3 research outputs found

    Improved collaborative filtering using clustering and association rule mining on implicit data

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    The recommender systems are recently becoming more significant due to their ability in making decisions on appropriate choices. Collaborative Filtering (CF) is the most successful and most applied technique in the design of a recommender system where items to an active user will be recommended based on the past rating records from like-minded users. Unfortunately, CF may lead to poor recommendation when user ratings on items are very sparse (insufficient number of ratings) in comparison with the huge number of users and items in user-item matrix. In the case of a lack of user rating on items, implicit feedback is used to profile a user’s item preferences. Implicit feedback can indicate users’ preferences by providing more evidences and information through observations made on users’ behaviors. Data mining technique, which is the focus of this research, can predict a user’s future behavior without item evaluation and can too, analyze his preferences. In order to investigate the states of research in CF and implicit feedback, a systematic literature review has been conducted on the published studies related to topic areas in CF and implicit feedback. To investigate users’ activities that influence the recommender system developed based on the CF technique, a critical observation on the public recommendation datasets has been carried out. To overcome data sparsity problem, this research applies users’ implicit interaction records with items to efficiently process massive data by employing association rules mining (Apriori algorithm). It uses item repetition within a transaction as an input for association rules mining, in which can achieve high recommendation accuracy. To do this, a modified preprocessing has been employed to discover similar interest patterns among users. In addition, the clustering technique (Hierarchical clustering) has been used to reduce the size of data and dimensionality of the item space as the performance of association rules mining. Then, similarities between items based on their features have been computed to make recommendations. Experiments have been conducted and the results have been compared with basic CF and other extended version of CF techniques including K-Means Clustering, Hybrid Representation, and Probabilistic Learning by using public dataset, namely, Million Song dataset. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed technique exhibits improvements of an average of 20% in terms of Precision, Recall and Fmeasure metrics when compared to the basic CF technique. Our technique achieves even better performance (an average of 15% improvement in terms of Precision and Recall metrics) when compared to the other extended version of CF techniques, even when the data is very sparse

    Conceptualizing the Electronic Word-of-Mouth Process: What We Know and Need to Know About eWOM Creation, Exposure, and Evaluation

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    Electronic word of mouth (eWOM) is a prevalent consumer practice that has undeniable effects on the company bottom line, yet it remains an over-labeled and under-theorized concept. Thus, marketers could benefit from a practical, science-based roadmap to maximize its business value. Building on the consumer motivation–opportunity–ability framework, this study conceptualizes three distinct stages in the eWOM process: eWOM creation, eWOM exposure, and eWOM evaluation. For each stage, we adopt a dual lens—from the perspective of the consumer (who sends and receives eWOM) and that of the marketer (who amplifies and manages eWOM for business results)—to synthesize key research insights and propose a research agenda based on a multidisciplinary systematic review of 1050 academic publications on eWOM published between 1996 and 2019. We conclude with a discussion of the future of eWOM research and practice

    Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2016: Technische Universität Ilmenau, 09. - 11. März 2016; Band I

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    Übersicht der Teilkonferenzen Band I: • 11. Konferenz Mobilität und Digitalisierung (MMS 2016) • Automated Process und Service Management • Business Intelligence, Analytics und Big Data • Computational Mobility, Transportation and Logistics • CSCW & Social Computing • Cyber-Physische Systeme und digitale Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke • Digitalisierung und Privacy • e-Commerce und e-Business • E-Government – Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien im öffentlichen Sektor • E-Learning und Lern-Service-Engineering – Entwicklung, Einsatz und Evaluation technikgestützter Lehr-/Lernprozess