserving analytics frameworks have been proposed that use trusted execution environments (TEEs) like Intel SGX. Such frameworks often use compaction and shuffling as core primitives. However, due to advances in TEE side-channel attacks, these primitives, and the applications that use them, should be _fully oblivious_; that is, perform instruction sequences and memory accesses that do not depend on the secret inputs. Such obliviousness would eliminate the threat of leaking private information through memory or timing side channels, but achieving it naively can result in a significant performance cost. In this work, we present fast, fully oblivious algorithms for compaction and shuffling. We implement and evaluate our designs to show that they are practical and outperform the state of the art. Our oblivious compaction algorithm, ORCompact, is always faster than the best alternative and can yield up to a 5x performance improvement. For oblivious shuffling, we provide two novel algorithms: ORShuffle and BORPStream. ORShuffle outperforms prior fully oblivious shuffles in all experiments, and it provides the largest speed increases—up to 1.8x—when shuffling a large number of small items. BORPStream outperforms all other algorithms when shuffling a large number of large items, with a speedup of up to 1.4x in such cases. It can obtain even larger performance improvements in application settings where the items to shuffle arrive incrementally over time, obtaining a speedup of as much as 4.2x. We additionally give parallel versions of all of our algorithms, prove that they have low parallel step complexity, and experimentally show a 5–6x speedup on an 8-core processor. Finally, ours is the first work with the explicit goal of ensuring full obliviousness of complex functionalities down to the implementation level. To this end, we design Fully Oblivious Assembly Verifier (FOAV), a tool that verifies the binary has no secret-dependent conditional branches

    Circuit OPRAM: Unifying Statistically and Computationally Secure ORAMs and OPRAMs

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    An Oblivious Parallel RAM (OPRAM) provides a general method to simulate any Parallel RAM (PRAM) program, such that the resulting memory access patterns leak nothing about secret inputs. OPRAM was originally proposed by Boyle et al. as the natural parallel counterpart of Oblivious RAM (ORAM), which was shown to have broad applications, e.g., in cloud outsourcing, secure processor design, and secure multi-party computation. Since parallelism is common in modern computing architectures such as multi-core processors or cluster computing, OPRAM is naturally a powerful and desirable building block as much as its sequential counterpart ORAM is. Although earlier works have shown how to construct OPRAM schemes with polylogarithmic simulation overhead, in comparison with best known sequential ORAM constructions, all existing OPRAM schemes are (poly-)logarithmic factors more expensive. In this paper, we present a new framework in which we construct both statistically secure and computationally secure OPRAM schemes whose asymptotical performance matches the best known ORAM schemes in each setting. Since an OPRAM scheme with simulation overhead X directly implies an ORAM scheme with simulation overhead X, our result can be regarded as providing a unifying framework in which we can subsume all known results on statistically and computationally secure ORAMs and OPRAMs alike. Particularly for the case of OPRAMs, we also improve the state-of-the-art scheme by superlogarithmic factors. To achieve the aforementioned results requires us to combine a variety of techniques involving 1) efficient parallel oblivious algorithm design; and 2) designing tight randomized algorithms and proving measure concentration bounds about the rather involved stochastic process induced by the OPRAM algorithm

    Perfectly Secure Oblivious Parallel RAM

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    We show that PRAMs can be obliviously simulated with perfect security, incurring only O(logNloglogN)O(\log N \log \log N) blowup in parallel runtime, O(log3N)O(\log^3 N) blowup in total work, and O(1)O(1) blowup in space relative to the original PRAM. Our results advance the theoretical understanding of Oblivious (Parallel) RAM in several respects. First, prior to our work, no perfectly secure Oblivious Parallel RAM (OPRAM) construction was known; and we are the first in this respect. Second, even for the sequential special case of our algorithm (i.e., perfectly secure ORAM), we not only achieve logarithmic improvement in terms of space consumption relative to the state-of-the-art but also significantly simplify perfectly secure ORAM constructions. Third, our perfectly secure OPRAM scheme matches the parallel runtime of earlier statistically secure schemes with negligible failure probability. Since we remove the dependence (in performance) on the security parameter, our perfectly secure OPRAM scheme in fact asymptotically outperforms known statistically secure ones if (sub-)exponentially small failure probability is desired. Our techniques for achieving small parallel runtime are novel and we employ expander graphs to de-randomize earlier statistically secure schemes --- this is the first time such techniques are used in the constructions of ORAMs/OPRAMs